Sivut kuvina

territory from west to east. Its source is in the Corcovado, in the Andes, and it flows into the Atlantic.

As far back as 1866, a Welsh colony was established about 24 miles from the mouth of the Chubut River. This colony has prospered to the extent of building, without any government aid, a railroad line to Puerto Medoya, in Golfo Nuevo, from whence its products are shipped to Europe. This was the first railroad line laid on Patagonian soil.

In 1886, the cultivated area of the colony amounted to 97,000 acres, which was divided into lots of 247 acres. In that year, there were in the colony 1,688 acres of land, valued at $8 per acre, and outside of the colony there were sold 865 acres at 44 cents per acre. The colony had then several schools and seven churches. In Rawson, the capital of the territory, there are three schools and a collectorship of national revenue. Gaiman is another town formed by the settlers near Rawson.


The territory of Santa Cruz, to the south of Chubut, is the extreme southern portion of Patagonia, touching the Straits of Magellan at Cape Dungeness, from which point a line drawn in the direction of the west, touching on Monte Dinero and Monte Agmod, and reaching the divortium aquarium of the Andes, constitutes its southern boundary, while on the east it is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the divortium aquarium of the Andes, that separates it from Chile.

The principal rivers of this territory are the Deseado, Salado, Chabá, Santa Cruz, Coyle, and Gallegos, all of which run from west to east. In the Andes, there are, according to the first governor of the territory, Señor Moyano, several lakes that communicate with each other and with the Pacific Ocean. Other lakes are Argentino, Viedma, San Martin, Gio, and Buenos Aires.

Regarding the character of the soil, Señor Moyano says:
The region near the coast has pastures especially suited for raising cattle,

sheep, horses, and goats, and experience proves they are capable of resisting the climate all the year round. The valleys near the rivers are adapted to agricultural pursuits. The millions of wild animals, such as ostriches, guanacos, etc., that abandon the central zone to wander to the coast in the winter, show that the climate of that zone is too severe for grazing or agricultural purposes. Andine zone is covered with interminable and thick forests of hayos antárticas, and has an herbaceous vegetation that would satisfy the most exacting estanciero.


Many farmers from the Falkland Islands have moved to this territory, bringing with them their cattle and sheep, and, in 1892, the National Government sold 400,000 square leagues in Santa Cruz, at the rate of $1,000 gold per league.

In Cabo de las Virgenes, on the Straits of Magellan, there are several deposits of auriferous sands, from which small pieces of gold (pepitas) are easily extracted by the most primitive methods. The capital of the territory is the village of Santa Cruz, on the banks of the river of the same name. The mail is carried to this point on steamers that touch at Puerto Descado, Santa Cruz, Rio Gallegos, and Cabo Virgenes.


The territory of Tierra del Fuego is separated from the continent by the Straits of Magellan. Its western boundary is a line that runs from the point called Cabo del Espiritu Santo (52° 40′ latitude) to the south, coinciding with the 68° 34′ meridian of Greenwich, till it touches the Beagle Canal. That part of the island to the west of this line belongs to Chile. On the east and south, it is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean.

The Isla de los Estados, separated from Tierra del Fuego by the Straits of Le Maire, forms also a part of the territory of Tierra del Fuego, the total area of which is 8,127 square miles. The Argentine part of the island is mountainous in the western and central parts, but in the east is a plain. The Sarmiento and Darnoen, of an altitude of 6,560 feet, are its highest mountains. From the Cabo del Espiritu Santo to the Pellegrini River, the prairie

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