IMPERIAL Insurance Companies, 1, OLD BROAD STREET, AND 22, PALL MALL, LONDON. FIRE, ESTABLISHED 1803. Subscribed Capital, £1,200,000. Paid up Capital, £300,000. Invested Assets (Capital and Reserves), over £1,600,000. AUDITORS. HALTON, ELDRED, Esq. NEWMAN ROBERT LYDSTON, Esq. GILLIAT, JOHN SAUNDERS, Esq., M.P. HILL, JOHN SHERIFF, Esq. HUTH, EDWARD, Esq. LAWRIE, ALEX., Esq. LIDDERDALE, FRANCIS FREDERICK, Esq. MCCONNELL, JOHN, Esq. MURDOCH, C. TOWNSHEND, Esq., M.P. NEWMAN, THOMAS HOLDSWORTH, Esq. PRESCOTT, HENRY WARNER, Esq. Insurances against Fire on every Description of Property at Home, in Foreign Countries, and in the Colonies. Moderate Rates, Undoubted Security, Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. Loss or Damage by Gas Explosion in Buildings insured made good. No Charge for either Policy or stamp. The usual Commission allowed to Merchants and Brokers effecting Foreign and Ship Insurances. LIFE, ESTABLISHED 1820. Subscribed Capital, £750,000. Accumulated Funds £1,578,000. DIRECTORS. HALE, JOHN H., Esq., St. Andrew's Wharf, Blackfriars. HILL, JOHN SHERIFF, Esq.,-Young, Ehlers and Co., LAWRIE, ALEX., Esq.,-Alex. Lawrie and Co., PRESCOTT, H. W., Esq.,-Prescott, Cave, Buxton, SMITH, MARTIN RIDLEY, Esq.,-Smith, Payne and AUDITORS. Messrs. C. F. KEMP, FORD & CO., 73, Lombard Street, E.C. JOHN MCCONNELL, Esq. PERCIVAL BOSANQUET, Esq. Manager and Actuary-JAMES CHISHOLM. THE DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THIS COMPANY COMPRISE: Low Rates. Interim Bonuses. Guaranteed Surrender Values. Free Travelling all over the World. Endowment Assurances Payable during lifetime with Profits. PROSPECTUS POST FREE ON APPLICATION. COX & YEMAN, BILLIARD TABLE MAKERS BY APPOINTMENT TO H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh: H.M. The King of Siam: H.M. The King of Saxony. 0 Sole Makers to JOHN ROBERTS, Junior, CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. Makers to the Champion Players for the last twenty-nine years. 184, BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON, S.W. BYWATER, TANQUERAY & CO., 79, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON. Branch Offices-17, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL; and 17, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Goods of every description and Outfits for all Climates, for private use or otherwise, supplied at WHOLESALE SHIPPING PRICES, Packed and shipped in large or small quantities to any part of the world, Passages to all parts of the world engaged free of charge. Plans of Vessels and every information on application. Passengers met at all Ports. Baggage collected or received and shipped from London, Liverpool, Southampton, &c., or cleared upon arrival home, and warehoused during convenience. Packages received from friends for enclosure. Letters received and forwarded free of charge. No Commission charged on banking transactions. Accounts opened with regiments, officers, firms, societies, and individuals. Pay, Pensions, Fund Allowances, Salaries, and Dividends received and remitted when required. Investments made and sales effected in all descriptions of securities. Bonds and Debentures retained in safe custody, and the interest thereon realised. Drafts on foreign countries, Circular Notes, and Continental Letters of Credit provided. Cash received on current account, and 5 per cent. interest allowed upon deposit. Advantageous Terms for either Cash or Credit Customers, Full Particulars, Catalogue, List of Discounts, and all Information on Application. 2,000 REFERENCES TO CLIENTS IN NEARLY EVERY PART OF THE WORLD. Army Exchanges arranged. Produce received on consignment. Goods bought for Barter. Corresponding Agents at all Ports. Large Storage Warehouse for Baggage and Goods. WATER COLOURS IN CAKES, PANS, OR TUBES. OIL COLOURS IN TUBES. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, H.R.H. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH. AND 20,000 AND UPWARDS OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF OUT-DOOR WORK. CARSON'S NON-POISONOUS LIQUID PAINTS. These are beautifully prepared and of the highest quality. Suited for EVERY purpose WHERE ordinary paint CAN be applied. They possess great body and covering power. ALL COLOURS. EASILY APPLIED. The Original Anti-Corrosion Paint can only be obtained of WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. And BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. B W. CLARK'S ELASTIC WATERPROOF W. CLARK'S METROPOLITAN POLISH. This article is used for Cleansing and Polishing Ladies' and Gentlemen's Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, giving a Polish and Preserving them equal to new; also used for Ladies' Dull and Glacé Kid Boots, and Patent Leather parts of Harness. The above can be obtained of ali Saddlers, Chemists, &c., and of W. CLARK, 528, Oxford Street, London, W. |