Republican. INDIANA. April 25.-The platform emphatically indorsed the wise and patriotic Administration of President McKinley. The attitude of the Administration was approved on all points, especially coinage, the open door in China, the administration of insular affairs and the conduct of the Spanish war. The planks relating to insular affairs are as follows: The conflict with Spain was begun and carried on from humane and disinterested motives. The posses¬ sion of the islands which came to our hands as a result of that war was a consequence of it not foreseen, but which could not be avoided with honor and safety. We cannot escape the responsibility resting upon us. Our first duty is to establish the authority of the United States against armed resistance, then to replace military by civil administration. We pledge the largest possible freedom of control in their affairs, as their ability for self-government shall be developed, and to use all proper means to advance their civilization and enlightenment. We unhesitatingly indorse and approve the policy and course of the Administration and the legislation by Congress in respect to our newly acquired possessions, and express full confidence in the wisdom, integrity and ability of the Administration, supported by a Republican Congress, to deal wisely and justly with the questions concerning the same as they may arise. Following is the text of the financial plank: We congratulate the American people in that the Republican party has kept its beneficent pledge for the maintenance of the gold standard and the parity of all our forms of money by comprehensive, courageous legislation. The Republican party has always stood and now stands for money laws that benefit ali people alike, without preference of one over another, the borrower as well as the lender, and such as equalize and lower the rates of interest throughout the country. Ard to this end we favor legislation authorizing elasticity in our bank currency for the benefit of our producers, the laborers, the farmer and the manufacturer, and for the general commerce of our people, under the guidance and control of the Secretary of the Treasury, Indiana's Senators and Representatives were commended for their labors; the memories of Vice-President Garret A. Hobart, MajorGeneral Henry W. Lawton and Colonel Richard W. Thompson were eulogized. Additional anti-trust legislation was favored, both State and Federal, and a plea was made for "just and liberal pensions to all deserving soldiers and sailors.' The early construction of the Nicaragua Canal under the direction and exclusive control of the United States Government was recommended, and the enactment and enforcement of laws restricting and preventing the importation of such undesirable foreign population as is prejudicial to free American labor was favored. June 6.-After instructing its delegates to the National Convention for Bryan and indorsing the principles of the Chicago platform of 1896, the platform condemns the Democratic. policy of President McKinley's Administration, and on State affairs says: We call attention to the reform legislation which the Democratic party has given the people of this State, the school book law, the tax laws, the Australian ballot, the fee and salary reform, and the many statutes for the protection of labor. The Republican party is now hypocritically claiming credit for the reduction of our State debt, made possible by the Democratic tax law, the enactment of which it opposed. It has mutilated the Australian ballot and repealed the statute making the bribery of voters a penal offence. In four years of absolute control of State affairs it has failed to pass any effectual legislation against monopolies or trusts, but has uniformly defeated all effort to enact anti-trust laws. We pledge ourselves to an economical administration of State affairs, the non-partisan management of the State institutions, the continuation of the reform work begun by the Democratic party and the enactment and enforcement of State legislation against trusts. February 22.-After declaring in favor of Government ownership of all lines of transportation, telegraphs and telephones, and municipal ownership of streetcar lines, Populist light and water plants, the resolutions said: We view with alarm the enormous increase in the assessed value of property for the purpose of taxation in Indiana, and we demand a more rigid economy in the management of State, county and municipal affairs. We favor a State law requiring the letting of all legal advertisements to the lowest bidder. We are opposed to the sale of intoxicating liquors to be used as a beverage. We favor the election of the county superintendent by the vote of the people. May 1. The platform declared that abolition of the liquor traffic could only be accomplished through a political party. The platform denounced the annulment of the anti-canteen law by the President and members of his Cabinet as Prohibition. being unjustifiable in law and revolutionary and unpatriotic in principle, and charged President McKinley with moral cowardice in refusing to exercise his authority as Commander-in-Chief of the Army to abolish the sale of liquor in the Army canteen, and to prohibit its importation into our newly acquired territory. IOWA. May 10. The platform adopted says, in part: In the light of to-day it is apparent that the attempt to debase the currency as a remedy for the hard times then prevailing was a monstrous blunder, which, if successful, would Republican. have involved the country in lasting humiliation and shame and proved disastrous to its industrial interests. We insist that no issue can be paramount to the maintenance of the public credit and the stability of the money for which all labor and products are sold. So long as a political party stands committed to the overthrow of the existing monetary system we call upon all conservative men to act with us in keeping that party from power. We favor the extension of self-government to all the people that have lately come under the protection of this country as rapidly as they demonstrate their capacity to exercise it; we hold our authority over them to be a solemn trust to be exercised with an eye single to their instruction, development and prosperity. We favor legislation that will effectually protect the public from the evils of combinations in restraint of trade. For measures to properl restrict the power of aggregated capital, to protect the individual rights of all men and preserve freedom of competition and of opportunity we rely upon the Republican party, trusting to that wise and safe statesmanship which in emergencies of the last four years has been so satisfactorily tested. August 1.-The platform, which was unanimously adopted, indorsed the National and State administrations, deplored the death of Senator Gear as a loss to the State and Nation, and concluded: In the remote East, among a strange and alien people, in scenes of terror and of peril, Edwin H. Conger, a citizen of Iowa, is now representing not only the honor of his country, but the dignity and manhood of the American people. His friends and neighbors, of whatever faith, earnestly pray for the safety and immediate succor of him and of his family, and that the day may come speedily when, in his own home, he may receive the assurances of their constant sympathy and their ever increasing interest and regard. May 3.-The platform reaffirmed unqualified allegiance to the Chicago platform, called for the nomination of Bryan, opposed the gold standard and the retirement of greenbacks to be displaced by banknotes. Sympathy for the Boers Democratic. was expressed, the policy of the Administration in Porto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines was denounced as a stain upon American honor, and imperialism and militarism were vigorously attacked. August 16.-The platform indorsed the action of the Kansas City Convention, and contained the following special planks: As a phase of the trust question, bearing disastrously on manufacturing interests in Iowa and other agricultural States we point to the fact that the combination of the manufacturing trusts and the railway trust have resulted in closing many such factories. Many plants in Iowa now stand idle because they have either been driven out of business by unfair competition or have been absorbed by the trusts and closed down. We demand the enactment and enforcement of stringent laws, both State and National, to control all trusts; we deprecate the growing power and influence of railways in State politics and the subserviency of the Executive Council, the Railroad Commission and even the Governor himself to railway dictation. We demand that railway rates and taxation as well as legislation affecting railways shall be shaped and fixed for the benefit of the whole people without improper interference from the special interests involved. We condemn the subterfuge of the mulct and pharmacy act by which the Republican party has returned the saloon to Iowa while still maintaining the farce of prohibition. The Democratic party believes in majority rule, it favors the honest and open policy of local control with stringent regulations. We condemn the Republican party for passing the anti-fusion law, and constantly changing other election laws with the view to confuse the voter and defeat the will of the electorate. We earnestly urge all citizens who love liberty and oppose the imperialistic policy of the Republican party to rally to the support of our standard bearers in this Presidential campaign. August 1.—The platform indorsed the Omaha and Cincinnati declarations; indorsed Barker and Donnelly; denounced the Republican party for "cruel capitalism" and Populist. the Democratic party as the "servile imitator of the Republicans in all the villanous legislation of the last thirty years"; declared imperialism "is a sham battle between the two old parties to obscure real issues": denounced restrictions upon the ballot in various Southern States. and especially the Goebel Election law in Kentucky, and declared for the initiative and referendum. August 28.-The convention indorsed the candidacy of Wharton Barker and Ignatius Donnelly for President and Vice-President respectively, and decided to put a State ticket into the field. (FUSION). July 4.-The men and women United Christian. April 17.-The platform denounced the course of the Administration in regard to People's. the Philippines, Porto Rico and Cuba, declared against imperialism, declared against the currency bill, slavery and polygamy in the Sulu Islands, and demanded more rigid legislation regarding trusts. platform declared: That we as a party favor whatever tends to make virtuous, intelligent and happy." We demand the abolition of the liquor traffic in State and Nation. We favor the control of our monetary systems as provided by the Constitution of the United States. We demand direct legislation by the people as the true standard of right governed only by the golden rule. We demand the extension of the elective franchise to all American citizens regardless of sex. We declare for the election of the President and Vice-President and United States Senators by the direct vote of the people. We favor Government ownership and control of public utilities and the correction of all evils existing under the present systems. KANSAS. May 16.-Commendation of the course of the Administration was followed by a demand for the enforcement of the Anti-Trust act of 1890, and the railroad question Republican. was treated as follows: The Republican party pledges itself to the work of securing to the people such legislation, founded in common justice and business sense, as will provide adequate protection against the greed of the corporations without crippling them with unjust exactions. We favor the re-establishment of the Board of Railroad Commissioners with such additional powers as shall render their work effective, and with power to fix and enforce just rates, and recommend the election of this Board by the people. We favor a law which will enable railroad men who are necessarily engaged in running their trains upon Election Day to cast their votes. The operation of trains often makes it impossible under our present voting system for conductors and members of train crews to cast their votes, and their inability to find time from their work to go to the polls thus deprives several thousand people of the State, each year, of the right of suffrage. We pledge ourselves to some measure which will make it possible for these men to enjoy suffrage without embarrassment to their work. July 24.-After declaring that the Kansas City platform was regarded as a second Declaration of Independence, the State platform advocated the continuance of the Sanitary Board for the protection of the cattle industry, demanded Democratic. relief from oppression by trusts, with special reference to the Standard Oil Company, and on railroad affairs demanded the abolition of the pass system and the practice of using double headers, or two engines to one train of twice the ordinary size, and said: There should be created by law a public tribunal clothed with all power necessary for the complete and efficient regulation and control of the railways of the State in their relations to the public and to their agents, servants and employes and to all persons whomsoever, and in all of their conduct and actions in the operation of their roads, and in the prosecution of their business in all things and at all times. June 20. The platform declared: 1. That the liquor traffic is the greatest of all evils, and we demand the total prohibition of the manufacture, sale, importation and exportation of alcoholic liquors as a beverage. 2. We affirm our Prohibition. loyalty to the National Prohibition party and its principles as the only party that stands committed to the overthrow of the liquor traffic in State and Nation. 3. The right of citizens of the United States to vote should not be denied on account of sex. July 25. After demanding the election of United States Senators by direct vote, a change in the administration of the Pension Bureau, establishment of the initiative and referendum, the platform says: We demand the withdrawal of Populist. all special privileges now granted by law to corporations or individuals, and the application of the principle of government ownership as a remedy for monopolies of every kind. Believing the public work ought to be done by the people in their own interest, we favor the municipal ownership and operation of plants for the supply of water, light, heat and power, and also of all streetcar lines and telephone systems. An amendment to the State banking laws was called for, which will provide for taxing the banks to create a fund, to be under the control of the State Bank Commissioner, and to be used to reimburse depositors in banks which become insolvent. Republican. KENTUCKY. We July 17.-The platform, after calling attention to the special election for Governor, continues: We declare that the only tolerable government is self-government. declare that in this State all mer must be free and equal and that the will of the people must be the supreme law of the State. We demand for each child a free school, but we deny that education or accumulated property alone confer the right of suffrage. The first duty of Kentucky citizenship is to repeal the Goebel election law, which is the source and continuing strength of the wrongs done in this State. A vote of confidence next November in men who are all usurpers of office and who have for a year past been acting together to thwart the declared will of the people will be accepted as a vote of confidence in the election law that is a blot on our statute book. The Goebel law must be abolished or republican institutions must be surrendered. The convention invites all friends of civil liberty and social order to unite with the Republicans in Kentucky in securing the repeal of the Goebel election law and the preservation of the liberties of the people. July 19.-After indorsing the action of the Kansas City Convention and recommending amendment of the 1898 election law, the platform continues: We present the Democratic. people of Kentucky the picture of an army of intimidation, unlawfully quartered in the public buildings of the State; a State Senator, while in the discharge of his duty to the State, stricken down by an assassin's bullet, fired from ambush, from the executive building, then occupied by his political adversary, who hoped to profit by his death; that adversary arming. filling and surrounding the building with armed men instructed to defy the civil authorities and prevent search for the assassin; the same political adversary and Republican pretender by force dissolving the Legislature in violation of the Constitution; attempting by military power to force the Legislature to meet in a veritable slaughter pen for the Democratic members; driving its members through the streets of Frankfort at the point of the bayonet; forcibly preventing the Legislature from meeting in its lawful and proper place; keeping armed, riotous and disorderly men under the very window of the room where lay dying the assassin's victim; driving the Court of Appeals from the Capitol; by military force defying the writ of habeas corpus; aiding with the soldiery and spurious pardons those lawfully accused of capital crimes to flee from justice; the same Republican pretender fleeing from the State after indictment and remaining a fugitive from justice, protected by an open violation of the Constitu "I am a tion of the United States, after having declared to the people of the State: citizen of this State, amenable to its laws. I am not a criminal, neither shall I ever be a fugitive from justice. Whenever indicted I shall appear for trial." And we confidently declare our belief that a majority of people in Kentucky favor the preservation of law and order; of both civil and personal liberty, and the maintenance of the constitutional rights of the people-Democratic doctrine which is the hope and inspiration of every true Democrat. We declare to the world that the mob and the assassin shall not be the arbiter of the rights of the citizens of Kentucky, nor shall the penalty of an appeal to the law and the regular constituted authorities be left at the hands of the assassin. Law and order must and shall prevail in Kentucky. August 1.-Both the great parties are denounced, and the Goebel law was attended to as follows: We point especially to the present condition in Kentucky, where People's (FUSION). through a vicious and unjust election law made by the Democratic party, and upheld by that party to-day, one-fifth of the voters of the State were disfranchised, the certificate of a Democratic Election Commission, based upon the returns of election officers selected by the Democratic party in every precinct, and showing a plurality for the Republican nominees, being ignored and the State officered by men defeated at the polls. We condemn this Goebel election law as imperialism of the most dangerous character, and denounce the professions of the Democratic party as insincere as long as it is responsible for this blighting imperialism, disfranchising American citizens and depriving them of their constitutional privileges. We declare that this unjust and iniquitous election law should be repealed, and in its stead enacted a law giving all parties fair and just representation at the polls and on the returning boards, through representatives selected by the authorities of the several parties, and so constructed as to make impossible partisan advantage through the manipulation and operation of the laws of the commonwealth. Populist August 1.-The National platfom was approved, and on the franchise and elections the planks adopted were: We declare our unalterable opposition to any effort to limit the franchise, holding that the Constitution guarantees to every citizen the right to vote and have that vote counted as cast, regardless of wealth, education, color or previous condition of servitude. We declare that the issue of fair elections and that of direct legislation are one and inseparable; that direct legislation through the initiative and referendum is the only possible guarantee that corrupt politicians will not continue their assaults upon popular government. (MIDDLE OF THE ROAD). After the usual planks relative to the liquor traffic, the platform says: We favor such an amendment to the present Constitution of Kentucky and wise revision of the election laws of Kentucky that every citizen, without regard to sex, Prohibition. color, or previous condition of servitude, who can read or write the Declaration of Independence of the United States, shall, on attaining the age of twenty-one years, be allowed an unrestricted ballot, and such ballot shall be turned in as cast. We demand that laws be passed and rigidly enforced excluding from entrance to the United States those who cannot read or write, or who are criminals, paupers or dangerously diseased. LOUISIANA. March 5.-The convention reaffirmed the principles declared by the National party at the St. Louis Convention, and sustained the policy of the Administration in its policy regarding the results of the Spanish war. The platform conRepublican. tinues: For the National defence, for the re-enforcement of the Navy, for the enlargement of our foreign markets, for the employment of American workmen in the mines, forests, farms, mills, factories and shipyards, we demand the immediate enactment of legislation similar to that favorably reported to each branch of the Fifty-fifth Congress at its last session, so that the American built, American owned and American manned ships may regain the carrying of our foreign commerce. We view with alarm and amazement the growing tendency of the Southern Democracy to eliminate from the electorate by unjust constitutional enactments a large, industrious, loyal and conservative class of our fellow citizens. Republican party knows no distinction among the suffragans of this country on account of race, color or previous condition. We therefore condemn the action of the Democratic party of Louisiana for creating in the organic law of the State a privileged class of voters, and denounce such a provision as un-American and un-Republican, and ask the patriotic people of the United States to join with us in testing the constitutionality of the law, and to destroy, if possible, its baneful influence upon the growth and progress of the age. The April 30.-The resolutions declared the State election of April 17 to be one of the most fraudulent ever held in the State. Specific resolutions were: Resolved, That we approve and indorse the Administration of President McKinley, and Republican pledge our delegation to support him for renomination as the Re(LILY WHITE). publican candidate for President at the November election. Resolved, That a majority of the voters of the State of Louisiana are Republicans. Our agriculture, commerce, shipping, railroads, steamboats, manufacturing and labor interests are all dependent for prosperity on the policies of the Republican party; that with a fair registration, an honest election and an honest effort the electoral vote of Louisiana can be counted on for the Republican party, and we here and now consecrate ourselves to organize for a grand and determined effort to see that our votes are cast and counted at the next election for the candidates of our choice. Resolved, That the union of the Howell and Herwig factions was induced by the desire that there should be but one regular Republican organization in this State. The Howell committee contested with the Herwig committee for three years, and finally yielded to a union with it, only because it was the recognized organ of the party of this State. April 30.-The most important action of the convention was the organization of a Colored State Committee with P. F. Herwig as chairman, and the Executive Committee was authorized to place Presidential Electors in the December 20, 1899.-After declaring allegiance to the Chicago platform of 1896 the platform said: We denounce the monopolistic combinations known as trusts, and demand that the Legislature and Congress do pass such laws within Democratic. the competency of each as shall regulate, restrain and suppress them. We impress upon our Representatives and Senators in Congress the paramount importance of judicious Federal aid to the levee system of the Mississippi River; to the jettying and deepening of Southwest Pass; to the improvement of the great waterways of the West and South, and to the prompt building of a ship canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans-all works of National importance, in which Louisiana is so deeply interested, Republicans. field. No platform was adopted. MAINE. June 27.-The convention indorsed the nominations and platform of the Philadelphia Convention, and the platform adopted by the Lewiston convention of April 19. On State affairs readjustment of the system of State taxation, free Republican. popular education, and the creation of the office of State Auditor were favored, and good roads were called for in the following plank: Good roads enhance the value of property and are potent factors in the development of every community. We favor such action by the State as will bring to the knowledge of local officials the most successful methods of maintaining the roads committed to their care, and promote effective legislation to that end. July 11.-We indorse the principles laid down in the platform, adopted by the Democratic National Convention held at Kansas City, July 4, and pledge our unqualiDemocratic. fied support to Bryan and Stevenson, candidates for the office of President and Vice-President. The Democratic party is, as it always has been, the friend of labor, and we deplore the conditions which have grown up under Republican rule whereby honest toil is deprived of its just share of the wealth which it produces; and we pledge ourselves to use all honorable means to restore it to the high and dignified position to which by nature it is entitled, and toward the accomplishment of this object we favor the enactment of a fifty-eight hour law. Economy in government is the watchword of the Democratic party; therefore, in the interests of the people and for economy we oppose the creation of the proposed new office of State Auditor, for the purpose of examination of accounts, a duty now encumbered upon the Governor's Council, the State being already overburdened with officeholders." Other planks favored the abolition of the fee system in all forms of criminal procedure, revision of the system of taxation, election of Railroad Commissioners by the people, and the resubmission of the prohibitory law. High license and local option were favored for cities and towns of more than 3,000 inhabitants, and pending resubmission an impartial enforcement of the present prohibition law was demanded. MARYLAND. May 9.-After indorsing the Administration's course in foreign and domestic affairs, the convention adopted planks as follows: Combinations of capital having as their object or effect the control of the production of commodities, Republican. their markets and prices, are injurious to the best interests of the people. We favor such additional legislation, State and National, as shall establish the complete legal control over all trusts and monopolies, with full power to dissolve the same and inflict punishment on all who thus seek for personal gain to destroy honest competition and prevent the widest possible employment to labor. In this connection we deplore the failure of our last Legislature to make any attempt to correct the evils growing out of these combinations. We concur with the press of the entire State and public opinion in condemning the partisan, scandalous and corporation ridden Legislature of Maryland which recently adjourned. We remind the people of Maryland that the old Democratic machine is once more in full control of our State. We contrast the present State government and the last Legislature with the wise reforms and beneficent laws of two Republican Legislatures, and the clean and satisfactory administration of Governor Lloyd Lowndes and his Republican associates. June 5.-After declining to instruct delegates to the Kansas City Convention, but declaring in favor of William J. Bryan, the convention denounced the policy and actions of the National Administration, and adopted the following Democratic. plank dealing with State affairs: Congratulating ourselves upon the return of the Democracy to power in Maryland, we heartily acknowledge the thoroughness and fidelity with which Governor John Walter Smith, in his brief administration, has carried out his pledges to the people and demonstrated his worthiness of popular confidence and support. And reviewing the work of the Legislature of 1900, we are gratified to be able to declare that in uprightness and intelligence, and in a conscientious desire to legislate wisely and well, it deserves, and will receive, the approval of the people. |