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foreseen as well as me, has actually happened. Napoleon has forced the combined army to fall back to Troyes, 111 miles from Paris, and 75 miles frem the point which they had previously reached. This fact was first ascertained by the receipt of dispatches from our military agents who accompany the allied army, the last of which is dated Troys the 17th ult. These dis

stated in the previous French bulletins, and clearly show, that the object of the Allies, the capture of Paris, had completely failed. Since then French official papers have been received to the 25th, in which it is stated, that Buonaparte's head-quarters were at Nogent on the 20th, and that his advanced guard was " half way between

319] POLITICAL REGISTER.—The Emperor Napoleon, &c.—Occurrences, &c. [320 join with those who flatter themselves ercised his reasoning powers, might have that a peace with France, in the present state of things, will prove a blessing to this country. Much, very much indeed, must be done in the way of reform, be fore any of the comforts which many look for, in a suspension of hostilities, can be realized Meanwhile, it does appear to me, that a general peace is neither so near nor so easily to be obtained as most people are inclined to believe. The multi-patches fully confirm the leading facts tude of interests involved; the extent of territory to be adjusted; the continental and maritime rights of the belligerents, which have been rendered complex by the long endurance of the contest, and the different pretences, and arrogant assumptions of ambitious individuals; are points not to be settled in a day, or a month, perhaps not in a year. As a preliminary point, I" Nogent and Troyes;" that is, within 25 think Napoleon may insist upon the evacu ation of the soil of France by the Allies. It was while they were on the other side of the Rhine, that he agreed to the terms which they proposed as a basis of a peace. They refused to give his ambassador a passport, though fully empowered to enter upon an immediate negociation; and followed up that refusal by an invasion of the territory of France. Napoleon even suspended all military operatious, till they had penetrated into the heart of his kingdom. Conferences were no doubt held at Chatillon, said to be of a pacific nature; but it was a strange way of settling the terms of peace by cutting each other's throats. It was impossible both parties could be sincere. Now that the Emperor of France has lowered the presumption of those who would listen to no terms until they were in possession of his capital, I am inclined to think he will not treat with the enemies of France till they re-assume the position which they occupied when he signified his acquiescence in their original proposals. He may meet the views of the Allies so far as to consent to a suspension of hostilities; but I am persuaded he will not go into discussions respecting a definitive treaty, until the whole of the invading army has re-crossed the Rhine. If this should be his plan, and the Allies refuse to accede to it, we may then, instead of an immediate peace, have war in perpetuity.

THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON AND HIS ARMY.What I foresaw in my last, without pretending to the spirit of prophecy, and which any other man, who ex

miles of the latter place; so that it is more than probable, as Napoleon was bringing forward his troops on all sides, and actively preparing for new and offensive operations, that another battle may have been fought, unless hostilities have been suspended by an armistice. The latest official intelligence which, by the last accounts, was received at Paris from the army, was dated the 20th.—If a battle had been fought on the 24th, or even the 26th, sufficient time has elapsed for the particulars to have reached this country.That no advices have been received, can only be accounted for upon the supposition that some pacific measure has been adopted, or that the French papers, containing the details of another engagement have been kept back here, as I believe they have often been, to serve stock-jobbing purposes. Be this as it may, I think it cannot be long ere intelligence be received of a decisive nature from one quarter or another.

-I have

OCCURRENCES OF THE WAR. little to add, under this head, to what I stated in my last. The storming of Soissons by the Russians, who, it was said, took 3,000 prisoners, 13 pieces of cannon, and killed and wounded between 6 and 7,000 of the enemy, is represented in the French bulletin to have been a very paltry affair. The garrison, it is there stated, consisted only of 1,000 men of the national guards. The redoubtable Winzingerode Considered it the safest way, after the mighty achievement of surprising this formidable garrison, to decamp from Soissons, and follow the fortunes of Blucher.

Published by G. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse-Court, Fleet-street.


VOL. XXV. No. 11.] LONDON, SATURDAY, MARCH 12. 1814.


SUMMARY Of politics. FRENCH SUFFERERS. If the accounts, with which the French official papers have lately been filled, of the sufferings of the people of France, in consequence of the war. be true, which I see no reason to doubt, it appears to me that they are as much the objects of compassion, and have as great a claim upon the charitable benevolence of this country, as the suffering Germans, or any other suffering people on earth. The religion which we profess does not only enjoin it as one of the duties of a Christian, to feed the hungry and clothe the naked of his own particular nation or sect, but it inculcates universal benevolence. It does more; it commands us to love our enemies; and, in conforming to these precepts, it assures us that we conform to the Father of All, and by him will be rewarded in due time for these virtuous deeds. What other impulse; what other motives than these influence the great mass of the community, who are just now so actively engaged in promoting the subscription for the suffering Germans? Among these I observe the names of the great bulk of the people called Quakers, who utterly disclaim all motives of action in this case but those which arise from the benevolent maxims of the religion which they profess; who say they are actuated by no interested consideration, and who give their money for the relief of the miserable victims of war in Germany, not because these unfortunates have a higher claim upon their purse than others who may be equally unfortunate, but because they hold it to be the duty of all Christians, and, indeed, of all mankind, whatever may be their religion, to contribute towards the amelioration of suffering humanity, whether the call be made by an Englishman or by a German, by a Frenchman or by a Spaniard. These philanthropic principles are what I have often heard avowed by the Quakers, and I have often witnessed them exemplified in the conduct of many a worthy member of that association.-I should hope they are not confined to the narrow circle of my observation. I should hope that it is not with

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a profession of philanthropy merely, that this numerous and respectable body of my fellow-citizens are satisfied. I trust it is not a few of them who are alive to the misery and wretchedness of their feHowmen, but that they all feel alike on this subject, and are all employed, as far as they have the means, in administering the comforts of life to those who are in want of them. I say, I hope and trust this is the case. But, I do confess, I have my fears upon the subject. I entertain strong doubts that their present interference in behalf of the Germans, is not altogether so disinverested as they would have the world believe. Have they no wish, no desire, in this age of universal patriotism; when the cry of general liberty and the emancipation of Europe is in every one's mouth, to appear as patriotic as their neighbours? At feast, does not the very active part which they have taken in raising money for our Allies, show that they do not wish, in this loyal age, to be suspected of incivism? I may be mistaken; but when I look into the his tory of the Quakers, I am very apt to think that their present decided conduct is somewhat tinctured with the feeling which I have mentioned. Still I admit I may be wrong in my conjecture. The moment, however, is arrived, which must remove all doubt on this head; which must serve as a touchstone to try the sincerity not only of this extensive class of religious professors, but of innumerable other classes, all over the country, who boast, as much as the Quakers do, of their universal benevolence, and who point to their names in the subscription list for the suffering Germans, as proofs of their philanthropy. The hour, I say, is come, which must either confirin the claim of these numerous sects to the genuine character of Christians, such as they themselves describe it to be, or entirely overthrow all their pretensions. The people of France are now afflicted with all the horrors of war under which the neighbouring states and kingdoms so recently groaned, and which excited the counseration of this country in their behalf. so great a height, indeed, have these sufferL


Report to his Excellency the Minister of the Interior, by M. Desprez Crassier, Auditor to the Council of State, dated March 2, 1814.

"I now lay before you the heart-rending picture of the calamities and outrages which the inhabitants of the communes I have vi

ings arisen, that they have attracted the only one to which it has been thought pruparticular notice of the Municipality of dent to give an English dress; and which, Paris, who have held several public meet-though limited in the information it conings for the purpose of receiving the re-tains, I have given here, because I consiports of the Deputies employed to collect der it calculated to lay a foundation for the information as to the extent of the evil. exercise of that benevolence, of that general These reports, says the Gourier, "which philanthropy, which is so much in vogue in are given at length with the signatures of this country. all the Deputies, in the Moniteur and other papers, are too long, and too revolting to be given entire. They present a series of pictures, which may serve as companions to those of the atrocities of the French themselves in those unhappy countries which have witnessed the retreat of their discomfited armies." It is not my intention to make any remarks upon the impor-sited have experienced from the enemy. It tant fact here admitted by the Courier, that will be an abstract of the subscribed depoif the French armies committed atrocities sitions taken by verbal examination, and an in the countries which they lately overrun, abridged detail of the havoc which I have these have been since equalled, have since seen with my own eyes.That part of found companions in the interior of France. the enemy's army which caused all these The fact, indeed, was sufficiently known evils was chiefly composed of Russian before, by the proclamation of Marshal troops, a small number of Bavarians and Blucher, who found it necessary to threaten Wurtembergers, and some Hungarian hushis soldiers with military execution on the sars. -At Nangis the inhabitants genespot, if they persisted in their depredations rally had to complain of pillage; their perapon the inhabitants. What I wish prin- sonal outrages leave frightful recollections; cipally to remark upon the above passage is, pillage itself was always accompanied with that the sufferings of the French people are menaces, very often with ill-treatment ; admitted to be at least as great as those of and it was with pistols at their breasts, and the Germans. The details of them are re- the sabre over their heads, that these bripresented to be extremely revolting," gands compelled the unfortunate inhabitants and the miseries of both nations are aptly to declare where their money and valuable described to be fit "companions." But effects were concealed.The 1st and 2d why the extent of these sufferings, and the depositions state, that a female received enormity of the "atrocities" committed, from these miscreants a blow on the loins, should have been considered a reason for with the flat side of their sabre, which suppressing these details, I cannot discover; deprived her of sense; that they held a unless, indeed, those who have the manage-knife to the throat of another, to compel her ment of these matters were afraid that a pe- to disclose where her money was; that the rusal of these revolling accounts, night ex- two husbands of these women were cruelly cite a kindred feeling to that which exists struck, and that one of them, after being on behalf of the Germans. Every circum-beaten in his own house, was driven to the stance connected with the sufferings of the enemy's camp, with blows of the fist, and latter has been ransacked from all quarters; the butt ends of muskets: there the briand, as appears to me, without proper at- gands compelled him to strip, and were tention to the sources whence the greater about to shoot him, when an officer forpart of the information has been drawn, tunately came up, and delivered him out of obtruded upon public notice with an un- the hands of these barbarians.At the justifiable degree of anxiety; whereas the house of the man of landed property, who details which have been furnished of the makes the sixth deposition, they perpetrated With blows of great extent of French suffering, and of the most horrible excesses. French misery, on the authority of men of the fist and the butt end of their muskets, ficially employed for the purpose of draw- they demanded his brandy and money. I ing them up, and whose reports have been myself saw the bloody marks of the blows authenticated by their appearance in the which he received; but their fury did not Moniteur, are considered too long for pub-stop there; four females from the commune lication! Of all these numerous and highly of Bailly, and canton of Mormant, had important documents, the following is the taken refuge with this proprietor; two of

them were girls from 12 to 13; the others ing to the system of warfare now introduced were women from 28 to 35. These unfor- into civilized Europe, is a point entirely fotunate creatures were the victims of the bru-reign to my present purpose, and which can tality of these ferocious men; and an eye- in no shape affect the question, whether the witness, who wished to prevent their out French people, who are confessedly as great rages, was himself severely beaten.[The sufferers by the war as the Germans, report, after describing a variety of similar have not the same claims as the latter outrages on the persons of individuals, pro- upon our Christian charity. All that is ceeds as follows:] There is not a generally required to induce an exercise of farmer, an innkeeper, or an inhabitant, this benevolence, is the making out of a who has not seen his cattle, his imple- case; is a statement of facts sufficient to ments of agriculture, his property, his remove all doubts as to the persons being furniture, carried off, wasted, or burnt. proper objects of our compassion. Here The churches and ministers of religion then, ye professors of a religion, charachave not been spared more than others. terized by the purest system of morality The strongest language would fail established amongst men, is a case made in describing the mournful aspect which out to your satisfaction, which even the these ravaged habitations present. The most inveterate political enemies of France Secretary of the Mayor of Rampillon, who have not dared to question. Here are obhas been a soldier, declared to me, that he jects upon which to exercise that charity never saw troops deliver themselves up to which you so much extol, because its opepillage with such horrible rage, even when ration is not confined to any particular time, licensed so to do.——At Nangis I visited people, place, or circumstances; because it a number of farm-houses, which had been embraces the whole human race in its bepreviously well furnished; but now in all nign circle; and because it is only necessary the apartments nothing was to be seen but to give a nation or individuals a claim upon fragments of broken and half-burnt furni- your bounty, that they are suffering disture, feather-beds and mattresses torn to tress. Here you have a picture of the pieces, and the feathers and wool scattered "heart-rending calamities" of a people about. It was with the wood-work of this who have been deprived of every thing furniture, of waggons and ploughs, and they possessed on earth, even of their hawith the fruil-trees of orchards and gar-bitations during a long and dreary winter, dens, that they lighted their fires at their bivouacs, and roasted the cattle which they had carried off and killed. -In all the places I have passed through, the inhabitants have declared that these banditti spoke I only of pillaging and burning Paris. have been assured that each of them had a torch slung at his back; and when asked what use they meant to make of it, they -universally answered, that it was to set fire to Paris, where they calculated on arriving by the 18th of February. This fact was confirmed to me by M. Grabwisky, Mayor of Mormant, a Pole by birth, who understood their language. The picture of the calamities which these unfortunate people have suffered, and which are reserved for all those of the other departments into which the enemy may penetrate, must rouse the indignation of all Frenchmen, and give them the courage and energy ne cessary to repel those hordes of barbarians beyond the frontiers, and force them, by a peace glorious for France, at last to give repose to all Europe."

Whether the calamities, the misery, the wretchedness, which is depicted in the preceding narrative, are justifiable or not accord

by the rude hand of ferocious war. Here you have the young and the old, the infirm as well as the healthy, the matron and the | virgin, imploring relief from the hands of those who are far removed from this dreadful scourge, and who have it in their power to give them that relief. Where then, ye philanthropic Dissenters; where, ye pious and charitable Churchmen, are your bowels of compassion for suffering humanity? If you do not step forward immediately and afford relief as liberally to the French sufferers, whose case is so powerfully recommended to your notice, as what you have done to their neighbours the Germans, you will belie all your professions of universal benevolence; you will fully justify the suspicion, that you are actuated by motives very different indeed from those which your religion inculcates. In short, if, after the appeal which is now made to your humanity in behalf of the French people, you should nevertheless turn a deaf ear to that call, it will no longer remain a doubt, that the part which you have taken as to the German sufferers, is altogether political; that you have been impelled to this from the mere selfish consideration of


wishing not to be behind in demonstrating | blame the inhabitants of that country, for your loyalty at a moment when so much being at war with us? or why ought they stress is laid upon this mode of showing to be punished, by being left to starve, on one's patriotism. You may by such con- account of the misdeeds of their governduct escape the charge of jacobinism, if ment? To me, it appears, quite clear that, this be your object; but it never can instead of this deplorable and helpless conprocure you the respect of the virtuous, dition, affording a reason for visiting them nor satisfy your own minds, that you are with additional calamities, they are entitled acting a consistent part; whereas, by ex- on that account alone, to more commiseration tending your benevolence to all; by re- than the Germans, who, we are positively lieving the distresses even of your enemies, assured, have enjoyed the most perfect liber(supposing you consider the people of France ly ever since the French were driven out of in that light) you insure the applause of all their country. It is entirely fallacious then good men, and the approbation of your own to refuse pecuniary aid to the peaceable consciences. Those who object to giving inhabitants of France, who are suffering the money for the relief of the sufferers in horrors of war in an equal degree with, if not France, for no other reason than that we in a greater, than their neighbours, merely are at war with that country, are to be because the French government chooses to looked upon as mere politicians, who have continue hostilities. Indeed, if there is any no pretensions to Christian benevolence, thing at all in the argument, it applies with and who, of course, cannot be moved by equal force to the Germans as to the French; any of the foregoing remarks. These cold- for are not both their governments proseblooded, these flinty, these steel-hearted mor- cuting the war with the same resolute detals, would do well to recollect, that though termination? and are not the miseries which we are at war with the French government, at present overwhelm so large a portion of that it is not in behalf of any of its mem- continental Europe, the result, (as stated by bers, nor even of its wounded soldiers, that the Courier) of the ravages of the soldiers we are called upon to interest ourselves. of both the opposing armies? Away then It is in behalf of the suffering inhabitants, with those hypocritical pretensions, with who, it is clear, take no part in the war; it those senseless clamours about benevolence, is in behalf of the aged and the infirm; it philanthropy, and Christian charity, which is in behalf of the youth of both sexes; it is are founded on so unhallowed a base. He in behalf of the farmer and the artisan, who only is the true philanthropist, who exwere pursuing their lawful occupations in the tends his arm to succour distress wherever bosom of peace, and who, till lately, were re- it appears, whether the object of it be a mote from the din and horrors of war, that Turk or a Pagan, a Jew or a Christian, a the appeal is made. Like the inhabitants of worshipper of Bramah, or an adorer of the Germany, who were following similar pur- terrible Odin. He only can be called suits, they have been suddenly and unex- benevolent, who seeks out the victim of pectedly deprived of comfort and ease, and misfortune, regardless of peace or war, and thrown upon the wide world to seek even raises him from the dust, whatever may be the bare means of subsistence. Like the his place of residence. Germans, therefore, they have an undoubted claim upon our humanity. Besides, if it be true, as these natural enemies of France tell us, that the people there are groaning under a disgraceful and despotic tyranny that they are the unwilling instruments in the hands of an arbitary government, of perpetuating the scourges of war; that they are at all times liable to be dragged from their homes, to fill up the ranks of the armies of the man, who thus lords it over them, and who can check and restrain every disposition towards emancipation, by the powerful military force which he always has at his command. If, I say, this is a true picture of the situation of the people of France, how can those men, who give us these representations, and who vouch for their accuracy,

WAR OF EXTERMINATION. MR. COBBETT. The strength, clearness, and accuracy of your reasoning, whether your discussions relate to political or religious topics, cannot but procure you many admirers among your numerous readers. But much as I am disposed to concur in this general sentiment, and much as I am inclined to subscribe to the greater part of your opinions, there are some particulars in which I find I cannot bring myself exactly to your way of thinking; some points as to which you appear to me to have reasoned wrong, and to which, I am rather afraid, you have not given that attention which their great importance demands. One of

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