Bulletin, Nide 67U.S. Government Printing Office, 1892 |
Kirjan sisältä
Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 45
... Juan an Juan Mendoza La Paz R.Tun • Chepe Sabina S winc 1 auy an • Clapes S.Francis Dolores de Rio Segundo Fraile Muerte Saladillo rovincia Cordoba Rancaqu S.Fernan de BDonte Ri Curico Linare's Chillan Yumbel Antuco Angol Traiguen ...
... Juan an Juan Mendoza La Paz R.Tun • Chepe Sabina S winc 1 auy an • Clapes S.Francis Dolores de Rio Segundo Fraile Muerte Saladillo rovincia Cordoba Rancaqu S.Fernan de BDonte Ri Curico Linare's Chillan Yumbel Antuco Angol Traiguen ...
Sivu 1
... Juan Diaz de Solis , pilot - in - chief of the King of Spain , made the discovery of the Rio de la Plata ( river of silver ) , which he called Mar Dulce ( fresh sea ) , thinking himself in the waters of a sea , instead of those of a ...
... Juan Diaz de Solis , pilot - in - chief of the King of Spain , made the discovery of the Rio de la Plata ( river of silver ) , which he called Mar Dulce ( fresh sea ) , thinking himself in the waters of a sea , instead of those of a ...
Sivu 3
... Juan Sarrea , Juan José Passo , and Mariano Moreno . The task of achieving independence was not an easy one . Oppo- site Buenos Aires , in the fortress of Montevideo , was a strong Spanish garrison , which could be conveyed to Buenos ...
... Juan Sarrea , Juan José Passo , and Mariano Moreno . The task of achieving independence was not an easy one . Oppo- site Buenos Aires , in the fortress of Montevideo , was a strong Spanish garrison , which could be conveyed to Buenos ...
Sivu 6
... Juan Manuel de Rosas , which lasted from 1829 to 1852 , twenty - three years . During this period the blockade of Buenos Aires , first by the French and afterwards by the French and English combined , took place . It was imposed in 1838 ...
... Juan Manuel de Rosas , which lasted from 1829 to 1852 , twenty - three years . During this period the blockade of Buenos Aires , first by the French and afterwards by the French and English combined , took place . It was imposed in 1838 ...
Sivu 17
... Juan , La Rioja , Catamarca , Santiago del Estero , Tucuman , Saltá , and Jujuy ; the territorial governments of Misiones , Formosa , El Chaco , La Pampa , Nauquen , Rio Negro , Chubut , Santa Cruz ( the last five territorial 1 1 ...
... Juan , La Rioja , Catamarca , Santiago del Estero , Tucuman , Saltá , and Jujuy ; the territorial governments of Misiones , Formosa , El Chaco , La Pampa , Nauquen , Rio Negro , Chubut , Santa Cruz ( the last five territorial 1 1 ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
25 docena 25 kilo 50 docena acres ad valorem aforarán Aforos algodón anteriores Argentine Republic Articles Artículos asiento Banco bottles boxes bronce bronze bruto Buenos Aires BUENOS AIRES-Continued cabo cajas y papeles caoba Cárlos cartón cent centímetros ciento clases colonies comunes Congress cotton cuero declara valor Derecho docena Dollars dozen envase kilo envolturas esterilla exports fierro finas finos frascos goma Government gramos grams gruesa hilo hilo ó mezcla Hnos hombres idem idem imitación immigration including container including wrapper inclusive el envase industrial iron jacaranda José Juan juego lana ó mezcla leather Libre liter litro madera madera pintada mahogany maize metal niños nogal ordinary and fair Paraguay Pesos Plata plated polvo ports pound Province railways regulares roble ó nogal Santa Fé seda ó mezcla señoras sheep Silk or mixed sillas tamaño tapa tela territory Uruguay valorem vidrio walnut wood wooden wool or mixed y Ca