494 mail service to Australia, via Red Sea, and in getting the Australian sovereign made legal tender throughout the British dominions; act. agentgeneral for Tasmania, Feb. to Oct., 1888. YOUNG, CAPTAIN ARTHUR H.-Late 27th Inniskillings; educated at Edinburgh Academy, Rugby, and Sandhurst: local commandant, military police, Kyrenia, Aug., 1878; assistant-commissioner, Paphos, Nov., 1878; commissioner, Paphos, Sept., 1879; ditto, Famagusta, Jan., 1882. YOUNG, JAMES JUDSON.-Extra clerk, department of the accountant-general of the navy, Feb., 1856, to Mar., 1857; clerk in the office of the colonial secretary, British Columbia, Jan. 1860; also acted as private secretary to Sir J. Douglas from Sept., 1861, to the date of his retirement in 1864; deputy clerk, executive council, British Columbia, 2nd June, 1876; now deputy minister of Finance. YOUNG, WILLIAM DOUGLAS. — Educated at Charterhouse; clerk in government secretary's office, British Guiana, Jan., 1876; private secre tary to administrator of the government. Mar to Aug., 1877; private secretary to lieutenantgovernor, April to Dec., 1879; private secretary to the administrator, Trinidad, 1880; private secretary to lieut.-governor of B. Guiana, Dec., 1881, to May, 1882; senior clerk in charge of despatches, 1882; private secretary to governur, Gold Coast Colony, and clerk, legislative counci June, 1884; resumed duty, British Guiana, 1887; priv, secy. to Sir H. T Irving, 1887-8; secy. W W.I. quarantine conference, 1888. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. The following Index contains a reference to nearly every locality mentioned in the work. |