The acts of the Parliament of Western Australia1975 |
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Sivu 281
... pounds ) " in lines 15 and 16 Provision amended GOLD BUYERS ACT , 1921-1972 . Amendment Provision amended 2345 Amendment number SWAN RIVER CONSERVATION ACT , 1958-1966 . Amendment Section 22A 1975. ] 281 Metric Conversion . [ No. 42 .
... pounds ) " in lines 15 and 16 Provision amended GOLD BUYERS ACT , 1921-1972 . Amendment Provision amended 2345 Amendment number SWAN RIVER CONSERVATION ACT , 1958-1966 . Amendment Section 22A 1975. ] 281 Metric Conversion . [ No. 42 .
Sivu 283
... pounds " in line 4 of rule 3 , substitute " 6.8 kilograms " Sixth Schedule Sixth Schedule Sixth Schedule Sixth Schedule Delete " two inches " in line 5 of rule 3 , substitute " fifty millimetres " Delete " thirty - two pounds " in line ...
... pounds " in line 4 of rule 3 , substitute " 6.8 kilograms " Sixth Schedule Sixth Schedule Sixth Schedule Sixth Schedule Delete " two inches " in line 5 of rule 3 , substitute " fifty millimetres " Delete " thirty - two pounds " in line ...
Sivu 285
... pounds " in line 2 of paragraph ( b ) , substitute " 230 kilograms " 12 Section 81 ( 1 ) Delete " twelve inches " in line 9 , substitute " 300 millimetres " . 13 Section 82 ( 1 ) Delete " twelve inches " in line 10 of paragraph ( a ) ...
... pounds " in line 2 of paragraph ( b ) , substitute " 230 kilograms " 12 Section 81 ( 1 ) Delete " twelve inches " in line 9 , substitute " 300 millimetres " . 13 Section 82 ( 1 ) Delete " twelve inches " in line 10 of paragraph ( a ) ...
Local Government Act Amendment Act 1975 36 249 | 1 |
Registration of Births Deaths and Marriages Act Amendment Act 1975 11 | 33 |
Registration of Identity of Persons Act 1975 13 | 47 |
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Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent Agreement amended by adding amended by deleting application appointed arbitration Assembly of Western Assented to 16th authority Chairman chiplogs citation cited Clause commencement Commis Committee Company's Corporate Affairs Commission Court Dardanup declared law deleting the passage deleting the word deputy determined district effect election enacted Eneabba Energy Commission Excellent Majesty factory foreign company Geraldton Governor heavy minerals hereto hereunder industry irradiating apparatus Kewdale Legislative Assembly Legislative Council licence line four line three means ment mineral lease Minister nominated notice offence particle board parties payable person prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act provisions purposes pursuant Queen's Most Excellent Railways Commission recognized company referred regulations relation repealed and re-enacted respect salary Short title specified subclause subsection as follows substituted the word substituting the passage supply thereof tion Tribunal twice occurring Western Australia word Commissioner word Registrar