Sivut kuvina

Thoughts on the present crisis, &c. 417,
et seq.
Toleration, religious, an enlightened one,
never prevailed in France, 216
Toleration under Bonaparte, a clew towards
unravelling its true character, 72, et seq.
Tragedies derived from the Greek my-
thology, neither acted nor read in
England, 90, 1

Tranquillity bank established by Mr.
Bone, 602

Transformations of insects, 577
Travels of Ali Bey in Morocco, &c. 522,
et seq.

Timber, large, its great deficiency in
the interior of North America, 112

United brethren, Dr. Brown's account
of their missionary labours, 231; ab-
solute failure of their attempt to civi-
Ize prior to christianizing the Green-
landers, 233

Valpy's Greek Testament, 341, et seq.;
plan of the work, ib.; the theological
notes unsatisfactory, ib.; character
of the text, 342; general estimate of
the work, ib.

Virgil's fourth eclogue, contains, accord-

ing to Bishop Horsley, some prophe-
cies of the Messiah, 153
Vincent's spirit of prayer, 94
Volcanic explosions among the black or
rocky mountains of N. America, 126
Walker's memoirs of Tassoni, 497, et seq;
attainments and claims as an author,
ib. et seq.; origin of Tassoni's "Rape
"of the Bucket," 499; subjects of his
"Pensieri Diversi," 501; account of
Carlo Emanuele, Duke of Savoy, ib.;
traits in the life of Tassoni, ib.; state
of patronage in Italy in the 17th century,
503, 4

War, love of, the great characteristic of
the French nation, 219; its ruinous
tendency on the best interests of in-
ternal national society, ib.
Watering places, Styles's temptations
of, 591

Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington esta-

blishes his head-quarters there, 349; ac-
counts of various actions there, 360
Water, want of, distressed state of Ali Bey

and his party from it, 532; nature of its
effects on the human frame, 533
Watkins's, (Rev. H. G.) hints and ob-
servations, seriously addressed to heads
of families, in reference to servants,
385, el seq.

vants, ib.

friendly hints to female ser-

Watkins's second report of the London
Society for the improvement of ser-
vants, ib.; extract, 390
Weekly monitor, 174

Wellington, the Duke of, establishes his
head quarters at Waterloo, 349; amec-
dotes of, 351, et seq.

Western, Mr. nature of his late propo
sitions, 422

White Doe of Rylstone, 33, et seq.;
foundation of the poem, 37; extracts, 38;
et seq.

Wilks's essay on the signs of conversion
and unconversion in the ministers of
the church, 538; character of the con-
verted minister, 548; his mode of
preaching, ib.; essentially different from
the unconverted minister, 549; absurdity
of a political establishment for con-
verting sinners, 550, 1; objectionable
passage in the preface to the essay, 554;
probably interpolated, ib.; author's re-
marks on the use of technical terms in
divinity, 555; his excellent remarks on
the ministerial character, 556
Williams's, Helen Maria, narrative of
events in France, from the landing of
Buonaparte, in March 1815, 65, et
seq; extreme change in her political
sentiments, ib.; value of her testi-
mony in regard to recent events in
France, ib.; Buonaparte not popular
in France, ib.; his return the effect of a
military conspiracy, ib. et seq.; rapidity
of his march easily explained, 68; dan-
ger to be dreaded from military influence,
ib.; Marshal Ney's conduct repro-
bated, ib; state of the Jacobins under
Buonaparte, 69; Buonaparte's peni-
tence, ib.; contentions in his council
chamber, 78; hire of French mobs, ib.;
Buonaparte collars his archchancellor, ib.
surprize of the French at the declama-
tions of the English in favour of Buona-
parte, ib.; French caricature, 71; a
choice morceau for craniologists, ib.;
his abolition of the slave trade, did
not originate in motives of humanity,
ib.: his alleged design to change the
Catholic religion in France, 72, et seq.;
encourages publications against popery,
ib.; styled by a bishop, the representative
of God on earth, ib.; engages the cardinal
archbishop, and the protestant president,
of Paris, in one religious ceremony, 73;
Murat, slight sketch of his character, 74 ·
Miss W's reflections on the then present
state of France, ib. et seq.
Williams, H. M. on the late persecu-
tions of the protestants in the S. of
France, 391, et seq; importance of
the present work, 592; author's testi-

mony of the reality of the persecutions,
ib.; advantages acquired by the protes-
tants, from the late revolution, 393;
their complete emancipation under the
reign of Buonaparte, ib.; restoration of
the Bourbons, thrusts them back into a
state of doubtful toleration, 394; insur-
rections on the return of Buonaparte, ib.;
cruelties at Nismes confined to the pro-
lestants, ib; author's remarks on the
conduct of the three denominations in
London, 395
Williams's moral tendencies of know-

ledge, 594, 5; importance of history, 595
Wilson, Capt. J. Griffin's memoirs of,
275; subject of the narrative, 276,
et seq.; account of his conversion, ib.
et seq.

Wilson's history and antiquities of dis-

senting churches in London, &c. 40!,
et seq.; sense in which the author uses
the word church, ib.; account of the
first dissenting congregation formed in
London, ib.; its pastors, ib.; first
presbyterian church, 402; rise of the
Brownists, ib.; first independent church,
ib.; rise of the first baptist church,
ib.; plan of the work, ib.; list of the
principal biographical notices, 403;
biographical sketch of the life of W.
Kiffin, ib. embraces the principles of the
baptists, 463; controversies on the sub-
ject of baptism, 404; falsely accused of
plotting against the government, 405;
acquires the esteem of the king, ib., ac-
cused of compassing the death of the king,
ib.; policy of Mr. Kiffin, and meanness
of Charles II, 407; execution of his
grandsons, by Jefferies, 407; compelled
to be an alderman by James 11. 408;
his death, ib.; account of Mr. Joseph
Jacob, 586; strict laws adopted in his

church, 586, 7; extract from his ser-
mon on wigs and whiskers, 587;
rhymes on the same subject, ib.; ex-
tract from a sermon on the fewness
of the faithful,' 588

Wilson's inquiry into the causes of the
high prices of corn and labour, &c.
417, et seq.
Wirtemberg, kingdom of, great atten-
tion paid there to the moral and re-
ligious instruction of the lower classes,

Wisdom, Philosophy, and Philanthropy
rivers!! 123

Wollaston's synoptic scale of chemical
equivalents, 357; its essential value,
ib.; its description and use, 358
Women, Mahommedan, covered place for
them in one of the mosques at Fez, for
attending of public prayers, 529
Woodcock, the Rev. H. in reply to Mr.
Gisborne's letter to the Bishop of
Gloucester. See Bible Society
Wordsworth's White Doe of Rylstone,33,
et seq.; the author's poetical qualifica-
tions not justly appreciated by his
contemporaries, ib.; remarks on the
love of poetry, ib.; character of
Walter Scott's poetry; on poetical
pleasure, 35; metaphysical poets, 36;
poetical powers of the author, ib.;
his faults, 37; a writer's peculiarities
are generally among his faults, ib.;
foundation of the poem, ib.; extracts,
38, el seq.

Young's, Arthur, Baxteriana, 86, et seq.

Zemzem, Chief of the Well of, deputed
to poison persons who have rendered
themselves obnoxious to the ruling
powers, 436, 7.

H. Bryer, Printer, Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London.


Page 528, line 21, for apartments, read departments 533, line 26, dele comma after 'professes' 541, line 4 from bottom, for life, read lip 583, line 9, for oscicatories, read vesicatories 589, line 31, for provocation if, read provocation of 615, line 8, for an, read wran

line 9, for van, read yan

line 11, for van, read van line 23, for D'in, rend in 616, line 16, for iny, read w 617, line 1, for jas, read a

ותוכיחו read ותוכיחן line 19, for

618, line last, for, read

619, line 25, for, read t

יזכר read זכר line 27, for לראות read לראות line 30 for

והפצהו read והפצה line 33, for

line 32, for a, read any

620, line 1, for natch's, read snatch

line 19, for gird, read dering

line 7, from bottom, for jawn, read won

MAY 6 1918

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