The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, Nide 1Government Printer, South Africa, 1964 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 86
Sivu 140
... word , " them " in line three , the word , " it " . 23. Section twenty - eight of the principal Act is amended- ( a ) by substituting for the passage , " commis- sioners may , by their corporate name , " in lines one and two , the ...
... word , " them " in line three , the word , " it " . 23. Section twenty - eight of the principal Act is amended- ( a ) by substituting for the passage , " commis- sioners may , by their corporate name , " in lines one and two , the ...
Sivu 142
... word , " themselves " in line nine , and in lines ten and eleven , of paragraph ( 3 ) , the word , " itself " in each case . Ss . 36 and 37 amended . S. 38 amended . S. 39 and preceding heading amended S.41 and preceding heading ...
... word , " themselves " in line nine , and in lines ten and eleven , of paragraph ( 3 ) , the word , " itself " in each case . Ss . 36 and 37 amended . S. 38 amended . S. 39 and preceding heading amended S.41 and preceding heading ...
Sivu 151
... words , " Port Authority " for the word , " commis- sioners " in- ( a ) lines six and seven of paragraph ( c ) of section eighty - one ; and ( b ) lines two and three of section eighty - two . amended . 61. Section eighty - four of the ...
... words , " Port Authority " for the word , " commis- sioners " in- ( a ) lines six and seven of paragraph ( c ) of section eighty - one ; and ( b ) lines two and three of section eighty - two . amended . 61. Section eighty - four of the ...
VOLUME | 1 |
Abattoirs Act Amendment Act 1964 | 20 |
Adoption of Children Act Amendment Act 1964 | 26 |
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Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent aforesaid Agreement amended by adding amended by substituting application appointed approved arbitration Assembly of Western authorised Board borrowing corporation cent certificate chiropractor cited clause coming into operation commencement Commissioner common seal Commonwealth Company's wharf Court CSBP DAVID BRAND debentures deemed deleting easement Elizabeth II enacted Excellent Majesty export fee simple Governor granted harbour hereof hereunder Joint Venturers Legislative Assembly Legislative Council license line four line three means ment mineral lease mining areas Minister Narrogin nominated company notice offence paragraph parties hereto passage payable person pharmaceutical chemist pneumoconiosis Port Authority pounds prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act proposals provisions purposes pursuant Queen's Most Excellent railway reasonable referred registered Registrar relation repealed and re-enacted respect roads scheduled premises Section one hundred Short title subclause subparagraph substances containing Swan Location tion townsite Trust Vict Western Australia word