... clime, And spreads the honey of his deep research At his return — a rich repast for me. He travels, and I too. I tread his deck, Ascend his topmast, through his peering eyes Discover countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in... The Atlantic Monthly - Sivu 301867Koko teos - Tietoja tästä kirjasta
| William Cowper - 1800 - 438 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. Oh Winter, ruler of th' inverted year, Thy scatter'd hair with sleet like ashes fill'd, Thy breath... | |
| William Cowper - 1802 - 350 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes ; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. Oh Winter, ruler of th' inverted year, Thy scatter'd hair with sleet like ashes fill'd, Thy breath... | |
| 1802 - 302 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes ; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home* Oh Winter, ruler of the inverted year, 129 Thy scatter'd hair,' with sleet-like ashes, fill'd, Thy... | |
| James Macpherson - 1805 - 654 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes ; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home." If such be the general and undisputed advantages arising from the perusal of Voyages and Travels, little... | |
| William Cowper - 1806 - 234 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes ; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. Oh Winter, ruler oi the inverted year, Thy scattered hair with sleet like ashes filled, Thy breath... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1809 - 606 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart. Suffer his woes, and shsre in hU escapes : While fancy, like ihe finger d with ev'ry ill" twitt'ring from the straw-built The co § 112. A Fragment. MALLET. FAIR m6rn ascends : fresh zephyr's breath Blows' lib'ral o'er yon bloomy... | |
| William Cowper - 1810 - 212 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart, Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes-; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, «. Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. Oh Winter! ruler of th' inverted year, Thy scatter'd hair, with sleet like ashes fill'd, Thy breath... | |
| William Cowper - 1811 - 228 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woes, and share in his escapes f While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. Oh Winter, ruler of th' inverted year, Thy scatter'd hair, with sleet like ashes fill'd, Thy breath... | |
| sir Samuel Egerton Brydges (bart.) - 1813 - 326 sivua
...nescire malum est, agitamus." Har. 24. On the Pleasures of Reading. " While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home." Coivper. 25. How far History is true. " History is philosophy, teaching by example." Balingbroke, from... | |
| John Millard - 1813 - 704 sivua
...countries, with a kindred heart Suffer his woea, and share in his escapes ; While fancy, like the finger of a clock, Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. CHAP. II.— GEOGRAPHICAL DEFINITIONS. AN order to represent the surface of the earth, we make use... | |
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