Living in the Cold: Physiological and Biochemical Adaptations : Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Natural Mammalian Hibernation, Held October 6-11, 1985, at the Stanford University Conference Center, Fallen Leaf Lake, California, U.S.A.H. Craig Heller, X. J. Musacchia, Lawrence C. H. Wang Elsevier, 1986 - 587 sivua This collection of authoritative papers presents significant findings in the physiology of human and animal responses to acute cold. International experts review information based on studies ranging from recent investigations in molecular biology to environmental ecology. The contributors examine the comparative physiology of cold acclimation and cold adaptation and address a variety of important topics, including thermoregulation, neural and endocrine aspects of hibernation and seasonal cycles, and hypothermia. The papers in this volume are derived from the proceedings of the seventh international symposium Natural Mammalian Hibernation, held October 6-11, 1985, in Fallen Leaf Lake, California. |
A Critical Role for Membranes in Hibernation | 19 |
Membrane Transport at Low Temperature in Hibernators | 27 |
Tekijänoikeudet | |
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1986 by Elsevier acclimation activity ambient temperature American goldfinches annual cycle arousal from hibernation Biochemical Adaptations H.C. Biol birds blood body mass body temperature body weight bout brain brown adipose tissue brown fat cells changes circannual cold exposure Comp daily torpor decrease effect energy environmental enzyme European hamsters euthermic freezing function glucose golden-mantled ground squirrels gonadal ground squirrels guinea pig hamsters heat loss heat production hedgehog hibernation hibernation season homeothermic hormones hypothalamic hypothermia hypothermic increase induced injection laboratory levels lipid liver males mammals mechanisms melatonin membrane metabolic rate mice mitochondria mitochondrial muscle nonhibernating norepinephrine nucleus observed occur oxygen pattern period phase photoperiod Physiol Physiological and Biochemical pigeons pineal melatonin plasma protein rats receptors regulation reproductive response shivering short day short photoperiod significantly sleep species stimulation studies testosterone thermal thermogenesis thermogenic thermogenin thermoregulation thermoregulatory torpor Turkish hamsters Willow tit winter Zool