Sivut kuvina

3. The highly gifted Apostle Paul exprefsly fupplicated CHRIST for relief from fome "thorn in the flesh"-which obftructed, as he imagined, the fuccefs of his ministry, by expofing him to ridicule.


Upon this account, thrice befought I THE LORD, that it might be removed from me. But HE faid unto me: My grace is fufficient for thee, for MY POWER is perfected in infirmity.”—Most chearfully therefore (proceeds the Apostle) will I rather exult in my infirmities, that "THE POWER OF CHRIST may rest upon me." 2 Cor. xii. 8.

4. And if we afcend to the heavenly manfions with the mighty mystagogue John, what an amazing and ftupendous congregation of the joint worshippers of the LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT, and of THE LAMB that was flain, appears in and throughout the Apocalypfe! And that this also was the ufage of the Primitive Church, appears from the most ancient Litanies extant, and from the writings of the Apoftolic Fathers, and the earlier Heretics.

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Even the Socinians did not re

ject the religious worship of Jefus ChriftTHAT was reserved for " ftrenuous Unitarians."

"Hail, SON OF GOD, Saviour of men! thy name
Shall be the copious matter of my fong
Henceforth and never shall my harp thy praise
Forget, nor from thy FATHER's praise disjoin!”

I should now proceed to the third and laft head of the gigantic fpectre-GERMAN ILLUMINISM-the most mifchievous perhaps, especially among the Literati of a higher clafs, and Biblical critics, because the most learned, the most ingenious and the most induftrious, and confequently the most difficult of infpection, in a po pular way: But,

"A little learning is a dangerous thing:

Drink deep or tafte not the Pierian fpring." Pope..

Indeed, to infpect the various cells of this voluminous head, even fummarily, with any degree of accuracy proportioned to its importance, requires not






learning," and much more room than the faftidiousness of the public, at this inaufpicious feafon of rebellion, warfare and union, will admit. Perhaps a more critical and scientific investigation of the principles of German Hypercriticism, may be offered foon to learned theologians, both Grecian and Oriental, in a separate work," in a more questionable shape," from an Emeritus Professor, and therefore better entitled to ferious confideration and a fufficient" answer" by the whole corps of German and English Profeffors and Reviewers, than an anonymous INSPECTOR fighting in invifible armour.

Some "Spicilegia," however, in German phrase, from the Learned of the three Philofophizing Schools of Europe, may be felected from the mafs; " gleanings which may affift the English reader to form fome estimate of the nature of the Beast, in the following Part.




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