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This list includes only those cases commented upon editorially or in our Notes of Important Decisons, or in full annotated. The abbreviation Ed., indicates editorially-R. D., cases commented upon in our Notes of Important Decisions; and, annotated case.

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(Wash.) Equity-Creditors' Bill-Fraudulent Conveyance, ann. case, 170.

Appleton v. Maxwell (N. Mex.) Loan for GamblingRecovery, ann. case, 428.

Atherton v. Atherton (U. S. S. C.) Uniform Federal Legislation on the Subject of Divorce, Ed. 21. Audubon v. Schufeldt (U. S. S. C.) Bankruptcy-Ali. mony Not a Provable Debt, R. D. 206.

Barrett v. Milligan (Ind.) Constitutionality of Mechanics' Lien Laws, R. D. 163.

Bassett v. Fairchild (Cal.) Corporations-OfficersRight to Compensation, ann. case, 110.

Bayard, In re (N. Y.) Criminal Law-Cruel and Unusual Punishments, R. D. 461.

Bent v. Underdown (Ind.); Corporations-Liability of Stockholders on Unpaid Subscriptions for Stock, Ed. 181.

Black v. Mutual Life Association (Me.) License-Recovery of Compensation for Services Performed Without a License, R. D. 203.

Board of Railroad Com'rs of State of California v. Market St. Ry. Co. (Cal.) Street Railroads-Deflnition-Constitutional Interpretation, ann.


268. Boutten v. Railroad (N. Car.) Release-Considera. tion in Case of Personal Injury, R. D. 481. Brinkley v. Brinkley (N. Car.) Fraudulent Conveyance-Promise in Consideration of Marriage, ann. case, 447.

Brown v. Smith (U. S. C. C., D. S. Car.) Application

of Rule of Caveat Emptor where Vendee has Opportunity to Inform Himself, Ed. 281. Butte Hardware Co. v. Frank (Mont.) Mines and Mining-Judgment Liens-Unpatented Claims, R.

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Clews v. Jamison '(U. S. 8. C.) Contracts for Future Delivery, R. D. 61.

Clifford v. Stewart (Me.) Wills-Precatory Trusts, R. D. 204.

Coburn v. Railroad (La.) Carriers of PassengersReasonableness of Time Limit Regulations, R. D.


Cohen v. Cohen (Tex.) Letters-Mistakes in Delivery -Damages for Retention, R. D. 323.

Cole v. Edwards (Tenn.) Wills-Rents and Profits
Accruing after Testator's Death, R. D. 24.
Commonwealth v. Barner (Pa.) Insanity as a De-
fense in Cases of Homicide, R. D. 205.

Cooper v. Commonwealth (Ky.) Larceny by Keeping
What Was Innocently Gotten, R. D. 460.
Crim v. Crim (Mo.) Judgment-Confession-Power
of Attorney, ann case, 368.

DeFalbe, Ward v. Taylor, In re (Canada) FixturesTapestries Affixed to Wall-Tenant for Life-Remainder-man, R. D. 182.

Dodd v. Hein (Tex.) Divorce-Right of Wife's Attorneys to Recover Compensation from the Husband, R. D. 103.

Dodge v. Township (U. S. C. C. of App.) Taxation
Must be for a Public Purpose, R. D. 363.
Donaldo v. American Smelting & Refining Co. (N. J.)
Corporations-Issue of Stock for Property, R. D. 2.
Dougherty v. Connolly (N. J.) Wills-Life Tenant-
Payment of Mortgage-Subrogation against Re-
mainder-man, R.D. 43.

Dowd v. Dowd (Mich.) Criminal Law - Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses-Religious Influ ence, R. D. 242.

Duncan Ex parte (Tex.) Criminal Law -ContemptAttorney-Invalid Order-Failure to Obey, ann. case, 189.

Eagle v. Smylie (Mich.) Homestead-Voluntary Con. veyance-Rights of Creditors, ann. case, 329. Emory Mfg. Co. v. Smelting Works (Mass.) SalesAnticipatory Notice of Breach-Damages, R. D.

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R. D. 322.

First National Bank v. Wisdom's Executors (Ky) Bills
and Notes-Proof of Other Forgeries to Establish
Forgery of Note Sued on, R. D. 324.
Fisher v. McDaniel (Wyo.) Contempt-Bribing Wit-
ness-Power of Court to Punish, ann. case, 109.
Foote v. Nickerson (N. H.) Husband and Wife-Agree-
ment for Separation-Liability, ann. case, 146.
French v. Barber Asphalt Paving Co. (U. s. s. C.) Spe-
cial Taxation of Abutting Property for Street Im-
provements an Infringement of Property Rights,
Ed. 261.

Gambrill v. Schooley (Md.) Libel and Slander-Publi
cation, ann. case, 29.

Gorman v. Budlong(R. I.) Unborn Child-Right of
Action for Wrongful Death, R. D. 382.
Graves v. Johnson (Mass.) Intoxicating Liquors-Un-
lawful Resale, R. D. 182.

Greene v. Bank of Camas Prairie (Idaho) Banks and
Banking-Deposit in Name of Another, R. D. 162.
Guethler v. Altman (Ind.) Maliciously Injuring Trade
of Another by Threats or Inducements. Ed. 101.
Hale, In re (U. S. D. C., E. D. N. Car.) Bankruptcy-
Discharge of Individual Partners in Partnership
Proceedings, R. D. 42.

Harlan v. Central Phosphate Company (Tenn.) Mutual
Mistake of Law, R. D. 22.

Harris v. Manufacturing Co. (Miss.) Judgment-Equi-
table Assignment, R. D. 383.

Harrold v. Plenty (English) Deposit of Share Certifi
cates-Right of Foreclosure, R. D. 2.
Henderson-Achert Lithographic Co. v. John Shillito
Co. (Ohio) Sureties-Contract of Indemnity, R. D.

Henry v. Vance (Ky.) Attorney and Client-Contin-
gent Fees-Unconscionable Percentage and Right
of Client to Discharge Attorney, R. D. 382.
Hildenbrandt v. Ames (Tex.) Proof of Survivorship
in a Common Disaster, Ed. 401.

Hinzar v. State (Tex.) Criminal Trial-Improper Re-
marks of Trial Judge, R. D. 402.

Hires v. Hires (N. J.) Abstention by a Husband from
the Exercise of His Marital Rights Constituting
Matrimonial Desertion, Ed. 41.

Hollenbeck v. Ristine (Iowa) Master and Servant-
Malicious Interference of Third Person Resulting
in Discharge of Servant, Ed. 381.

Holt v. Thurman (Ky.) Assignment of Unearned Sal-
ary, R. D. 382.

Horn v. Boise City Canal Co. (Idaho) Personal Injuries
-Damages-Mental Suffering, ann. case, 468.
Hoskins v. Ames (Miss.) Remainders-Sale by Parent
as Life Tenant for Reinvestment, R. D. 383.
Hubachek v. Hazzard (Minn.) Factors and Brokers-
Rights of Real Estate Broker to Commission, R.
D. 342.

Hurd v. New York Laundry Co. (N. Y.) Corporations-
Sale of Assets-Rights of Creditors, R. D. 223.
Hurley v. Eddingfield (Ind.) Physicians-Fallure to
Answer Call, R. D. 102.

Iowa and California Land Co. v. Hoag (Cal.) Right of
Receiver to Sue in Foreign Jurisdiction, Ed. 201.
Jones v. Conn (Oreg.) Waters and Water Courses-
Irrigation-Riparian Land, ann. case, 128.

Kansas Mutual Life Insurance Co. v. Pinson (Tex.)
Life Insurance-Misrepresentations and Warran
ties, R. D. 402.

Kilton v. Providence Tool Co. (R. I.) Corporations-
Limitation of Actions against Stockholders, R. D.


Kilton v. Providence Tool Co. (R. 1.) Penal Statutes-
Limitations-Stockholders' Liability, R. D. 165.
Kleppner v. Lemon (Pa.) Real Property-Drainage of
Oil Lands-Damages, R. D. 122.

Lamb v. Littman (N. Car.) Master and Servant-Lia.
bility for Acts of Master of Ill Tempered Overseer,
R. D. 262.

Landry v. Andrews (R. I.) Bankruptcy-Payment of
Money as a Preference, R. D. 283.

La Republique Francaise v. Saratoga Vichy Springs
Co. (U. 8. C. O. of App.) Geographical Names as
Trade Labels, Ed. 101.

Latta v. Lonsdale (U. S. C. C. of App.) Attorney's Fees
as Preferred Claims, R. D. 82.
Lellyett v. Brooks (Tenn.) Corporations-Cancella-
tion of Stock Subscription-Rights of Receiver, R.

D. 244.

Line v. McCall (Mich.) Judgment-Assignment of Part
of Judgment, R. D. 244.

Louisville and Nashville Ry. Co. v. Fitzpatrick (Ala.),
Railroads-Action for Killing Dog, R. D. 243.

Lynn v. Moss (Ky.) Common-Law Doctrine of Mainte-
nance Still in Force Independent of Statutory En-
actment, Ed. 41.

McVeigh v. State (Tex.) Criminal Evidence-Confes-
sions-Inducements and Promises, ann. case, 90.
Mankey v. Railway Co. (S. Dak.) Railroads-Liability
for Not Ringing Bells, R. D. 243.

Marshall v. Mahorney (Ky.) Homestead-Failure of
Debtor to Occupy Land Until After Execution was
Levied, R. D. 362.

Martin v. Meles (Mass.).Contract-Executory Consid.
eration, ann. case, 211.

Minnesota Stoneware Co. v. McCrossen (Wis.) Home-
stead-Change of Residence, R. D. 22.

Mohn v. Langan (Mo.) Liability of Warehouseman for
Goods Held in Custodia Legis Under Writ of Re-
plevin, R. D. 423.

Moore v. Parker (Kan.) Landlord and Tenant-Lia-
bility of Landlord for Defective Premises, R. D.

National Fire Insurance Co. v. Fitzgerald (Neb.)
Mortgages-Right of Mortgagee to Foreclose After
Death of Mortgagor, R. D. 242.

Niagara Fire Insurance Co. v. Cornell (U. S. C. C.,
Neb.) Fire Insurance-Constitutionality of Anti-
compact Laws, R. D. 308.

Northwestern Lumber Co. v. Chehalis County (Wash.)
Taxation-Right of State to Tax Vessels Registered
in Foreign Port, but Operating in the Taxing State,
R. D. 282.
Northwestern Tel. Ex. Co. v. City of Minneapolis
(Minn.) Telephone Companies-Erection of Poles
and Wires-Subsurface Conduits, ann. case, 232.
Palmer v. Alexander (Mo.) Partition-Title and Inter-
est Conveyed by Voluntary Deeds in Partition, R.
D. 322.

Parker v. Quinn (Utah) Taxation-Exemption of Prop-
erty Used Partly for Religious Services and Partly
as a Source of Revenue, R. D. 183.
Payne v. Terre Haute & I. R. Co. (Ind.) Carriers-Per-
sonal Injuries-Free Pass-Release-Effect-Negli
gence, ann. case, 252.

People v. Feitner (N. Y.) Taxation-Seat in the New
York Stock Exchange as Personalty, R. D. 102.
People v. Reetz (Mich.) The Licensing of Physicians
as a Valiu Exercise of the Police Power, Ed. 361.
Powell v. Sherwood (Mo.) Receivers-Railroads-Lia-
ble as Common Carrier, R. D). 362.
Price v. First Nat. Bank of Atchison (Kan.) Contract-
Consideration-Forbearance, ann. case, 7.

Quinn v. Leatham (English) Unfair Trade-Maliciously
Inducing One's Customers to Quit Trading With
Him, R. D. 302.

Reifschneider, In re (N. Y.) Attorneys-Unprofessional
Conduct, Ed. 181.

Rex v. Smith (English) Criminal Evidence-Dying
Declarations, R. D. 123.

Rex v. Tibbits and Windust (English) Publication of

Judicial Proceedings Constituting Contempt of

Court, Ed. 161.

Richardson v. Mining Company (Utah) Mining Corpo

rations-Value of Property Taken in Payment of

Capital Stock, R. D. 343.

Saranac Railroad Co. v. Arnold (N. Y.) Corporations-
Majority Stockholders as Trustees, R. D. 42.
Saulsbury v. State (Tex.) Constitutional Law-Inter-
state Commerce-State Tax on Peddlers and Drum.
mers, R. D. 324.

Schroeder v. Boyce (Mich.) Action on Foreign Judg.
ment-Proof of Laws Allowing Interest on Judg-
ments in Foreign State, R. D. 402.

Selous, In re (English) Trusts-Merger of Legal and

Equitable Estate, R. D. 262.

Smith v. St. Louis & Southwestern Railway Company

of Texas (U. S. S. C.) Quarantine - Exclusion of

Animals from Other State-Regulation of Com-

merce, ann. case, 288.

Southern Railway Company v. Local Union (U. S. D.
C., Tenn.) Statutes-Contemporaneous Construc-
tion, R. D. 303.

Southern Railway Co. v. Machinists' Union (U. S. D.

C., Tenn.) Injunctions-Right to Enjoin Violation

of Personal and Property Rights, Ed. 301.

Stafford v. Chippewa Valley Electric Railway Com.
pany (Wis.) Municipal Ordinance-Must be Rea-
sonable, R. D. 23.

Staples v. Rossi (Idaho) Injunctions-Right to Injunc-

tion Where There is a Remedy at Law. R. D. 342.

State v. Baum (N. Car.) Water and Water Courses-

Unlawful Obstruction - Navigable Stream, ann.

case, 347.

State v. Bixman (Mo.) Constitutionality of Statutes
Authorizing the Inspection of Malt Liquors, Ed. 81.
State v. Crescent Creamery Co. (Minn.) Sumptuary
Legislation Under Guise of Police Power, Ed. 221.
State v. Miller (Mo.) Husband and Wife-Liability of
Husband for Crime of the Wife, R. D. 323.
State v. Stork (Kan.) Common Nuisance-Abatement
-Change of Venue-Misdemeanor, ann. case, 485.
State Board of Health v. Roy (R. I.) Constitutional
Revocation by State
Law-Physician's License

Board, R. D. 3.


Steers Lumber Co. In re (U. S. D. C., E. D. New York)
Bankruptcy-Limitation of Time Prior to Bank.
ruptcy in Which a Payment May be Considered a
Preference, R. D. 263.

Stout v. Rigney (U. S. C. C. of App.) Adverse Posses-
sion of Grantee Under Forclosure Sale, R. D. 82.

Strauss v. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association (N.

Car.) Mutual Benefit Associations-Change of By.

Laws-Consent of Member-Recovery of Premises

-Mandamus, ann. case, 390.

Trott v. Chicago, R. I. & Pacific Railway Co. (Iowa)
Life Tables as Evidence, R. D. 42.

Tyler v. Moody (Ky.) Warrants-Measures of Damages
for Breach-Acetylene Gas, R. D. 422.

Vann v. Edwards (N. Car.) Husband and Wife-Effect
of Married Women's Acts on Wife's Contracts, R.
D. 441.

Wabash Railroad Co. v. Linton (Ind.) Master and Serv-
ant-Scope of Servant's Employment, R. D. 82.
Walker v. Houghteling (U. S. C. C. of App.) Husband
and Wife-Family Expense Statutes"-Lease, R.
D. 222.

Western Union v. Hendricks (Tex.) Liability of Tele-

graph Companies for Improper Delivery of Mes-

sages, Ed. 401.

Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Call Publishing Co.
(U. S. S. C.) Federal Common Law, R. D. 44.

Whitebread & Co. v. Watt (English) A Purchaser's

Lien for Deposit, R. D. 460.

White v. City of Tacoma (U. S. C. C., W. D. Wash.)

Validity of Assessments for Street Improvements

When in Substantial Excess of Benefits, Ed. 281.

White v. Edmond (English) Married Woman-Pre-
sumption-Past Child Bearing-Widow of 56 Who
Has Had a Child, R. D. 202.

Whitworth v. Railroad (U. S. D. C. Ky.) Jurisdiction
of Federal Courts-Removal of Causes, R. D. 103.
Wilson v. Jordan (Miss.) Gifts Causa Mortis and Inter
Vivos, R. D. 121.

Wisdom v. State (Tex.) Criminal Evidence-Testimony

and Confessions Before the Grand Jury, R. D. 164.

Withers v. Edwards (Tex.) Corporations-Right of
Stockholders to Combine to Control the Corpora-
tion, R. D. 163.

Wood V. Garrison (Ky.) Landlord and Tenant-
"Croppers"-Failure of Tenant to Comply with
Contract, R. D. 302.

Wooten v. Interstate Building & Loan Association
(Ga.) Corporations-Limitation on the Right to
Amend By Laws, R. D. 83.

Wygant v. McLaughlan (Oreg.) Police Power-Burial
in City Limita, ann. case 48.

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