Ashantee Invasion, Threatened, C-3064, 1881. General Affairs, C-3386, 1882; C-3687, 1813; C-4052, 1884; C-4477, 1884-5; C-4906, 1886; C-5357, and C-5615, 1888. Gold Mines, Report on, C-5620-24, 1889. Governor's visit to Eastern Disticts, C-5249-5, 1888. Sanitary and Medical Reports, C-5071, 1887; C5249-9, 1888. Troops at Cape Coast, H.C., 78, 1882. Lagos (See also Gold Coast Colmy). Annual Reports. C-1869, 1877; C-2149, 1878; C-2444, 1878; C-2829, 1881; C-3218, 1882; C-3642, 1883; C-3794, 1883; C-5071, 1887; C-5239, 1887; C-5620-28, 1889. Negotiations for peace between Native Tribes, C-4957, 1887; C-5144, 1887. Sanitary Reports, C-5071, 1887; C-5249-17, 1888. Western Districts, Reports on, C-5249-33. St. Helena. Annual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-2149. 1878; C-2444, 1878; C-2730, 1880; C-3094, 1881; C-3218, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886; C-5239, 1887; C-5249-15; C— 5620-16, 1889. Financial Position, C-1685, 1877; C-1694, 1877 Mr. Morris' Report, C-4015, 1884. WEST AFRICA SETTLEMENTS. Annual Reports, C-2444, 1878; C-3094, 1881; Medical Department Report, C-5249-23, 1888. Murder of Slave Girl at Onitsha, C-3430, 1882. Gambia. Annual Reports, C-1869, 1877; C-2444, 1878: NORTH AMERICAN DEPENDENCIES. Bermuda. Annual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-2273, 1877; C-2730, 1880; C-3094, 1881; C-3388, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4193, 1884; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4904, 1886; C-5071, 1887; C-5249-14, 1888; C-5620-8, 1889. Revenue Returns, H. C. 90, 1888. Submarine Telegraph, Halifax and Bermuda, H.C. 120 and 183, 1889. Dominion of Canada. Addresses on Irish Affairs, H.C. 141, 1879; C3294, 1882. British Columbia, Registration of Land Titles, H.C. 211, 1881. Canadian Fruits, Report on, C-5239, 1887. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Mail Contract, H.C. 263, 1889. Cattle imported from Canada, H.L. 54, 1878. Chinese Immigration, C-5374, and C-5448, 1888. Colonisation Scheme, Crofter and Cottar, C-5403, 1888; H.C. 183, 1888. Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, H.C. 19, 1884-5. Customs Tariff, C-2305, 1879; C-2369, 1879; C-5179, 1887. Education, C-3981, 1884; C-5485, I, 1888. Emigration, Pauper Children, H.C. 9, 1875; H.C. 263, 1877; H.Č. 392, 1877. Extradition with United States, C-1482, 1876; Fishieries Question, C-2056, 1878; C-2183, 1878; High Commissioner in London, C-2594, 1880. Lighthouse at Cape Race, H.C. Bill-151, 1886; H.C. 245, 1886; H.C. 18, 1888; H.C. 279, 18×9. Monastic Institutions, C-1828, 1877; H.C. 385, 1877. Money Order Convention with France, C—4200, 1884-5. Nile Expedition, Canadian Voyageurs, H.C. 207, 1884-5. Ontario Boundary, H.C. Bill, 346, 1889. Relief to Ireland, H.C. 326, 1881. Roman Catholic Petitions, H. C. 389, 1878. Service in the Soudan, C-4324, 4437, and 4494, 1884-5. Submarine Telegraph, Halifax and Bermuda, H.C. 120 and 183, 1889. Temperance Acts, H. C. 367, 1880; C-3865, 1884. H.C. 421, 1888. Territories, Representation of, H. C. Bill, 234, 1886 (Sess. I). Newfoundland. Annual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-2149, 1877; C-2273, 1877; C-2730, 1880; C-2829, 1881; C-3642,1883; C-4404, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886; C-5071, 1887; C-5249-", 1888; C—5620-4, 1889. Fisheries Question, C-3848, 1884; C-4641, 1886; C-4976, 1887; C-4937 and 4995, 1887; C-5262, 1888. Fortune Bay Claims, C-2184, 1879; C—2717, 1880; C-2757, 1881; C-3059, 1881; C-3762, 1883. Lighthouse at Cape Race, H. C. Bill, 151, 1886; H.C. 245, 1886; H.C. 18, 1888; H.C. 279, 1889. WEST INDIAN AND SOUTH AMERICAN DEPENDENCIES. General Affairs. Incumbered Estates Act and Court, C-3982, 1884; C-4234, 1884-5; H.L. 115, 1886; H.C. Bill 233, 1886 (Sess. I). Indian Immigrants, C-2053, 1878; H.L. 16, 1878; C-2249, 1879 (Grenada); C-2437, 1879 (Jamaica); C-2602, 1880 (Grenada). Mail Contract, H.C. 131, 1884-5. Planting Enterprise, Mr. Morris' Report, C-3794, 1883. Royal Commission Reports, C-3840, Parts I to 1884-5. United States and Spain, Convention relative to West Indian Revenue, H. C. 90, 1888. Bahamas. Annual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-2149, 1878; Barbados. Annual Reports, C-1869, 1877; C-2273, 1879; C-2598, 1880; C-3094, 1881; C-3218, 1882; C-3388, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4015, 1884; C-4404, 1884-5; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886; C-5239, 1887; C-5249-16, 1888; C5620-29, 1889. Constitution and Administration, C-2645, 1880. Disturbances, C-1539, 1876; C-1559, 1876; C—1679, 1877; C-1687, 1877. Revenue Returns, H.C. 90, 1888. Union of the Windward Islands, C-4482, 1884-5. Yellow Fever, Experiments in, C—4015, 1884. British Guiana, Annual Reports, C-2146, 1878; C-2273, 1879; C-2474, 1879; C-2730, 1880; C-3218, 1882; C-3388, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4193, 1884; C-5239, 1887; C-5249-25; 1888; C-5249-32, 1888. Revenue Returns, H. C. 90, 1888. British Honduras. Administration, C-2978, 1881. -2444, 1879; C-2730, 1880; C-3094, 1881, C-3388, 1882; C-4015, 1884; C-4193, 1884; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4904, 1886; C-5071, 1887; C-5249-8, 1888; C-5620-12, 1889. Court of Appeal, H.C. 253, 1881. Falkland Islands. Aunual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-2149, 1878; C-2444, 1879; C-2730, 1880; C-3218, 1882; C-4015, 1884; C-4404, 1884-5; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886; C-5239, 1887; C5249-, 1888; C.-5620-12, 1889. British Settlements Bill, H.L 189, 1887. Jamaica. Annual Reports, C-1869, 1877; C-2444, 1879; Florence" Case, C-3453, 1882; C-3523, 1883. Annual Reports, C-1869, 1877; C-2273, 1879; C-2444, 1879; C-3218, 1882; C- 3388, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4404, 1884-5; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4904, 1886; C-5239, 1887; C5249-13, 1888; C-5620-9, 1889. Disturbances, C-4366, 1884-5. Revenue Returns, H. C. 90, 1888. Seizure of "Henrietta" and "Josephine," C4770, 1886; C-5257, 1888. Union of Trinidad and Tobago, H.L. Bill, 195, 1887. Turks Island. Annual Reports, C-2149, 1878; C-2444, 1879; C-2730, 1880; C-3094, 1881; C-3388, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4193, 1884; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886; C-5071, 1887; C-5249-10, 1888; C-5620-10, 1889. Revenue Returns, H.C., 90, 1888. WINDWARD ISLANDS. Appeal Court, H.C. Bill, 353, 1889. Union of Windward Islands, C-4482, 1884-5. Grenada. Annual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-1869, 1877; Revenue Returns, H. C. 90, 1888. St. George's Church, H. C. 101, 1884-5. St. Lucia. Annual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-2273, 1879; C-2444, 1879; C-2730, 1880; C-3218, 1882; C-3388, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4193, 1884; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886; C-5071, 1887; C-5249-20; C-5620-25, 1889. Report of Royal Commission, C-3840-I, 1884; C-3840-III, 1884. Revenue Returns, H. C. 90, 1888. St. Vincent. Annual Reports. C-1825, 1877; C-1869, 1877, C-2149, 1878; C-2444, 1879; C-2730, 1880; C-3218, 1882; C-3388, 1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4193, 1884; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4904, 1886; C-5239, 1887; C-5249-22, 1888. Report of Royal Commission, C-3840-I, 1884; Č-3840-III, 1884. Revenue Returns, H. C. 90, 1888. Tobago. Annual Reports, C-1825, 1877; C-2149, 1878; C-2598, 1880; C-2730, 1880; C-3094, 1881; C-3388.1882; C-3794, 1883; C-4404, 1884-5; C-4583, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886; C-5239, 1887; C. 5249-3, 1888; C-5620-2, 1889. Report of Royal Commission, C-3840-I, 1884: C-3840-III, 1884. Union of Tobago and Trinidad, H. L. Bill 195, 1887. AUSTRALASIAN DEPENDENCIES. General Affairs. Aborigines of Australia, H.L. 57, 1877. Federal Council, C-4217, C-4266, C-4397, C4398, C-4407, C-4452, C-4481, C-4495, and C-4582, 1884-5; C-4841, 1886; H.C. Bill 165, 1884-5. Imperial Defence, H. C. Bill 346, 1888. Mail Service, C-2361, 1879; C-3653, 1883. Postal, C-5409, 1888. Registration of Land Titles, H.C. 211 and 211-1, 1881. Report on General Statistics, C-4404, 1884–5. Service in the Soudan, C-4324, C-4437, and C-4494, 1884-5. Fiji. Annual Reports, C-3094, 1881; C-3218. 182; Disturbances, C-1826, 1877. Governor's Speeches, C-3642, 1882. Land Claims, C-3584, 1883; C-3815, 1883; C— 4433, 1884-5. Marriages, Validity, H.C. Bill 285, 1878. Population, Condition of the, C-4434, 1884-5; Small-pox, H.C. 411, 1880. Sydney Exbibition, Report of Commissioners, C— 3094, 1881. New Guinea. Annual Reports, C-5249-1, 1888, C-5620-3, 1889. Correspondence, C-1566, 1876; C-3617, 1883; C-3691, 1883; C-3814, 1883; C-3839, 1884; C-3863, 1884; C-4217, 1884-5; C-4273, 1884-5; C-4290, 1884-5; C-4441, 1884-5; C-4584,1884-5; C-4656, 1886; C-5249-, 1888; C-5883, 1889. Letters Patent and Instructions, &c., C-5564, 1888. New South Wales. Aborigines and the Native Languages, H.L. 57, 1877. Chinese Immigration, C-5448, 1888. Removal of certain Magistrates, C-3747, 1883. Reports on Statistics, C-1825, 1877; C-2149. 1878; C-2273, 1879; C-2598, 1880; C—30H4, 1881 C-4404, 1884-5. Tariff, C-2335, 1879. New Zealand. Broaching Cargo at Sea, C-1682, 1877. Chinese Immigration, C-5448, 1888. Contagious Diseases, H.C. 20, 1887. Elementary Education Acts, C-5485-I, 1888. Governor's Visit to Hokitika, C-1825, 1877. Imperial Federation, Memo. by Sir J. Vogel, C4521, 1884-5. Native Affairs, C-3382, 1882: C-3689, 1883; C-4413, 1884-5; C-4492, 1884-5; H.C. 110, 1886 (Sess. 1). Postal, C-5409, 1888. Reports on Statistics, C-2149, 1878; C-2598, 1880; C-3218, 1882; C-4015, 1884; C-5249-3, 1888; C-5620-3, 1889. Norfolk Island, Administration and Progress of, C-4583, 1884-5; C-4842, 1886. Report of Governor's Visit, C-4193, 1884. Queensland. Chinese Immigration, C-5448, 1888. Constitutional Powers of the two Houses of Legislature, C-4794, 1886. Elementary Education Acts, C— 5485-I, 1888. Immigration of South Sea Islanders, H.C. 29 and 29-I, 1877. Report on Statistics, C-2149, 1878.~ Melbourne Exhibition Report, C-5848, 1889. Reports on Statistics, C-1869, 1877; C-2273, Correspondence, C-3814, 1883; C--3839, 1884; C-3863, 1884; C-4217, 1884-5; C-4273, 18845; C-4290, 1884-5; C-4584, 1884-5; C-4656, 1886. Emigration to Queensland, H. C. 29, 1877. Labour Traffic, H.C. 111, 1878; C-3641, 1883. Loyalty Islands, Expulsion of Rev. J. Jones, C5581, 1888. New Hebrides, H.C. 355, 1881: C-3814, 1883; Raratonga, C-4246, 1884-5; C-4654, 1886. Reprisals by H.M.S. "Diamond," H.C. 51, 1886 (Sess. II.). Samoa, H.M.S. "Calliope," C-5732 and 5756, 1889. Samoa Treaties, &c., C-2747 and 2748, 1881; C4276, 1884-5; C-5629, 1889. Solomon Islands, H. C. 284, 1881; H.C-58, 1887. Supply of Arms, &c., to Natives, C-5240, 1887. Tahiti, Islands to the Leeward of, C-5372, 1888. Tanna, execution of a native of, H.C. 65, 1878; H.C. 223, 1878; H.C. 4, 1878-9. Tonga, C-3400, 1882; C-4651, 1886; C-4915, and C-4923-81, 1887; Mitchell's Report, C-5106, and C-5161, 1887; C-5252-182, 1888; C5618-122, 5618-154, 1889. Trade with Australia, C-4651, 1886. Working of Orders in Council, C-3905, 1884. III. PARTICULARS RESPECTING THE ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE. (Inserted at the suggestion of the Society on account of the importance of the subject to Colonists generally.) ROYAL COLONIAL INSTITUTE, NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, LONDON, W.C. Founded 1868; Incorporated by Royal Charter 1882. President. His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.B., G.C.S.J., G.C.M.G. Chairman of Council. His Grace The Duke of Manchester, K.P. Vice-Presidents. His Royal Highness Prince Christian, K.G. The Right Hon. The Marquis of Lorne, K.T., The Right Hon. The Marquis of Normanby, The Right Hon. The Earl of Dunraven, K.P. The Right Hon. The Earl of Rosebery. Sir Henry Barkly, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. British Guiana, G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.G., | New South Wales, George Bennett, Esq., M.D.. Georgetown. Canada, Andrew Robertson, Esq., Montreal. Sandford Fleming, Esq., C.M.G., Ottawa. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Toronto. Ernest B. C. Hannington, Esq., M.D., mar. The Leeward Islands, Hon. W. H. Whyham, Mauritius, A. De Boucherville, Esq., Port Louis. Sydney. New Zealand, James Allen, Esq., M.H.R., Dunedin. C. C. Bowen, Esq., Middleton, Christ church. Douglas McLean, Esq., Napier. South Australia, Sir Samuel Davenport, K.C.M.G., Straits Settlements, A. P. Talbot, Esq., Singa- Tasmania, N. E. Lewis, Esq., M.A., B.C.L., Trinidad, Hon. H. W. Chantrell. Victoria, H. H. Hayter, Esq., C.M.G., Melbourne. Western Australia, James Morrison, Esq., J.P., The Objects of the Institute are:— "To provide a place of meeting for all gentlemen connected with the Colonies and British India, and others taking an interest in Colonial and Indian affairs; to establish a reading room and library, in which recent and authentic intelligence upon Colonial and Indian subjects may be constantly available, and a Museum for the collection and exhibition of Colonial and Indian productions; to facilitate interchange of experiences amongst persons representing all the dependencies of Great Britain; to afford opportunities for the reading of papers, and for holding discussions upon Colonial and Indian subjects generally; and to undertake scientific, literary, and statistical investigations in connection with the British Empire. But no paper shall be read, or any discussion be permitted to take place, tending to give to the Institute a party character." (Rule 1.) There are two classes of fellows, resident and not-resident, both elected by the council on the nomination of two fellows, one of whom at least must sign on personal knowledge. The former pay an entrance fee of 31., and an annual subscription of 21.; the latter an entrance fee of 17. 18., and an annual subscription of 17. 18. (which is increased to 21. when temporarily visiting the United Kingdom). Resident fellows can compound for the annual subscription by the payment of 201., or after five years' annual subscription on payment of 157.; and non-resident fellows can compound for the non-resident annual subscription on payment of 107. The privileges of fellows, whose subscriptions are not in arrear, include the use of rooms, papers, and library. All fellows, whether residing in England or the Colonies, have a report of each meeting, and the annual volume of proceedings forwarded to them. To be present at the evening meetings, and to introduce one visitor. To be present at the Annual Conversazione, and to introduce a lady. The Institute occupies its own house, which comprises reading, news rooms, writing rooms, offices, &c. The library, of over 10,000 volumes (including pamphlets), chiefly on Colonial subjects, is open daily from 10 to 6, except on Saturday, when the hours are from 10 to 4. Books may be borrowed, and visitors introduced by a fellow are admitted. The Annual Meeting is held in February or March; ordinary meetings are held at 8 p.m. on the second Tuesday (as a general rule) of the mouths from November to June for the reading and discussion of papers. The number of members on 1st November, 1888, was 3,529. |