Sivut kuvina



ABIGAIL, II., 574. B.

Abimelech, II., 218, D.

Abner, II., 545, C.

Acceptable places, II., 333, G.

Acceptable times, II., 332, F. et seq.

Adam, II., 357 et seq., 490, D., 605.

Agar, II., 349, I.

Agony, the meaning of, I., 585, F. A. et seq.

Alms, I., 44, B. et seq., 52 et seq., 114 (2), 122, C. et seq., 152, B., 189, I.
241, A., 244, A. B., 275, B. et seq., 304, A., 345, A,, 360, 364, A.

II., 24, 317, 325, E. et seq., 336, 503, A., 519, E., 521, B., 570, 660, B.,
670 et seq., 682, 696, C.

Alms given direct to our Lord. I., 141, B. et sea

Antonia, II., 34.

Apostolic See, infallibility of, I., 74, D., 177, 232, B., 237, A., 357, A.,
363, A., 393, B.

[blocks in formation]

Charity, I., 51, A., 68, J., 137, A., 183, F., 223, A., 355, A., 371, A., 485,
614, K.

II., 22, F., 147, 185, 279, 307, 313, 341, B., 364, 403, 420, 601, 626,

648, A., 650, 676, A., 690, B., 694, B., 701, C., D., 706, C.,
709, B., 718, D.

Chastity, II., 528, E., 705, A.

Christianity, II., 37.
Church, the, I., 232, B.

II., 309, O., 354, M. et seq., 381, 439, 455 et seq., 523, 691, 702, L.

Cleophas, II., 663, A.

Clock of the Passion, II., 577 et seq.

Comfort, I., 584, E., 585, F.

Communion, I., 130, A., 305, D., 352, A., 384, A., 392, 472, A., 480, 641. 647.

II., 316, 673, A. et seq., 676, A.

Compassion, I., 490, A., 559.

Confession, I., 66, F., 67, H.

II., 18, 72, 324, C., 333, G., 364, 439, 510 et seq., 704, D.

Confidence, I., 32, B., 43, A., 187, F., 562, 647, 685.

Conflict for our Souls, II., 44, 55.

Consolation (see Desolation), I., 97, B., 529, 531, B.

Contempt of others, I., 109, B.

Contrition, I., 354, A., B., 364, B., 599, 646, 756, A., 759 (1), 783.

II., 323, B., 325, 510, A., 515, 641, C., 658, 702, G., 703, B. 710,
C., D.

Courage, I., 772, L.

II., 164.

Cross, title of, II., 292.

the, II., 207, C., D. et seq.

Curiosity, I., 745, B., 746, C.

DARKNESS, I., 605, B.

II., 410.

Death, I., 27, B., 262, A., 313, A., 341, A., 347, A., 565, 791.

II., 315, Y., 337, K., 366, W., 382, A., 404, 432, C., 439 et seq., 441,
O., 445 et seq., 455, F., 461, B., 627, E., 721, B.

Desolation, I., 77, B., 203, 358, 530 (4), 572 (d.), 587, 601, 632, E.

II., 387, 412, 435.

Despair, II., 8, B. et seq., 27, C., 231, 242 (3).

Detraction, I., 367, B,

Devil, resistance to, II., 77.

Diligence, I., 121, B.

Dismas, St., II., 276, B., 321, A. et seq., 339, B., 468, J., 487, C. et seq., 545,
C., 566, A., 580 et seq., 595, E.

Drunkenness, II., 421, H. et seq.


Emmaus, II., 669, 672 et seq.

Enemies, I., 91, B.

Eternal Life, I., 511, A., B.

Eucharist, I., 130, A., 377, A. et seq., 399, 413, 417, K., 423, W. et seq., 591,

E., 561, 607, G., 608, H., I.

II., 149, 150, 171, 222, F., 334, 370, 467, I., 536, D. et seq., 551, 601.
610, K., 634, A., 650, A., 661, G., 666, 673.

Eve, II., 357 et seq.

Evil Influence, I., 139, A.

Excommunication among the Jews, I., 75-

FAITH, I., 48, B., 50, A., 95, A., 172, B., 176, 178, C., 201, A., 355, B., 384,
387, A., 390, A., 393, A., 789, B.

II., 69, 592, 652, C., 667, B., 684, B., 687, A., 694, A., 697, J., 698, T.

Fear, salutary, II., 121, 232, 233, 412, A., 442.

slavish, II., 176.

Forgiving injuries, I., 91, B., 203, A., 616, C., 660, A.

Free will, I., 57, B.

Friends, choice of, I., 63, A., 68.

GENEALOGY of our Lord's kindred, II., 343.

Gesmas, II., 276 et seq., 332, 487, B.

God's House, I., 458, 464.

II., 15, D., E.

Golgotha, II., 201, 335.

Grace, I., 90, A., 126, A. et seq., 262, D., 266, D.

II., 324, 329, A., 332, F., 333, 337, J., 339, B., 432, 509 (f.), 697, G.

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Hope, I., 48, C., 61, E., 63, E., 115, A., 117, D., 136, B., 197, D., 202, 242, A.,

391, A., 587, D., 602, A., 748, 780.

II., 9, 10, 18, C., D., 318, 478, 487, 511, 612, O.

Hospitality, I., 304, A. et seq., 328, A.

Human respect, I., 105, B., 152, A., 166, C., 177, A.

II., 679, D.

Humility, I., 180, A., 347, A., 426.

II., 214, B., 324, 325, 336.

Hypocrisy, I., 713, B.

II., 39, B., 40.

IGNATIUS, St., I., 120, A., 189, J., 239, A., 559, 594, 599, R., 600, 606, 777.

II., 27, B., 30, B., 96, 476, B., 528, G., 540, H., 606, B., 607,
D., 628, G., 636, D., 637, F., 689, B., 717, B., C.

Ignorance, II., 301, C. et seq., 312, S.

Indulgence, I., 547.

Infallibility, II., 295, 412, B., 490 (note).

Inordinate acts, II., 106.

JERUSALEM, II., 290, A. et seq., 301, 353, 474, 525, 564.

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Jesus Christ, (His) Aspect hidden, II., 155, C.


(His) Charity, I., 547, A., 553, A., 554, B., C., 568, N., 586, C..
595, K., 603, B., 607, G., 608, 611, A., 617, A.
II., 358, D., 366, D., 688, D.

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors]

(His) Compassion, I., 548, C., 606, E., 623, C., 646, 691, S.,
699, C., 721, E., 755-

II., 237, F., 691, F.

Crowned, II., 148.

(His) Desolation, I., 552, 577, H., I., 579, M., 601 (2).
II., 400 et seq.

Divinity (hidden during the Passion), II., 392.
Enthroned (in our hearts), II., 66, C.

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(His) Fear, I., 559, C.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

(His) Fore-knowledge of His sufferings, I., 82, B., 85, C., D., 165,

(His) Forgetfulness of Self in suffering, II.,

(Our) Friend, I., 38, A.

Friendless, II., 61, C., 150, K.

(His) Garments (divided), II., 341, 342, C.

C., 229, 595, J., K. ·

342, D.

Glorified by His enemies, II., 12, H., 94, B.

(The) Good Shepherd, II., 279.

(His) Gratitude, I., 144, A., 169, A., 398, B.

Healing in the Temple, I., 196, F.

(His) Heart, I., 96, 143, A., 372, 390, 413, B., 551, 552, 558, A.

568, 577, 607, 607, H.

II., 277, E., 303, G., 321, B., 328, I., 336, 347, G.,

358, P., 369, 370, 407, 411, A., 420, 446, 449, 461,

B., 465, D., 491, E., 492, 599, 601 et seq., 649, 660,
668, 671, D., 678, C.

(His) Humiliations, I., 569, P.

(His) Humility, I., 413, B., 600, T.

Hungry, I., 185, A.

Lamb of God, II., 14, 15, D.

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

(His) Liberality, I., 107, C.

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[ocr errors][ocr errors]

(His) Loud cry, interpreted, II., 395, 405.

[ocr errors]

(His) Loneliness, I., 283, A., 669, E., 765, C., 782, N.

(Our) Master, I., 268, P.

(Our) Mediator, I., 677.

II.. 120.

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[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

II., 472, H., 688, D.

(His) Perseverance in prayer, II., 586, C., 589, D., 610
(His) Poverty, I., 43, A., 148, C., 163, C., 200, B.
(His) Prayer, I., 579, K.

Preference for Jesus, II., 107, J.

Rejected, II., 104, F., 194, F.

(Our) Saviour, I., 74, E., 102, A., B., 114 et seq., 179, 425.
(His) Silence, I., 720.

(as the) Sinner, II., 2 B., 118, L., 229, 394, 398.

(His) Sorrow, I., 553 et seq., 567, L., 604.

II., 91, E., 115, 161, 224.
Suffering (desire of), I., 80, A.

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(unselfish in), I., 321, B.

from enemies, I., 576, F., 767, C.

from friends, I., 623, D., 683, A.

in His Mother, II., 347, 350, 356, 362, 393, A.,
399, 408, 417, D., 429, E.

for us, I., 54, A. et seq., 58, A.

(mental), I., 546, 549, B., 550, 566, K., 567, L.
568, 576.

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[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

willingly, I., 80, A., 554, 558, B., 561, 563, G., 570, Q.,
571 (2) et seq., 580, N., 595, J., 625, E.,

656, C., 676, H., 679, L., 682, R., 729, A.,
734, C., 771, I.

II., 398, 415.

(His) Temptations, II., 389, 391, 396, E.

(His) Tenderness, I., 31, A., 100, D., 131, 303, C., 393, A.

(His) Thirst, II., 420 et seq.

(at the) Tomb, II., 600 et seq.

Troubled in spirit, I., 361, A.

(the) Truth, II., 67, 69, C.

Union, with His Mother, II., 370, 394, 416, C.

Vinegar and gall (given to Him), II., 427 et seq.
Weeping, I., 155.

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(His) Yoke, I., 573.

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II., 53, 218, et seq.

(His) Zeal, I., 80, A. et seq., 94, A., 180, B., 194, A., 201, C.,

218, C.

II., 421, I., 422.

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