Sivut kuvina

maintain it when found to his latest
breath, serve God in his calling
according to his word, and not be
deterred by any perils or menaces
from supporting the truth, and hold-
ing on his course. As, then, this
is my
fixed determination, it is in
vain that you endeavour to draw
away me and others from the ge-
nuine doctrine of God's church,
you yourself ought likewise

to profess.

case of poor Spain, indeed, I would rather lament than censure. I think serious blame attaches to you, and all your associates in such unholy work; through whom we see it come to pass, that at a time in which the clear light of the Gospel is shining upon the world, not the weakest rays of this celestial splendor are suffered to penetrate into Spain, which is entitled to share with other lands the re"With respect to the papal ex- demption of the Saviour. Do not, communication that you so serious- I pray you, boast of the tranquilly urge against me, I am truly lity and security which, in your astonished that you can thus deli- opinion, it now enjoys; nor find berately trifle in such glaring ab- fault with the controversies of other surdities. What child knows not, regions, which cannot but arise in our day, that it is a mere bug- from that variety of sentiment bear, used for the support of the pon- which is observable among men on tifical tyranny? I will not dispute all great questions; but which afwith you concerning the power of ford occasion for the investigation the Roman Pontiff, whose dignity, of truth, the illustration of doctrine, such as it is, I am not now con- and the advancement of the divine cerned to oppose or circumscribe. glory: for what you call peace is Let him take the wealth and power no peace, connected as it is with a of the whole world if he will, so neglect of God; or if you needs he but leave us in possession of must call it so, assuredly it is heavenly doctrine pure and uncon- more calamitous than a bloody taminated. This, it is clear, has by civil war. I do, indeed, love my him, the enemy of Christ, been country with all my heart, as beshamefully mangled, adulterated, comes me; and I do so desire her and suppressed, to the destruction welfare, that I would most readily of many souls. Here, indeed, both offer up this body to deliver her he, and you, and every advocate from her present unholy situation. of his impiety, must be steadily But the more ardently I am bound and decidedly opposed, lest the to her, the more earnestly do I laglory of God should seem to be ment the thraldom under which she neglected or obscured by us, who labours. An evil genius stalks ought, each in his own sphere, to through her territory, holding her labour for its promotion. Under- completely in his power, fascistand, therefore, that this is my nating her with idolatrous supersticonfirmed answer; that I choose tion, so that his influence is undisto obey the express words of God, turbed. But you mistake, Malrather than the tyranny of Popes venda, you mistake, if you do not or the wicked decrees of men. consider this butchery of sciences, this slaughter of minds, to be a far more dreadful visitation, than if the kingdom were rent with long intestine commotion, and ravaged with the sword and with fire. For,what form of religion can there be, when a whole people look up to the fancies of this or that raving monk? where heavenly instruction

"But, to fill up the measure of your insidious address, Malvenda, you bring forward what you think the plausible argument of patriotism. If, however, you felt a strong regard for your country, as in fact I do, you would not live in so much ease and unconcern, given up to personal indulgence. The


is unknown? where the voice of God is not heard? where the holy scripture is not permitted to be read?

"You say, there are no sects in Spain. Look at every corner of the kingdom, and tell me, if any other country in Europe is so rent with numerous and discordant parties. Such is the variety of monks, following different masters, and maintaining different opinions, that it is wholly unparalleled. Such again is their authority, that they are formidable even to kings and princes. And for what purpose are they fattened like hogs in a stye? What are they good for? Truly nothing but this! To establish their own tyranny by fair or foul means, to rob the people under pretext of religion, to lay snares for the chastity of matrons, to promise themselves impunity for all manner of crime, to oppose the glory of God, corrupt the purity of doctrine, and propose their own impostures, and dreams, to be received and adored by miserable men, instead of the oracles of God! And, though stained with these abominations, they expect to be regarded as the most holy and perfect of mortals, and affect to despise all others, as scarcely worthy the name of Christian. You will not deny, I suppose, that these are the most pernicious sectaries, and that Satan introduced their divisions into the church to effect its overthrow. Then again, how many fanatics are continually raising new parties, and attracting the attention of their fellowcreatures, because they cannot have access to the word of God. Shall the man who deplores these grievous wounds of the church, who seeks after truth, who desires the deliverance of his country, who willingly exposes his very life to restore the integrity of doctrine, be reckoned by you as wanting in patriotism? I appeal to your conscience. Reflect a little. Look inward. You will find your con

science testifying to the truth of what I have been saying. You must allow that these enormities, risen to so high a pitch, and which are no longer to be borne, ought to be laid open by yourself, if you did your duty; and that you ought to spread abroad the sound doctrine, which God in mercy has restored to the church as her lawful inheritance.

"But, intoxicated with the vain hope of some miserable profit, you sport in your own deception, and do not wish to perceive the necessity of Reformation. If this be not to prefer the creature to the creator, what is? Our princes should send all these crafty monks to fight the Turks, root idolatry out of the churches, and restore the true doctrine of the gospel. For myself, I am not ashamed of that gospel, for I know it to be the power of God to my salvation; and as long as I live, I will openly declare it, to the best of my ability, to the glory of God, and the good of his church. Not that I am so arrogant, as to suppose that I can see further than others, but because it is extreme wickedness, not to agree to what the Lord hath spoken. For I do not follow my own imaginations, or monkish conceit; but profess the doctrine which is from above, written by the finger of the everlasting God, through inspired prophets and apostles, and sealed by the blood of his Son and many martyrs, without the knowledge of which no man can be saved.

"I cannot but think, Malvenda, there is malice at the bottom of your advice. How am I to expect mercy at the hands of a man whose sanguinary and treacherous conduct is but too well known? Spare therefore your advice, which cannot lead to good, as it has an ill beginning. Seek yourself the countenance of this confessor, whom for your own private ends you so highly prize. But if you will accept of counsel somewhat sounder than your own, I exhort you to fear

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the ready judgment of God, and preach the faith you seek to destroy."

"I cannot feel so satisfied on these points," replied the Jesuit. "We are not allowed to doubt the authority of the Pope, or the faith of the Romish church."- "What effrontery; or, rather, what madness!" rejoined the Reformer. “ A mortal, stained with public and private crime, pretends to absolve, when the Scriptures include all under sin!"-" Why came you to Ratisbon?" asked Malvenda. "I was deputed from Strasburg," answered Diazio, "to join my prayers with those of the church in this public conference, and obtain, if possible, an agreement on those religious questions which are now so much disputed."-" Your proper way then," said Malvenda, "would have been to visit Trent, where the catholic prelates are assembled, and labouring in such a praise-worthy


Such was the substance of the dialogue, as detailed by Diazio himself to Senarcli, a Savoyard intimate. Perceiving the temper of his countryman, Diazio thought fit to avoid further interview; but this could not shelter him from the revenge of Malvenda, whom his boldness had greatly offended, and who deemed it expedient to remove out of the way so powerful and acute an opponent. He wrote to the Confessor, giving him an account of the whole matter, and recommending a contravention of the Protestant designs. Marquina, another Spaniard, was present when the letter was delivered, and as an acquaintance of Diazio offered some excuses in his favor. This gentleman, returning to Rome which he had recently quitted, recounted the affair to Alphonso, a brother of Diazio, who was an advocate in the papal court. Alphonso set off immediately to Ratisbon, accomnanied by an assassin, with intent

ther to convert his brother or dis

patch him. On his arrival, he found that Diazio was gone to Newburg, to superintend a publication by Martin Bucer. He accordingly followed him thither, bearing a letter from Malvenda, exhorting him to obey his brother Alphonso, who would give him good counsel.

The Reformer expressed his surprise at this interview. His brother told him, that he had taken that long and dangerous journey, with a view to expostulate with him on his heretical notions, and to entreat him to return to the bosom of the church. He then repeated the common-place arguments, and assured him that if he would go with him to Rome, and be a good catholic, he would allow him a yearly pension of 500 ducats, out of some church revenues. Finding that he could not prevail by reasoning or bribery, he left him at that time, but returned a few days after, declaring that he had been so much struck with his constancy, that he was almost inclined to think him right in his new sentiments. He entreated him, however, to leave Germany, where he was less needed, as so many able men had embraced the Protestant doctrine, and go with him to Trent, where his conversation might be useful to persons of erudition and judgment, and then proceed to Rome and Naples, where he would find many opportunities of secretly diffusing his opinions, and not only be the means of good to his acquaintances, but perhaps ultimately profit his native country; promising, that, if he acceded to this proposal, he would himself be responsible for the expense of the journey.

The unsuspecting Diazio rejoiced to see such favourable symptoms in so near a relation. He wrote to Bucer and other friends for their advice on the occasion, who lost no time in dissuading him from accompanying Alphonso. The latter, much disappointed, begged him at least to attend him on his return as

far as Augsburg. Bucer, however, could not be easy without going to Newburg, and earnestly beseeching his amiable friend on no account to leave the town till Alphonso was departed. Three days after, Alphonso entertained his brother, previously to his departure, exhorted him to constancy, and with a show of much feeling declared his happiness, that in so short a time he had profited much by his conversation; thrusting fourteen crowns into his hand for present exigencies, and bidding him an affectionate farewell, with many tears shed on both sides.

The insidious lawyer, with his assassin, proceeded to Augsburg; but the next day, having prevailed on the driver of the car in which they travelled to linger a while on the road, they returned privately, purchased an axe of a carpenter, and, disguising themselves, passed the night in a neighbouring village. Early on the following morning, March 27th, 1546, they entered Newburg, as soon as the gates were opened, like common pedestrians, having left their horses at a little distance. The ruffian, habited as a postman, knocked at the door of Diazio's lodgings, and was told by a lad who opened it, that his master was in bed. "Tell him then immediately to rise," said he, "for I have intelligence for him from his brother." Diazio, being awakened, threw a cloak about him, and, leaving his bed-chamber, went into the next room to receive the messenger, who ascended the stairs, leaving Alphonso below. The letter was presented to him, purporting to be a warning from his brother, who had discovered some machinations against him at Augsburg, and advised him to beware of Malvenda and others, who were enemies to Christ, and thirsted for the blood of his saints. While the amiable victim was poring over the paper, and endeavouring to decypher its contents by the glimmer of the mor

ning, the assassin struck the axe, which he had concealed under his coat, with such force into the right side of his head, that it was fixed in the wound, and catching his body as he fell without a groan, he laid it down, and softly stealing to his employer they both instantly quitted the town. Mounting their horses without the gate, they rode full speed to Pottmes, half way betwixt Augsburg and Newburg, where they found a relay, which soon enabled them to rejoin their travelling car. The murder was so silently committed, that Senarcli, who had slept in the same apartment with Diazio, heard nothing of it, till he was disturbed with the jingle of the murderer's spurs, as he descended the stairs; when, feeling alarmed, he sprang out of bed, and, rushing into the adjoining room, beheld the mangled corpse of his friend!

Diazio, foreboding perhaps some peril in leaving Newburg with Bucer on his intended return to Strasburg, had just before written his will, and a confession of his faith. Senarcli relates, moreover, that he had spent great part of that very night in prayer on his bended knees, and that he had been earnestly and affectionately exhorting him, as they lay in bed, to a consideration of the works of God, and the cultivation of real piety.

As soon as the report of the murder was spread, some friends of the deceased pursued the murderers to Augsburg; and, hearing no tidings of them, were on the point of return, as despairing of success; but one of the party, named Michael Herffer, a stout horseman, who was less fatigued than the others with pursuit, continued his rout to Inspruck, where he gave information to a magistrate. Alphonso, and the ruffian, having taken some rest at a village, did not arrive at that city till several hours afterwards; when they were apprehended by Herffer, who sent

immediate intelligence to OthoHenry, Prince palatine, in whose territory the crime had been perpetrated. Two councellors, having been dispatched to manage the process, reached Inspruck on the first of April, bringing with them Diazio's cap, the bloody hatchet, and the letter. Alphonso,however, had been permitted to write to his friends; and such interest was made for his release, that the deputies from Newburg, demanding trial of the prisoners, were referred by the magistrates to other judges; before whom, when they appeared, the accused had counsel assigned them; and these advocates, at the instance of the papists, artfully lengthened the judicial proceedings; first, insisting that the indictment should be laid both in Latin and Spanish; and next, declaring that the Emperor had ordered the process to be discontinued, as he was determined the affair should be brought to trial before himself and his brother Ferdinand, at the approaching diet of Ratisbon. The Prince palatine, and his relation the Elector, could not even prevail on the senate of Inspruck to forward the culprits with proper securities to Newburg. On the second of June, some

other protestant chiefs joined them in complaining to the Emperor of the murder, and in demanding justice on the perpetrators. He referred them to Ferdinand, who sent them back to his imperial brother; and the affair was suffered to escape with impunity; while the bigoted Spaniards extolled their countryman, who for the sake of the true faith, as they said, had immortalized his name by an heroic and truly Roman deed!-But divine vengeance did not slumber. The fratricide, after enduring the stings of conscience for five years, hung himself, while attending a session of the Council of Trent.

"O Malvenda! O Alphonso!" exclaims the good Verheiden," By your wicked arts and impious arms ye have not so much killed the Christian Diazio, as given him a longer life; since he survives here by a glorious fame, and is accounted to be for ever with his God! As often as the history of this martyr is read, so often do the memorials of Spanish cruelty, and of a brother who was of the seed of Cain, occur to the recollection of all, who are friends to toleration, and lovers of their country!"



WITH Streaming eyes and flowing hair,

In grief the blessed Mary lay;

Bedew'd her Saviour's hallow'd feet,
And kiss'd, and wip'd her tears away;
Resolv'd henceforth the paths to tread
To which those holy feet had led.

Why did she strive, herself defil'd,

That God to cleanse, who knew no stain?
Why for herself did she not weep?

Alas, she knew such grief were vain.
Tho' we might dive in tears as seas,
Our sins are deeper pil'd than these.

Dear soul, she knew her guilt had stain'd
That God who bore the sinner's load;

As she had brought pollution there,

'Twas meet her tears were there bestow'd.

Nor was her work of faith denied,

In washing him, herself was purified.

J. S.

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