Charts showing- Percentages of children, ages 5-17, in private and parochial schools, Arkansas California Mississippi New York_ United States. 707-711 708 432 Per pupil expenditure, 1939-40 and 1945-46, in public, elementary, and Collins, M. D., appearance and testimony--- Quotation from address of Hon. M. E. Thompson, Governor of the Amount allocated from State funds in Arkansas, fiscal year 1947–48, 127 Percent of adults who reached high school, West Virginia, 1940, with 143 Per pupil expenditures for education, 1943-44, in United States, New 140 Salaries of West Virginia teachers and laborers, 1945–46_. 141 West Virginia's status in education with that for United States (1940) – 142 749-751 770 Cook, Mrs. Edna P., appearance and testimony. Council for Social Action, Congregational Christian Church, statement of__ Quotation from Senator Taft's remarks relative to S. 637, Seventy- 331 Current expenditure for the median classroom unit in the 48 States__ Facing 75 395 Darien Teachers Association, Darien, Conn., letter from. 286 Decatur (Ill.) Teachers Association, telegram supporting H. R. 2953-- by Arvid J. Burke in New York Education__ 484 762 340 646-665 756 (See Charts.) Douglas, Mrs. Helen Gahagan, Congresswoman from the State of Califor- 387-389 Editorial from- The Federal Council Bulletin__ Down, Hon. Edgar F., appearance and testimony- Eby, Kermit, appearance and testimony-- The Pittsburgh Courier, entitled "Basic Challenge in Texas"- 199-208 624-635 425 682 364 754 Epstein, Benjamin, appearance and testimony.. Analysis of certain proposed Federal-aid plans for education_. 10-17 18 Excerpts from- Page Article by Arvid J. Burke, in New York Education, entitled “Develop- Farrington, Hon. J. R., Delegate from Hawaii, letter from__ Federal Council Bulletin, editorial from_ 340 648 760 320 59 218 546 425 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, statement of-- 424 221 766 Feeney, Francis H., president, Arizona Education Association, letter from_ 755 669-681 Folsom, Hon. James E., Governor of the State of Alabama, letter from___. 429 525-542 443 433-448 133-138 General Assembly, State of Indiana, resolution opposing Federal aid 544 General Assembly, State of New Jersey, resolution opposing Federal aid 582 General Federation of Women's Clubs, resolution adopted in national 389 Geneva Teachers Association, Geneva, N. Y., letter from__. Hamilton, James T., superintendent, Vanport City public schools, Port- 759 Hart, Merwin K., appearance and testimony. 405-423 Hawaii Congress of Parents and Teachers, Honolulu, T. H., letter from__ Hendley, Charles J., appearance and testimony. 492-502 526 House of Representatives, Alabama Legislature, resolution adopted by‒‒‒‒ 2683 (Hon. Edward G. Rohrbough, of West Virginia). Jaggers, Richard E., statement by.. Jones, Ralph B., appearance and testimony State funds allocated, fiscal year 1947-48, for aid to local school districts and for highway construction and maintenance_. 478 120-131 127 Page Keehn, Rev. Thomas B., appearance and testimony- H. R. 2188___. King, Mrs. Irma Smith, appearance and testimony_ Pictures of buildings used as schoolhouses for Negroes in Alabama Kuenzli, Irvin R., appearance and statement_ Lancaster, A. B., appearance and testimony- H. R. 1942_. Landis, Hon. Gerald W., statement relative to H. R. 1942. League of Women Voters, statement in support of Federal aid to education. Alabama Education Association relative to legislative program, with Arkansas Public Expenditure Council_. Association for Childhood Education, Washington, D. C.. 751 756 Cass, Violet V., president, Classroom Teachers, Enumclaw, Wash_-_- Darien (Conn.) Teachers Association, endorsing H. R. 2953__. Federation of Churches of Rochester and Vicinity, Rochester, N. Y. Hamilton, James T., superintendent, Vanport City public schools, Port- 759 Hawaii Congress of Parents and Teachers, Honolulu, T. H.. 761 Hill Top Ministers' Association, Pittsburgh, Pa., opposing use of public 526 Low, James W., New York, N. Y 770 McDowell County Education Association, Welch, W. Va_ 767 Morrison, Hon. James H., conveying information relative to educa- 296 National Association for Nursey Education.... 765 National Board of Young Women's Christian Associations of the United 767 National Commission on Children and Youth, Cleveland, Ohio.. 766 771 National Council, Protestant Episcopal Church, New York, N. Y_ Peacock, D. V., of Chicago, Ill., urging Federal aid for education_ 300 755 South Carolina Education Association, urging enactment of H. R. 2953- 384 Staples, Edward, of Missouri Public Expenditure Survey, Jefferson 766 Teachers of Washington School, East Orange, N. J. 760 711 Thurmond, Hon. J. Strom, Governor of the State of South Carolina__ 430 West Virginia State Education Association, showing State aid to county 480 Wheeling Typographical Union, Wheeling, W. Va. 485 Whitman, Bertha, chairman, legislative committee of Greeley Class- 755 Letter from— Page Wicks, Owen C., president, Kittitas County (Wash.) Education 755 Woman's Auxiliary to National Council, Protestant Episcopal Church, 763 Wright, Hon. F. L., Governor of the State of Mississippi... 429 List of State-wide business organizations supporting Federal spending Low Pay Compels Teachers To Quit, article by Benjamin Fine, in New McCowen, Hon. Edward O., statement concerning provisions of H. R. 2953- 5-10 McDowell County (W. Va.) Education Association, letter from_. 767 McManus, Rev. William E., appearance and testimony-. 300-326 Article by, entitled "The Federal-Aid Controversy”. 320 Brief on behalf of National Catholic Welfare Conference, with tables Median level of support per classroom unit: Children, ages 5-17, per 1,000 population. Meyer, Mrs. Agnes E., appearance and testimony. 307 99 100 101 715-737 Morrison, Hon. James H., appearance and testimony. 287-297 Average salaries of teachers in Louisiana, 1939-40, 1945-46, and 297 H. R. 2525. 287 Letter conveying information relative to educational matters in 296 Quotation from statement of Louisiana Teachers Association_. 291 211-221 Average salaries and Federal aid in Kentucky, 1945 and 1946- 218 221 212 Mowrey, Corma, appearance and testimony (see also Charts). 138-148 765 National Association of Journalism Directors of Secondary Schools, state- 433 National Board of Young Women's Christian Associations of the United 767 National Child Labor Committee, statement of. 490 National Commission on Children and Youth, letter from. 766 National Committee of the League Opposed to Sectarian Appropriations, 771 National Council of the Episcopal Church, resolution adopted by- 646 Letter from___. 756 Resolutions on use of public funds for secular education___. 757 417 364 National Grange, proceedings of eightieth session, at Portland, Oreg., No- 648 Neff, Eleanor, appearance and testimony--. 467-475 Page Newark Evening News, article by Edmund L. Tink relative to statement of 700 New England Conference of the Methodist Church, letter from. Letter from____. 759 752 Resolution endorsing H. R. 2953 and principles on which it is based__. 63 767 New York State Congregational Christian Conference, resolution adopted by- 669 757 North Carolina Home Economic Association, telegram endorsing principles 484 Northern California-Western Nevada Council of Churches, letter from_ 765 Norton, Dr. John K., appearance and testimony (see also Charts)----- 64-120 486 Ogg, W. R., appearance and testimony.. 557-568 Omaha Council of Churches, Omaha, Nebr., letter from_. 646 Our Vanishing School Teachers, article by Gretta Palmer, in Reader's Peacock, D. V., of Chicago, Ill., letter urging Federal aid.. 300 648 318 Percent of adults who reached high school, West Virginia, 1940, compared 143 Per pupil expenditure, 1939-40 and 1945-46, public elementary and sec- 74 Per pupil expenditures for education, 1943-44, in United States, New 140 394-405 Average salary of teachers in 11 Southern States, 1943-44, for white 396 Current expense, per pupil, 1943-44, in 10 Southern States, for white 395 List of officers, National Association for the Advancement of Colored 401 Pictures of buildings used as schoolhouses for Negroes in Alabama (1940) -. 162 754 526 Progressive laws passed by Alabama Legislature, 1942-46, condensation of 230 Proposed Legislation Relating to Federal Aid for Education, statement of 763 Public Education, article by Fred Brenckman, from National Grange Louisiana Teachers Association's statement of March 1946. 291 331 Thompson, Hon. M. E., Governor of the State of Georgia, in address Resolutions adopted by- 708 Alabama Education Association.. 480 American Legion at national convention, San Francisco, 1946. 19 544 582 General Federation of Women's Clubs in national convention, 1946- 389 |