Sivut kuvina

Kohler will read "Der Israelit des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts," "Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums" and Steinschneider's "Hebräische Bibliographie;" Philipson, "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift" and pamphlets; Deutsch, "Juedische Zeitschrift," Vols. I-V; Hirsch, "Juedische Zeitschrift," Vols. VI-XI; Enelow, "Gesammelte Schriften," Vols. I-III; Schulman, "Gesammelte Schriften," Vols. IV-V; Sale, "Vorlesungen," Prayer-book, “Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft." He will also select such chapters from Geiger's works as are of general interest and are suitable for independent publication.

The manuscript must be in the hands of the Chairman of the committee by July 1, 1909. DR. K. KOHLER, Chairman.

Rabbi Levi-Inasmuch as this will involve considerable expense on the part of the Conference, I move that the report be referred to the Executive Committee with full power to act. Seconded.

The Chair-The Conference has decided to publish the Geiger volume in honor of the centenary of Geiger's birth. This committee was appointed in accordance with the resolutions of the Conference and has now brought in its report. I do not quite see how we can refer this back to the Executive Committee, unless we give definite instructions in addition to those of two years ago.

Rabbi Krauskopf-The Executive Committee should be mindful of the suggestion made by our Treasurer. They should have something to say as to how the volume shall be issued, how many copies, what paper and binding, and all matters of expense. I think that this is what our Treasurer had in mind.

Rabbi J. Stols-I would amend that the committee be continued, and their recommendation with regard to how the book shall be published, be referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. Let me read from the proceedings of two years ago. (v. Year Book, 1906, 86f.)

The Chair-The motion is this, that the Executive Committee be instructed to carry out the resolution of the Conference to issue a Geiger memorial volume before May, 1910, and that this committee, which has been appointed, be continued.

The motion as just announced was adopted unanimously.
The following resolution was offered by Rabbi Kornfeld:

Whereas, The lack of uniformity in the branches of study and the large variety of text-books used in our Sabbath schools make it impossible for one

school to recognize the certificates of standing given by another school not using the same system, thereby working a hardship to the child and reflecting upon the standard of efficiency of the work done; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Central Conference of American Rabbis take such steps as will eventually bring about these desired reforms.

Rabbi Wise-I move that this resolution be referred to a special committee to report at this Conference. Seconded.

Rabbi Levi-There is a standing committee on Sabbath schools, and it is within their authority. I move to amend that this resolution be referred to the Committee on Religious Schools, with instructions to report within the sessions of this Conference.

Rabbi Wise-I will accept that amendment with the consent of my second.

Rabbi Kornfeld-I wish to offer a substitute motion, that a special committee be appointed, independent of the regular Committee on Religious Schools, with instructions to report on this resolution at this Conference.

Seconded and carried.

The following committee was appointed: Kornfeld, Chairman; Kahn, F. Cohn, Alexander, Newfield and Kaplan.

The report of the Committee on the Harmonization of the Mosaic and Modern Marriage Laws was then presented by the Chairman, Rabbi Wm. Rosenau.


To the President and Members of the Central Conference of American Rabbis: GENTLEMEN : Your Committee on the Harmonization of the Mosaic and Modern Marriage Laws begs leave to report:

The task assigned to us is of such magnitude that it is impossible for us to give an exhaustive treatment of the subject at this time. We were appointed at the end of October, 1907, and because of the many official duties which have since then devolved upon us in our respective communities, we are in position merely to map out a line of procedure to be followed by this or by some other committee to be appointed. We deem it advisable to distribute the work which the study of the subject entails. One member should study the marriage laws of the Bible, another those of the Codes, another make a digest of the various laws in vogue in the different states of the

Union, and a fourth study similar attempts at harmonization made in this and other countries. With these separate studies as a basis your committee will then be in a position to suggest a method of harmonization asked for by your Executive Committee. Respectfully submitted,

WM. ROSENAU, Chairman.



Rabbi Frisch-I move you that the report be printed and the committee continued to carry out the work mapped out therein. Seconded.

Rabbi Rosenau-I would suggest that this committee be enlarged and reconstituted. We have on the one hand suffered a great loss in the death of Dr. Voorsanger, and on the other hand we are also unfortunately so distributed throughout the country that it is impossible for the committee to meet. I think it would be wise to constitute the committee so that it could meet at least once or twice during the year without great expense to the Conference. Therefore, I offer the amendment that the committee be reconstituted. Rabbi Frisch-I accept the amendment.

The Chair-This becomes part of the original motion, which is now as follows, that the report be accepted, the committee recohstituted, the Chairman continued and the report handed in next year.

Carried unanimously.

The Chair made an appeal to the members of the Conference in the interest of the Sabbath school magazine, "Young Israel", published by Mr. S. M. Goldsmith under the auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. The subject was discussed by Rabbis Zepin, Rypins and Wise and by Mr. Goldsmith, who was given the privilege of the floor.

Rabbi Mielziner-In view of what has been said I suggest that a communication be sent to the congregations represented by the members of this Conference, with the request that they subscribe for the paper for the children of the Sabbath schools.

The Chair-Do you mean that the Conference should send a communication to the congrégations?

Rabbi Mielziner-I mean that the Conference shall indorse what the Union has done, and call the attention of the boards of the congregations to the fact that it is their duty to support this paper. Moved and seconded.

Rabbi Zepin-That is a very good business move. This letter can be sent in the fall when the Rabbis return to their congregations. They can then present the matter to the Trustees, upon whom it must certainly have an effect, if we advise each congregation to adopt the paper as part of the Sabbath school cirriculum.

The Chair-You have heard the motion, that this Conference issue a communication to the congregations ministered to by our members, calling attention to this magazine, which is published under the auspices of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and urging the school committee to subscribe for it for the children of the school. Are there any remarks?

Rabbi Levi-I amend the motion to this effect, that we heartily indorse the publication of "Young Israel"; that we send our approval of this indorsement to the Union of the American Hebrew Congregations, since it is their work, which they are fostering in every way, and that they take this our approval and send it to all the congregations in the land, showing the high indorsement that has been paid by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. I do not believe we should interfere in the business affairs of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; they take our recommendation and make use of it in this way.


Rabbi Marx-The only suggestion I wish to make is that I hereby obligate myself to procure subscriptions for one hundred copies of the paper. I also wish to ask in what manner the motion and the amendment are incompatible?

The Chair-Rabbi Levi's amendment is intended to kill the motion. You are now voting on the amendment, which means that we do not send a communication from this Conference to the individual congregations, but one to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, which the Union can then use at its pleasure.

The amendment was lost. The original motion was then put and carried.

The paper of Rabbi Julian Morgenstern, on "The Significance of the Bible for Reform Judaism in the Light of Modern Scientific Research", was then read. (v. Appendix D.)

In addition to Rabbis Krass and Ettelson the discussion was participated in by Rabbis Kohler, Kaplan, Neumark, Ellinger, Wise, Enelow and Goldenson, and was closed by Rabbi Morgenstern. Adjourned.


The regular Sabbath evening service was read by Rabbi Nathan Stern. The Conference Sermon was preached by Rabbi Wm. Rosenau (v. Appendix E), and the closing prayer and benediction were given by Rabbi Seymour G. Bottigheimer.


The Sabbath morning service was conducted by Rabbis Jacob Mielziner and A. J. Messing. The Conference Lecture was delivered by Rabbi Wm. H. Greenburg (v. Appendix F), and the closing prayer and benediction were given by Rabbi Charles J. Freund.


The meeting was opened with prayer by Rabbi Martin A. Meyer. The minutes of the preceding session were read and approved. The report of the Committee on Sermonic Literature was then presented by the Chairman, Rabbi Samuel Hirschberg, and on motion was accepted.

REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SERMONIC LITERATURE. To the President and Members of the Central Conference of American Rabbis:

COLLEAGUES: The Chairman of your Committee on Sermonic Literature has always believed that the work of any committee should not be assumed by, nor devolve alone upon, its Chairman. He has always been of the mind that those who accepted the honor of appointment upon a committee owed as

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