Sivut kuvina


I. 35 Let the text run "wherefore also the holy thing which is begotten shall be called the Son of God" with the present text in the margin.

70 For "since the world began" read "of old" Similarly Acts iii. 21; xv. 18.

II. 34 For "and rising up" read "and the rising"

37 For "even for " read "even unto"

III. 14 For "Do violence to no man" etc. read "Extort from no man by violence, neither accuse any one wrongfully" and omit



20 For "added yet this above all" read "added this also to them all "

IV. 1 For "by the Spirit" read "in the Spirit" and omit the marg. VI. 16 For "was the traitor" read "became a traitor"

VIII. 3 For "Chuza" read "Chuzas "

29 For "commanded " read "was commanding"

33 For "were choked" read "were drowned

IX. 12 For "victuals" read "provisions"

18 For "alone" read "apart

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46 For "should be greatest" read "was the greatest

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XI. 38 For "washed " read "bathed himself" [comp. Mark vii. 4.] XII. 49 For "what will I" etc. read "what do I desire" (with the marg. Or, how I would that it were already kindled!)

XIII. 32 "I am perfected" add marg. Or, I end my course
XV. 16 For "have been filled" read "have filled his belly" (with
the marg. Many ancient authorities read have been filled.)
XVII. 6 Read "If ye had faith" etc. and "it would obey you."

11 For "through the midst of" read "along the borders of"
and substitute the present text for marg. 4

XVIII. 5 "lest she wear me" etc. add marg. Or, lest at last by her coming she wear me out

7 For "and he " etc. read "and yet he" etc. with the marg. Or, and is he slow to punish on their behalf?

XIX. 29 For "the mount of Olives" read "Olivet" So in xxi. 37; see
Acts i. 12.

42 "day" add marg. Some ancient authorities read thy day.
"peace" add marg. Some ancient authorities read thy peace.

XX. 20 "rule" add marg. Or, ruling power

XXII. 24 For "is accounted" read "was accounted"

70 For "Ye say that I am" read "Ye say it, for I am" and substitute the text for the marg.

XXIII. 2 "Christ a king" omit the marg.

15 "he sent him" etc. add marg. Many ancient authorities read I sent you to him.

23 For "instant" read "urgent"

46 Let margin and text exchange places.



XXIV. 30 Read "he took the bread and blessed; and breaking it he gave to them"

38 For "reasonings " read "questionings "


I. 3, 10, 17 Substitute the marginal rendering for the text.
II. 17 For "The zeal of thine house" read "Zeal for thy house"
III. 20 For "ill" read "evil" So in v. 29.

20 For "fulfilled" read "made full" [and so xv. 11; xvi. 24;
xvii. 13. See "Classes of Passages," XIV.]

V. 27 Substitute the marginal rendering for the text.

VII. 8 For "I go not up yet" read "I go not up" and change the marg. to Many ancient authorities add yet.

21, 22 For "marvel. For this cause hath Moses" etc. read "marvel because thereof. Moses hath" etc. and omit the marg.

23 "a man every whit whole" add marg. Gr. a whole man sound. 38 For "out of his belly" read "from within him" (with marg. Gr. out of his belly.)

VIII. 24, 28 "I am he" omit marg. 2 (and the corresponding portion of marg. 5) So in xiii. 19.

25 Substitute for the present marg. 3 Or, Altogether that which I also speak unto you

26 "unto the world" omit marg. 4 "Gr. into."



44 For "stood" read "standeth" and omit
52, 53 For "is dead" and "are dead" read "died" [Compare
vi. 49, 58.]

58 For "was" read "was born" and omit marg. 10

X. 8 "before me" add marg. Some ancient authorities omit before


XII. 43 For "the glory of men...the glory of God" read "the glory that is of men... the glory that is of God"

XIV. 1 Let marg. 1 and the text exchange places.

14 For "shall ask me any thing" read "shall ask any thing" and let marg. 5 read Many ancient authorities add me.

XVI. 25, 29 For "proverbs" read "dark sayings"

XVII. 24 For "I will" read "I desire"

XVIII. 37 For "Thou sayest that" etc. read "Thou sayest it, for I am a king" and substitute the present text for the marg. [comp. Luke xxii. 70.]

XXI. 7 "was naked" add marg. Or, had on his under garment only


II. 47 For "those that were being saved" read "those that were saved" with the text in the marg.

III. 21 For "since the world began " read "from of old" VIII. 16 For "he was fallen" read "it was fallen"


XIII. 18 For "suffered he their manners" read "as a nursing-father bare he them", and in the marg. read "Many ancient authorities read suffered he their manners." XIV. 9 "made whole" omit marg. 3

XV. 18 For "from the beginning of the world" read "from of old" 23 For "The apostles and the elder brethren" read "The apostles and the elders, brethren," and put the present text into the marg.

XVII. 22 For "somewhat superstitious" read "very religious" and put the present text in the marg.

XIX. 31 For "chief officers of Asia" read "Asiarchs" (with marg. i.e. officers having charge of festivals in the Roman province of Asia.)

XX. 28 For "God" read "the Lord" (with marg. Some ancient authorities, including the two oldest MSS., read God.)

XXI. 10 For "many days" read "some days"

XXIII. 30 "against the man" etc. add marg. Many ancient authorities read against the man on their part, I sent him to thee, charging etc.

35 For "hear thy cause" read "hear thee fully"

XXIV. 17 For "many years" read " some years

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XXV. 3 For "laying wait" read "laying a plot"

XXVI. 28" With but" etc. add marg. Or, In a little time

29 "whether with little" etc. add marg. Or, both in little and in great, i.e. in all respects

XXVII. 37 Omit marg. 2


I. 17 For "by faith" read "from faith" and omit the marg.

18 For "hold down" read "hinder"

II. 12 "have sinned" add marg. Gr. sinned.

13 For "a law" read "the law"

14 For "which have no" read "that have not the"

For "having no" read "not having the"

14, 15 Enclose in a parenthesis.

15 "their thoughts" etc. add marg. Or, their thoughts accusing or else excusing them one with another

18 In marg.7 for "provest" read "dost distinguish "

22 Omit the marg.

III. 9 For "in worse case" read "better" and omit the marg.

21 Begin a paragraph.

23 "have sinned" add marg. Gr. sinned.

25 "set forth" omit marg. 9 ("purposed")

For "by his blood" read "in his blood" (retaining the comma after "faith") and omit marg.

31 Make a paragraph of verse 31.


IV. 1 For "according to the flesh, hath found" read "hath found according to the flesh" and put the present text into the margin.

V. 1 For "let us have" read "we have" and in marg. 4 read Many ancient authorities read let us have. So in verses 2,3 for "let us" read "we" (twice).

7 Omit marg. 6 (“that which is good")

VI. 7"justified" add marg. Or, released

VII. 25 For "I myself with the mind serve" read "I of myself with the mind, indeed, serve "

VIII. 3 Let marg. 11 ("and for sin") and the text exchange places. 5, 6, 9, 13 For "spirit" read "Spirit"

13 For "mortify" read "put to death" and omit marg. 2

24 For "by" read "in" (with marg. Or, by)

26 For "himself" read "itself"

34 For "shall condemn " read "condemneth

IX. 5 For marg. 4 read Or, flesh he who is over all, God, be blessed for ever

22 "willing" add marg. Or, although willing

XI. 11 Begin the paragraph here instead of at ver. 13.

XII. 1 For "reasonable" read "spiritual" with marg. Gr. belonging to the reason.

6 Omit marg. 1 ("the faith")

19 Let marg. 7 ("the wrath of God") and the text exchange places.


I. 18 For "are perishing... are being saved " read "perish... are saved" and put the present text into the marg.

19 For "And... reject " read "And the discernment of the discerning will I bring to nought"

26 Omit marg. 8 ("Or, have part therein ")

II. 6 For "the perfect" read "them that are fullgrown"

8 For "knoweth" read "hath known"

12 For "is of God" read "is from God"

For "are freely given to us by God" read "were freely given to us of God"

13 For "comparing spiritual things with spiritual" read "combining spiritual things with spiritual words" and omit



14 "natural" add marg. Or, unspiritual Gr. psychical.

IV. 8 For "have reigned" read "have come to reign"

9 For "and to angels" read "both to angels" and substitute the present text for the marg.

21 For "meekness" read "gentleness"

V. 10, 11 Let marg. 5 and 6 and the text exchange places. VII. 6 For "permission" read "concession"

21 Let marg.1 (“nay, even if") and the text exchange places. 25 For "faithful" read "trustworthy"

26 For "the present distress "read "the distress that is upon us " 31 For "abusing it "read "using it to the full" and omit the margin.


VIII. 3 For "of him" read "by him"

8"commend" add marg. Gr. present.

IX. 10 "altogether" let "assuredly" be the rendering in the text, and substitute "altogether" for the marg.

27 "have preached" add marg. Or, have been a herald

XI. 10 Omit marg. 8 ("have authorit over ")

19 For "heresies" read "factions" (with marg. Gr. heresies.) 27 For "unworthily" read "in an unworthy manner"

XII. 31 Read "And moreover a most excellent way

" etc.

XIII. 12 Read "then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known" and omit marg. 3 and 4.

13 Omit marg. 5 ("but greater than these ")

XIV. 3 For "comfort" read "exhortation "

33, 34 For "of peace; as" etc. read "of peace. As in all the churches of the saints, let" etc. [and begin the paragraph with "As" etc.]

XV. 2 Adopt marg. 7 for the text (substituting "the word which" for "what").

8 For "as unto . . . time" read "as to the child untimely born"

19 Let marg. 4 and the text exchange places.

33 For "Evil company doth corrupt good manners" read "Evil companionships corrupt good morals"

34 For "Awake up" read "Awake to soberness" and omit marg.


44, 46 "natural" add marg. Gr. psychical.

51 For "We shall not all" read "We all shall not" and put the present text into the marg.


I. 9 For "answer" read "sentence" (with marg. Gr. answer.) 15 For "before" read "first"

24 Read in the text "for in faith ye stand fast"

II. 14 Begin a new paragraph with this verse.

15 For "are being saved.. are perishing" read "are saved... perish" and put the present text into the marg.

III. 9 For" is glory " read "hath glory" and let marg. 10 run Many etc. For if the ministration of condemnation is glory.

18 Let marg. 4 and the text exchange places.
Omit marg. 5 ("the Spirit which is the Lord")

IV. 3 For "are perishing" read "perish" and put the present text into the marg.

VII. 8,9 For "I do not regret it, though" etc. read "I do not regret it: though I did regret it (for I see that that epistle made you sorry, though but for a season), I now rejoice" etc. XII. 7 Strike out "-wherefore" and add marg. Some ancient authorities read -wherefore.

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