A Corgi's Tale

Grey Wolfe Publishing, LLC, 9.4.2014 - 42 sivua
Ava and Brooke fall head over heels for a dog that keeps showing up in their yard. They cannot wait to introduce their new friend to their mom. But they soon decide their mom might not like the dog because it has a tail. So they try to hide it. Can they keep the tail a secret from mom? Or will mom accept the dog, tail and all?

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Tietoja kirjailijasta (2014)

David H Kelton wants children and adults alike to take time to notice the cute and cuddly in life.When he isn't illustrating, he is programming or spending time with his wife Jodi, their children Jamie and Lola, and their many animals in their home in Michigan. Jennifer Taylor-Haughey is a lawyer, mediator and first-time author. She lives in a lovely town in Michigan with her husbands, two daughters, and their Cardigan Corgi named Harley. Jennifer was inspired to write this tale after Harley befriended a Pembroke Corgi, and didn't even notice his new friend didn't have a tail.

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