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"spect which Buonaparte's departure for "the armies, under the present circum



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"and nearest to himself, his Mamelukes and "Poles; then his regular French troops, 66 and, in his outer circle, come the national" stances of France, offers to our view, we "6 guards of Paris, over whom, by a recent "cannot but consider it as most animating. "decree, he has placed officers of his own The day of trial is at hand. The Ty"choosing." "At present he clings to rant, like a condemned gladiator, sullenly "Paris, as he did a few months ago to enters his last arena. No look of com"Dresden. He sees whole departments "fort greets him. No one cries, God save "occupied by the Allies, without daring him. His enemies are numerous and to move to their defence." I must con"formidable. His subjects are cold, fess, if this description of the situation of "gloomy, and dispirited. How does he the tyrant" was true, the poor devil" leave his capital? What are the partmust have been in a sad mess, especially" ing tokens of his love for his good city of when, what this writer stated as a matter "Paris? Bankruptcy and swindling. Like of unquestionable notoriety, is farther con- a fraudulent tenaut, the last acts of whose sidered, "that ere many weeks have " Occupancy are waste and spoliation, he "elapsed, the white flag will be flying in" plunders the Bank, and robs the mer"several different parts of France.' If, I chants, that the lawful master of the say, these statements had been true, that" throne may find it on his accession destiman ought to have been held the most "tute of wealth and weakened in reegregious fool alive, even to imagine that" sources."Here, reader, you find not Buonaparte would, at any future period, only an explicit admission, that Buonaparté, be able to overcome his difficulties, or the man who, only a few weeks before, venture to show his face at Paris. But, found it necessary to shelter himself in Paris reader, I am now about to prove to you, from the rage of his oppressed subjects, by and that from the mouth of this writer collecting round him all the military force himself, that his statements were not true, in France; the man against whom every and that he must have known them to be" man's hand was turned," and who false at the very instant he was attempting" trembled every inch" for the safety of to palm them upon the public. We all his throne; this humbled, this "proscribed know that the French Emperor, contrary" individual," not only braving all these to the lying predictions of the news-papers, did leave Paris, without any attempt on the part of his subjects," to call him to "account for his misdeeds." Nay, more, we know, that as he set out to fight the -This writer thought he saw something Allies, who are represented in the Courier" animating" in all this. It is probable he to have invaded France with 400,000 chosen did, if we suppose, as we have every reatroops, that he must have taken an army son to do, that he entertained a fellow feelwith him equal, if not superior, to the in- ing with those who cry up interminable vaders, otherwise it would have been mad- war, merely because they profil by it. ness in him to think of leaving his capital. Only a few days after putting forth the Now what did the Times writer say, on above philippic, we find this writer reathese facts becoming notorious?—Did he soning thus;- "We deny not, that the come forward, like an honest man, and ac- power of evil may predominate. The knowledge his error? Did he shew that a short-sightedness of our Allies; the regard for truth was paramount with him" apathy of a great part of France; the to all other considerations? No; he had" wicked activity of the advocates and acnot the integrity to act a part so noble and complices of murder and treason; all disinterested. Finding he could no longer" these may raise up the down-trodden deny facts, he descended to the mean and "hopes of the detested Tyrant. He will, pitiful shift of endeavouring to bring them" doubtless, make an imposing display of into discredit by ridicule, which, however, "his forces. He has drawn all his armies, he intermixed with so large a portion of the gall, that he disgusted even his most credulous readers. It was in the following insolent manner that he spoke of the affairs of France, when he found he could not conceal what was known to all the world:

"If we turn our eyes toward the pro

dangers by leaving Paris, but actually leading forth an army of those very Frenchmen, who, the day before, were eager to merit the "proud title of being his assassins."

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except those of Soult and Suchet, to a point, "Their composition must be bad; but their "numbers may be great."--Indeed, it has come to this, has it? Buonaparté will doubtless make an imposing display of his forces; he has drawn them together, and their num bers may be great. What all in a mo


ment? Was it really "all lies" you were | already cleared, and I think upon good lately telling the public, about the desperate grounds, from the charge of disloyalty, situation of Napoleon? or was you serious seem rather disposed to put a stop to the when showing off your learning to the city career of these invaders, and inclined to politicians, in the comparison you drew carry the horrors of war back into the between the French Emperor and CADMUS, bosom of the German states. But if the who, you told them," sowed dragons' allies could not foresee this. If, believing teeth, and they started up armed men?" all that the Times newspaper told them But the best of the joke is, this writer tells about the disaffection of the French, and us, that we have nobody to blame for the their readiness to hoist the white flag imposing attitude which Buonaparté has and declare for the Bourbons; if, I say, assumed, but the Allies and the people of the Allies were so simple, so credulous, France. "The short-sightedness (says he) and so blind as to take this upon the bare "of our Allies-the apathy of a great part statement of the Times, how can that paper "of France!!" These complaints against now censure them for the credit which they the people of France might have been gave to their lies? how blame them for tolerated. Considering how much they being short-sighted as to an event which are attached to their sovereign; how they themselves did not foresee, or, if foreready they are to sacrifice their lives in seeing it, which they intentionally and his cause; and that he has only to raise carefully concealed from all the great his finger, or to give a nod, and 300,000 powers in Europe who were so deeply inFrenchmen, in reality, "start up armed terested in knowing it? I am clear, howmen." I am no way surprised that the ever, that the Allies ought not to have Times, and all the tribe of scribbling pen- trusted to any newspaper report whatever sioners in this country, should vomit out in a matter of such consequence; no not rancour and abuse against that gallant peo- even to the representations of spies who ple. But why blame the Allies for this? every where affect to know more of other What could they have done more than they people's matters than they do themselves, have accomplished? Have they not most and who never scruple at deceiving even willingly accepted every shilling which our their employers, if they find their interest liberality and earnest desire for the "deli- in it. The Allies ought to have looked of Europe," forced upon them? into the affair themselves; they ought to Have they not, by these means, raised, dis- have reasoned, they ought to have calcuciplined, and united innumerable armies? lated upon the probability of succeeding Have they not succeeded in detaching from in their designs against France, instead Buonaparte the whole of his former Allies, of viewing the matter through the menot even excepting the Crown Prince of dium of other people's eyes. In short, Sweden, who owes his elevation to the the Allies ought to have studied human intrigues of the Corsican?" Have they nature well, before they determined on innot compelled him to abandon all his in- vading a people so attached to their sovefluence in Germany? Have they not res- reign as the French appear to be, and who, cued Holland from his grasp? Have they rather than submit to the former tyranny not driven him across the Rhine? In short, of the Bourbons, are willing, it is now seen, have they not invaded his territory, levied that war, with all its calamities, should be percontributions upon his subjects, in order petuated; are disposed to subject themselves to give them a taste of the miseries of to every privation, to the loss of life itself, war, and actually marched the Cos- rather than allow any foreign power to dicsacks, the "unimitated, inimitable" tate the law, or, in any shape, interfere Cossacks, as the Courier calls them, to with their form of government. If the within 60 miles of Paris, that they may Allies have not duly considered these mathave it in their power, when they reach ters; if they have rushed heedlessly into that city, to gratify the Christian and pious the contest; if they have taken it for grantwish of the writer in the Times,thated that every thing which the lying press Paris, like Moscow, should be laid in ashes?" Have the Allies, I say, not done all this? and ought not such mighty doings to have sheltered them from the imputation of short-sightedness which has been so wantonly brought against them? It is very true, the French people, whom I have

66 verance


of this country told them was true; and if the consequence of their credulity should be an entire reverse of fortune; then, indeed, they will have cause to regret their folly, to lament their short-sightedness, and even to' curse those who urged them on by lies and deceit ; but to hear the conductors of the


entry into Brienne, all comment upon that dispatch was puerile, and only shows the desperate nature of the game which is playing off upon the deluded people of this country.

Negociations are going on with Buonaparté and the Allies. The Moniteur of the 6th instant states that Lord Castlereagh and Caulincourt were at Chatillon along with the other ministers of the confederates, and that our Ambassador had exchanged notes with the French plenipotentiary on the 4th, and

Courier and the Times men, who have not relaxed one moment in their base attempts to spread darkness and delusion" over Europe, and to subject mankind to a worse than Gothic barbarism, who have been unceasing in their endeavours to promote the invasion of France, and to persuade the Allies that nothing stood in the way which could prevent their march to Paris. To hear, I say, these creatures daring to censure the Allies for their short-sightedness; for becoming, what is not improbable, the unwary dupes of their own knavery; indi-were to have a meeting in the evening. In a cates a degree of presumption, of arrogance, and of effrontery, that has no parallel; except, indeed, we look for it in the passive, tame, and stupid manner in which mankind permit themselves to be led by these prostituted and hireling jour-" nals.



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late report by Baron St. Aignan, one of the French diplomatists, which appeared in the Moniteur, he gives the following as the substance of a conversation which he had with the Austrian Minister: "He told me that the Allies, long before the "declaration of Austria, had saluted the Emperor Francis with the title of EmpeOCCURRENCES OF THE WAR. The of ror of Germany; that he did not accept ficial intelligence which I have to notice as "this unmeaning title; and that Germany to the war in France, is what is contained" was more to him in this manuer than bein the following article from the Moniteur."fore; that he desired that the Emperor "After the taking of St. Dizier, the Em-"Napoleon should be persuaded that the 46 peror advanced on the rear of the enemy, greatest calmness and the spirit of modera"at Brienne, beat him on the 29th, and "tion presided in the councils of the Allies; "took possession of the town and castle," that nothing was intended by any body "after a pretty smart action with the rear- "against the dynasty of the Emperor Napoguard." Subsequent accounts state, that "leon; that England was much more modeBuonaparté proceeded afterwards to Troyes." rate than was thought; that there had Dispatches have been received from "never been a more favourable moment for our minister Lord Burghersh, detailing the " treating with her; that if the Emperor operations of the Allies up to the 18th of Napoleon really desired to make a solid last month, which, of course, could not be " peace, he would spare humanity many expected to bring any thing new. But the misfortunes, and France many dangers, Courier, with its usual penetration, has "by not delaying the negociations for discovered, that a passage in his Lordship's" peace; that they were near coming to an letter of the 14th ult. places it "beyond all" understanding; that the ideas conceived "doubt that the people will not rise in sup" of peace ought to give just limits to the 66 port of Buonaparte's authority." Had" power of England, and to France all the this letter been written after the date of "maritime liberty which she had a right Buonaparte's departure from Paris (the" to claim, as well as the other powers of 25th ult.); and had the recent advantage," Europe. That England was ready to which he obtained over the Allies, not been "restore to Holland as an independent before the public, from which it clearly" State, what she would not restore to her appears that the people of France must have" as a French province." risen, otherwise Napoleon could not have Dispatches have been received from Lord had an army; the Courier might have cal-Wellington, in which it is stated, that Soult culated upon being able to lull its readers more effectually in their fancied security, by Lord Burghersh's dispatch. But when it is plain that his Lordship speaks of the state of things, as he understood it to be, eleven days prior to the march of Napoleon from his capital, and fifteen days before his

had called in all his out-posts, and had received considerable reinforcements from the interior of France. How does this fact accord with what the Gourier tells us about the French people refusing to support the authority of Buonaparté ?

Published by G. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

VOL. XXV. No. 8.] LONDON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1814. [Price 1s



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SUMMARY OF Politics. the two, I shall first request the attention MR. MANT AND CAPTAIN CAMPBELL. observed, has published a pamphlet, which," of the reader.Mr. Mant, as was before In the last Number of the Register, at page he states in that pamphlet, to have been 203, I inserted an article upon the subject rendered necessary by the conduct of Capof the dispute between these two gentle- tain Campbell, who had, it appears, shown' men, relative to the selling of prize goods to several persons at Southampton, certain' and the granting of passports to foreign. papers injurious to Mr. Mant's character;' vessels in the Mediterranean.served, in a former article, that the mat- furnish Mr. Mant with any copy of those -I had ob- and, who, it also appears, had refused to ter divided itself into two parts, very dis- papers, though, it must be observed, that' tinct from each other. One part related to Captain Gampbell did offer, in answer to the conduct of Captain Campbell towards Mr. Mant's request, to suffer the papers to the parties whose goods and vessels were be seen by any friend, of Mr. Mant's; an' seized, or laid under contribution, and offer which Mr. Mant refused, upon 'the' towards the nation whose ship he com- ground, that, the showing of the papers toʻ manded, whose sailors were employed in one person would not satisfy him after they the service, whose purses bore the expense had been, shown to so many, calling upon of his enterprises, and whose credit and Captain Campbell to cause the papers to be honour it was his bounden' duty to main- printed, and offering himself to bear the tain; or, at least, not wilfully to tarnish, expense. The other part was of a nature com- Campbell's relation, Capt. D. Campbell, To this proposition, Captain' paratively insignificant, though not divest who was now, it appears, the keeper of the ed of sufficient importance to merit the se- papers, declined to make any reply; whererious attention of the public, as it involved upon Mr. Mant published that pamphlet, to a question of good or bad character of Mr. which I am now about to refer.Mant, a gentleman of very respectable con- pamphlet, at pages 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, -In his nexions, and, until lately, a surgeon in the Mr. Mant makes the, following statement. navy. It is always disagreeable to me, and particularly at a time like the present,"cused me of Peculation, &c, in my ar "Captain Patrick Gampbell has as when subjects of such astonishing moment" rangement of the Prize Concerns, &c. of are presenting themselves every hour for His Majesty's Ship Unité and others; the consideration of my country, whose and at the period which embraces the future fate depends, perhaps, upon the "events in question, under the immate events of the present month; at such a time, it is peculiarly disagreeable to me to" of the said ship, then senior officer, com"command of Captain Patrick Campbell, enter upon matters originating in the dis-"manding a squadron stationed in the putes of individuals. But, seeing that I" Adriatic, intended for the blockade of have entered upon the subject, and that if the ports of Venice, &c. &c,—In the I leave it in its present state, I'may be the "execution of this duty, numerous vessels means of doing injustice, I think it necessary to resume it here, and, with the aid of detained by Captain Campbell; and, "of the enemy, as well as neutrals, were all the information which I now possess, to "being acquainted with the Italian lan place the whole of the case as clearly be-"guage, I was directed by him, my comfore the reader as I can; and, however demanding officer, to go on shore to the ficient I may be found, in other respects," city of Trieste, for the express purpose in the performance of this task, I trust that" of disposing or compromising for such neither of the parties concerned will have" vessels and cargoes as were then, or any just grounds for charging me with par-" might thereafter be captured or detained tiality. To the first branch of the sub-" by him, or by any of the squadron under ject, as being by far the most important of his command, without having been pre


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46 viously sent to an admiralty court for ad- "this must be added, they were of the "judication.Not having been an ac- construction of ships, brigs, trabaccolos, "credited, but a voluntary and friendly" &c. &c. Documents of which are in my agent to Captain Campbell in this busi- possession. -In the several comproness, and this was the prevailing idea of "mises, &c. I have been acknowledged by "the squadron, from the knowledge I had the Borsa (i. e. Commercial Chambers, "of the Italian language, yet unacquainted" or Royal Exchange) to have made them ❝ with its routine, that it did not then oc- on the most honourable and advantage66 cur to me that I was lending my assist- ous terms for the interest of my employer; "ance to the committal of an illegal trans-" and to exculpate myself completely from "action, a circumstance of which he him- any charge of misconduct, or of appro"self could not be ignorant at the time he "priating any sum or sums to my own use gave me the instructions.In obedi-" and benefit, that I now declare, the speence to his orders, a negociation took" cific sums stipulated in the several pecu"place with a Deputation of merchants" niary payments were always (excepting "mutually selected for this special purpose "in some very trifling cases, and this at "from the commercial chambers (i. e. "the moment of emergency), in the first "Borsa, or Royal Exchange) of the city of" instance, submitted to the consideration, "Trieste, gentlemen of opulence and known" and, lastly, rendered valid with the con"respectability, and ultimately denomi-"currence of Captain Campbell, my com"nated as "The Deputation for the prize" manding officer, or some other Captain,; "" affairs of Corfu and Malta," &c. &c. "who were all in agreement of sharing -Towards both these ports I was di- "monies obtained by this unwarrantable, "rected to hold out a menace, that detain-" and illegal proceeding.- The various "ed vessels would be sent, if a pecuniary" sums received on account of this practice, "arrangement on their part was not made; "were never collected by me; the Depu "which had the desired effect, by the "tation sent the money to the office of the 66 speedy adjustment of the matter; the Vice-Consul at Trieste, which was deli"Deputation being well aware of the sub-vered over to me in bags, sealed, and "sequent and great expense of litigations," "&c in a court of Admiralty: and as a "further inducement for the Deputation to 66 cause a liberal compromise, passports 66 were generally given by Captain Camp"bell to each vessel; and, in several in❝stances, a convoy was granted, to prevented by Captain Campbell; and the dis"their being again seized or detained. "tribution of this money was at no period "Captain Campbell, conscious of his im-intrusted to me." -There is someproper and illegal conduct in this affair,thing so bold in these transactions; they "delivered to me a Bond, drawn up in his display so grand a scale of action, that one "own diction and writing, with instruc- can hardly believe it possible that they "tions for me, to use as a Form for those were illegal; and yet, I have examined the "merchants to sign who agreed to a com- acts of Parliament in vain in order to find “promise, as a prevention to their insti-out something to warrant them. It is im"tuting any process against him in any possible for me to know what were the incourt of law:-but, unluckily for the structions given to Captain Campbell by "Captain, he is not aware of the nullity of the Admiralty; and, I do not pretend to "the Bond even at this moment; as, very say, because I really do not know, what is "probably, he may hereafter feel the ill the law upon the subject. These transac"effects of this designing caution.Intions may, therefore, have been fully justi"order to afford some proof to the public "that Captain Campbell's orders were en"forced, for the compromise of the several "vessels and cargoes, I declare the same to have taken place with vessels under "the following flags; viz. Turkish, Gre"cian, Danish, Papal, Imperial, French, and Venetian; and, were I to state the "names, the list would nearly reach the "length of a certain Proctor's bill:-but



with a tally, specifying the amount, in order to deliver it to, Captain Campbell, my commanding officer, on any returning on board; and which I was in the con"stant habit of doing, seeing at the time of delivery the amount counted and reckon

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fiable, in consequence of some instructions on the part of the Adiniralty, or of some enactinent by the Parliament; but, this, I say, that, if they had not one of these grounds to rest upon, they were neither more nor less than acts of Piracy. When I wrote the last article upon this subject, I had seen a paper, purporting to be a letter to the Lords of the Admiralty, the object of which was, to explain the nature of these

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