MONARCH STATIONERY AND WRITING CABINET, Containing the advantage of a Desk, with pigeon-hole 59, Pall Mall, London. PATENT WRITING DESK. In Three Sizes. HAVING A PATENTED ACTION TO RAISE THE SLOPE WITHOUT DISTURBING THE PAPERS ON ITS SURFACE (AS SHOWN BY DOTTED LINES). Made to order, in Oak, Walnut, Coromandel, Leather, "covered any colour." Dimensions of largest, 22 inches by 18. It can be supplied with a Cover for the ink range, fitted with the patent hinges, forming a ledge for pens, pencils, &c. Half-bound French Morocco, cloth sides, gilt finish, oblong or upright. The above sizes also kept bound half Levant Morocco, raised bands, gilt edges, extra Full-bound Chequered Persian, bevelled boards, white or toned card leaves, extra gilt finish, or with padded covers, oblong or upright. The above sizes also supplied, full-bound Russia, at about double the price. 59, Pall Mall, London. ruled, paged, and indexed. Half bound red Basil, green cloth sides, with strings and printed Register Index,] as shown. The under side of the guards are numbered, and thus each letter may be registered in the form, and easily referred to. Size of Box, 81⁄2 by 4 by 64 inches. Size of Blotter, 11 by 9 inches. Size of Box, 74 by 3% by 54 inches. Size of Blotter, 10 by 7. French Morocco, covered Box and Blotter, Gilt lines... Blotting Books in Russia, Morocco, &c., kept in Stock, and made to order. READY REFERENCE FILES. For accounts paid and unpaid, Letters answered and unanswered. |