THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COLONIAL OFFICE. Secretary of State, The Rt. Hon. Lord Knutsford, G.C.M.G. Under-Secretaries Assistant Under- Hon. Robert H. Meade, C.B. Private Secretary to the Secretary of State, W. A. Baillie Hamilton, C.M.G. Assistant Private J H. W. Just Secretaries Name. { C. Orlando Bridgeman Date of first 14 Jan., 1887. 20 Feb., 1888. 21 May, 1871. 21 May, 1871. 30 June, 1876. 19 July, 1878. 14 Jan., 1887. 14 Jan., 1887. Oct., 1889. >30 Sept. 72 30 April, 77 30 June, 79 1 July, 79 25 Mar. 81 28 Mar. 81 17 April, 82 1 Jan., 89 * Private Secretary to Baron de Worms. 1 Jan. 81 1 Dec. 81 9 Dec. 87 † Private Secretary to Sir R. G. W. Herbert. Financial Clerk. Clerk for Legal Instruments, F. O. Adrian. Assistant to the Financial Clerk, A. H. H. Engelbach. Superintendent of the Copying Branch, E. J. Jennings. First Class Clerk transferred from the late Emigration Board, J. B. Gill. DISTRIBUTION OF BUSINESS IN THE COLONIAL OFFICE. Secretary of State :-RT. HON. LORD KNUTSFORD, G.C.M.G., Private Secretaries:-Mr. W. A. Baillie Hamilton, C.M.G., Mr. H. W. Just, and Mr. Orlando Bridgeman. Permanent Under-Secretary:-SIR ROBERT G. W. HERBERT, K.C.B. Political and Constitutional Questions, General Supervision, Papers on all subjects before submission to the Secretary of State. Assistant Under-Secretaries: THE HON. R. H. MEADE, C.B.:-Colonial Estimates, Finance, Currency, Public Works, Pensions, MR. EDWARD WINGFIELD:-Colonial Laws and Ordinances, and other Legal Business, Land and Canada (Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Mr. C. A. Harris. E. H. Wedgwood. F. W. Fuller. W. H. Mercer. tories, British Columbia, and Prince Edward Mr. E. B. Pennell, C.M.G. Mr. J. Anderson. No. 3. General and Miscellaneous Correspondence, Mr. A W. L. Hemming, A. A. Pearson. Clerk) including Replies to Circulars, Governors' Mr. R. P. Ebden (Chief Mr. W. F. Westbrook. Registry:-Mr. J. C. Braddon (Superintendent), Mr. C. H. Niblett, Mr. T. Wilson, Mr. W. A. Printing Branch:-Mr. W. J. MacGee (Superintendent) and Mr. W. Baines; Mr. E. D. Rockett. Library:-Mr. C. Atchley (Superintendent) and Mr. J. Russell; Mr. II. Watts, and Mr. W. Scott. Copying Branch :-Mr. E. J. Jennings (Superintendent) and Writers. Order of St. Michael and St. George:-SIR CHARLES COx, K. C.M.G. (Chancellor)." W. H. Eggett. THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. The Crown Agents for the Colonies act as commercial and financial agents in this country for such of the Colonial Governments as do not possess Agents-General here. They are appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, who exercises a general supervision and control over their compliance with the directions of the Colonial Governments. Down to 1833 each Colony appointed its own agent in London, but in that year all the agencies were consolidated into one office, with the exception of six agents, who continued for a time to represent some of the West Indian Governments. The Colonies which have received responsible Government have all, with the exception of Newfoundland, which still occasionally employs the Crown Agents, established agencies of their own, the addresses of which will be found on the next page. OFFICES:-Downing Street, S. W., and 1, Tokenhouse Buildings, E.C. Accountant, J. W. Leonard. Registrar, J. Chadwick. for the W. H. Preece, C.E., for Telegraph Works. Inspecting Engineers. Engineering Clerk and Head of Contract Branch, Henry Wakefield, C.E. Assistant ditto, W. H. Lancaster. Lady Clerks: Principal, Miss J. Woodd. Miss K. Perrin. H. G. J. Cather. B. Browne. 99 E. Richardson. A. Stephens. City Office, 1, Tokenhouse Buildings, E.C. Clerks, J. H. Thomson, G. Sandham. Office Keeper, W. Deakin. Housekeeper, Mrs. Deakin. W. H. Stanger, C.E. W. P. Marshall, C.E.. Locomotive Engines and Rail- W. H. Greener, C.E., Telegraph Materials. Inspectors. W. H. Stanger, C.E., General Stores. Jas. Squire, Clothing and Dry Goods. J. Purcell, Leather Goods. A. Ponsonby, C. J. Seddon, and G. Steinson, Coal Bankers, Bank of England, London and West- Office Messengers, E. Hawkins, C. Newman, and Brokers, Messrs. Mullens, Marshall, & Co., and W. H. Keen. Messrs. J. & A. Scrimgeour. Bill Broker, J. Westwood Thompson. The following are the Colonies (arranged alphabetically) for which the Crown Agents transact financial, commercial, and railway business in this Country:~ This Office was established in October, 1886, under the supervision of the Colonial Office, for the purpose of supplying intending emigrants with useful and trustworthy information respecting emigration to the British Colonies. It is under the direction of a Voluntary Committee of Management, of which the President is the Secretary of State for the Colonies. The publications which are issued are as follows: 1. Circulars, revised quarterly, relating to Canada, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Cape Colony, and Natal. These circulars can be obtained free on application, written or personal, and give information as to rates of passage, demand for labour, conditions of hiring, &c., in the above ten colonies. 2. A general Poster, condensing the circulars, and also revised each quarter. This is exhibited in every Post Office in the United Kingdom. 3. A handbook, with map, price one penny, for each of the above colonies; revised annually. These books give fuller information as to the ten colonies, and are sold in combined form for one shilling and sixpence. 4. A handbook, price one penny, revised annually, giving information as to professional employment in the ten Colonies. 5. A handbook, price threepence, revised annually, giving information as to emigration statistics, emigration societies, &c. In addition to the above, information is given as far as possible as to other British Colonies and foreign fields of emigration to any inquirer by letter or in person. Öf British Colonies, Queensland at the present time gives most assistance to emigrants, mainly farm labourers and domestic servants. Western Australia, the Cape, and Natal, also give assistance to a limited extent. |