AND-STITCHED SADDLERY AND FARNESS. WM. JENKINSON & CO., Home and Colonial Manufacturers, CONTRACTORS TO HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT. 44, London Wall & Albion Hall; Works, Albion Place (opposite) London, E.C. West End Branch: 18, PANTON STREET, LONDON, S.W. The following are Manufactured and supplied suitable for all parts of the world SPONGES FOR ALL USES AND STABLE REQUISITES. W. Jenkinson and Company also supply all kinds of Leather and Saddlers' Ironmongery for Manufacturing purposes. ESTIMATES AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. FIRST CLASS REFERENCES GIVEN. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HUGHES' IMPROVED SUGAR CANE AND OTHER MANURES, Specially prepared for West Indies. Registered Trade Mark "EHRMANNITE” For the Patent Sugar Processes. PATENT SUPERPHOSPHATES, SOLID PHOSPHORIC ACID, AND All kinds of Manure for Colonial use. Edward Packard & Co., 155, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON; & IPSWICH. Also Manufacturers of PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPHIC INKS, VARNISHES AND FINE COLOURS, SPECIALLY ADAPTED TO ALL CLIMATES. SHIPMENTS FROM ENGLAND FOR ALL PARTS ABROAD, SHOULD BE ORDERED PER PITT & SCOTT'S GENERAL SHIPPING AGENCY & FOREIGN PARCELS EXPRESS. [ESTABLISHED 1876.] CHEAP, SAFE, AND RAPID TRANSIT. OFFICES: LONDON.-Chief-23, CANNON STREET, E.C. s.w. { West End-7, CARLTON STREET, REGENT STREET, S.W. NEW YORK.-35 & 37, BROADWAY AND AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. N.B. GOODS, PARCELS, BAGGAGE, &C., forwarded to all parts of the world, rates free on application.-PARCELS carried by WEIGHT, irrespective of size, printed rates free.-PARCELS AND GOODS collected and packed together when required, saving expenses.-FURNITURE suitably PACKED for abroad, and forwarded [Vans provided for Continent]. Estimates free.-ORDERS to purchase goods executed.-CHEAP DAILY SERVICE TO CONTINENT, for Baggage, Goods, &c, Inclusive through rates per cwt. SECURE STORAGE FOR BAGGAGE (receipts given).-AUTHORISED PASSENGER AGENCY for the "Cunard," "White Star," "Guion," "Dominion," " Allan," "National," American," " Inman,' ""Union," &c., Lines of Steamers. DRAFTS ISSUED.-PASSENGERS met at all Ports.-CONSIGNMENTS OF PRODUCE received and sales effected. MANUFACTURED EXPRESSLY FOR EXPORT. RICHFORD'S PATENT MINERAL INK PASTE. Is entirely soluble in water and produces immediately a fast blue-black writing fluid, warranted not to fade, thicken, deposit sediment, or become mouldy. It will not clog or corrode pens, even if left immersed for weeks in the ink. Being impervious to atmospheric influences, this Ink Paste will keep for any length of time in any climate; and as no bottles are required, it possesses immense advantages over all liquid Inks for the purposes of shipping or export. This compound is put up in boxes of all sizes, with directions, stating the requisite quantity of water required. It is not however necessary that the entire contents of a box be used at one time; a little can be dissolved as needed. The Ink also can be made stronger or weaker by simply employing less or more water than the quantity specified, No. 1 to produce pint (2%1⁄2 oz.) price per dozen bottles -/10 Also in 1 lb. tins at 10/6 each. 1/4 2/4 4/3 8/6 1 lb. of the Ink Paste we warrant to produce up to 8 gallons of Fluid Ink-the best extant. E. M. RICHFORD, Manufacturer & Patentee, 44, SNOW HILL, LONDON, E.C. ALSO MAKER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF RUBBER STAMPS, ENDORSING & MARKING INKS, RUBBER-FACED TYPE, STAMP MAKING OUTFITS, &c. Specimens of Patterns free; Goods sent to all parts of the World. OAKES & CO., MADRAS, The Pioneers of the Indian Cigar Trade. OAKES BROTHERS & CO., 46, New Broad Street, London, E.C., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. Calcutta Exhibition, 1884-Silver Medal and Highest Award. These Honours were awarded to OAKES & COMPANY, MADRAS, For the excellent Quality and Superiority of their Description:- -"Pagodas" Nos. 1 and 2 have an unrivalled reputation throughout the World They are made from the finest Dindigul Tobacco, without any Foreign Leaf being introduced, either as wrappers or fillers. THIS IS THE TRUE UNADULTERATED INDIAN "CHIRUT." "Favoritas" and "Straw Cheroots" (Dawson's Muster) are made from the same Tobacco, the only difference being in size and shape. Are Cigars of a different character; they are of the Havana type but milder. Made from highly cultivated Indian Tobacco and covered with the finest Sumatra Leaf. THE "ANGLO-INDIAN SPECIAL," First consignment now received, is spoken of in a Calcutta Sporting Paper as "Peerless amongst its Indian rivals." NOTICE. Our labels are duly registered, and should we discover any imitation of them, every means will be used to protect our rights, and to maintain the unrivalled reputation of our Brands. |