Sivut kuvina

dron of St. Narcisse's hussars was in order [ceived Westphalian Monitors to the 10th of battle in the valley, protected by the inst. Several columps entered on the 8th, infantry.The French brigade halted, as well as General Alix, who has caused to form and take a little rest; the enemy different Proclamations to be published. took this as the effect of hesitation; he de-This Gazette contains, the following scended with loud cries, and briskly at-article: :-Certain intelligence, given by tacked some companies of Voltigeurs, which General Rigaud, commanding a corps of formed the advanced guard. General Pe- French troops at Rothenbourg, announces, tit immediately ordered the charge to be that the Prince Royal of Sweden, beaten beaten; his four battalions instantly march- by the French army, had been driven to ed in the directions which had been pre- the right bank of the Elbe, after having scribed them; the enemy, astonished at suffered a considerable loss. this attack, retired from position to position; they were all carried, and covered Paris, Oct. 29. with his dead.- -The difficulties of the Her Majesty the Empress Queen and ground, which slackened our march, al-Regent has received the following accounts lowed the Spaniards to frequently rally; of the situation of the armies up to the 4th the fire was very brisk from 8 o'clock till of October.-General Count Lefevre noon, and lasted to 4 in the evening. Every Desnouettes was attacked, on the 28th of thing was at last obliged to give way be- September, at seven o'clock in the mornfore the indefatigable courage of our troops, ing, at Altenberg, by 10,000 cavalry and who pursued the enemy several leagues 3,000 infantry. He effected his retreat from the field of battle, and completely before so superior forces; he made some dispersed him. We only took some pri- fine charges, and did the enemy much insoners from him; but he lost many men injury. He lost 300 of his infantry; he arhis retreat by the fire of musketry, and a rived upon the Saale. The enemy was great number in their flight threw them-commanded by the Hetman Platoff and Geselves down the precipices.This action neral Thielman. Prince Poniatowski marchcost us 2 officers and 7 subalterns or sol-ed on the 2d upon Altenberg, by Nossau, diers killed; 7 officers and 61 soldiers wounded. I have the honour to remit with this to your Excellency, a state of each particular regiment's loss.The good dispo'sitions and conduct of General Petit are worthy of eulogiums. He has been excellently seconded by the devotion of the 67th and 113th regiments, the mounted chas-lowing day the Swedes arrived to retake the seurs, and a battalion of the 11th regiment of the line. Some companies of this battalion placed in reserve upon Mount Olivet, under the orders of Lieutenant-Colonel Jacques, made a skilful and bold movement, which was useful to the general attack.

Waldheim, and Colditz; he overthrew the
enemy, took more than four hundred pri
soners, and drove him into Bohemia.-
On the 27th the Prince of the Moskwa took
possession of Dessau, which a Swedish di-
vision occupied, and drove that division
back upon the tete-du-pont. On the fol-

town. General Guilleminot allowed them to advance till within grape shot, then unmasked his batteries, and repulsed them with considerable loss.On the 3d October the enemy's army of Silesia marched by Konigsbruck and Elsterwerda upon the Elster, threw over a bridge at the bend, which the Elbe forms at Wartemberg, and passed that river. General Bertrand was placed on an isthmus, in a fine position, surrounded by banks and marshes. BeLa-tween nine o'clock in the morning and five

I shall have the honour of sending your Excellency, by the first Courier, the names of the officers, sub-officers, and soldiers, who particularly distinguished themselves, and who have been recommended by the General of division marque. I have the honour, &c.


in the evening, the enemy made seven attacks and was always repulsed. He left 6,000 dead upon the field of battle; our Paris, Oct. 15.-Letters have to-day loss was 500 killed or wounded. This been received from Bayonne. They an- great difference was owing to the good ponounce that the armies were still in pre-sition which Morand and Fontanelli's divisence of each other, but that no event had taken place. The Duke of Dalmatia had received some reinforcements, and was still to receive more.

Frankfort, Oct. 12.-We have just re

sions occupied. In the evening General Bertrand, seeing new forces debouche, thought proper to effect his retreat, and took a position upon the Mulda with the Prince of the Moskwa. On the 4th, the Prince

of the Moskwa was at Dalitżch, upon th| left bank of the Mulda. The Duke of Ragusa and General Latour Maubourg's corps of cavalry were at Eulenbourg. The 3d corps was at Torgau. Two hundred and fifty partisans commanded by a Russian Major General, had marched upon Malhausen, and learning that Cassel was without troops, they attempted a surprise upon the gates of Cassel. They were repulsed; but the following day the Westphalian troops having disbanded themselves, the partisans entered Cassel. They gave up to pillage every thing which fell into their hands, and few days after left it. The King of Westphalia had retired upon the


Her Majesty the Empress Queen and Regent has received the following intelligence of the situation of the army on the 13th October:On the 7th the Emperor left Dresden; on the 3th he slept at Wurzen; the 9th at Eulenbourg, and on the 10th at Duben. The enemy's army of Silesia, which had marched upon Wurzen, immediately retreated, and repassed to the left bank of the Mulda; it had some engagements, in which we made some prisoners and took several hundreds of baggage waggons.General Regnier marched upon Wittenberg, passed the Elbe, marched upon Roslau, turned the bridge of Dessau, seized upon it, afterwards 'marched upon Aken, and took possession of the bridge. General Bertrand marched upon the bridges of Wartenbourg, and seized upon them. The Prince of Moskwa marched upon the town of Dessau; he met a Prussian division, General Dalma's, overthrew it, and took 3,000 men and six pieces of cannon. Several Cabinet Couriers, among others Sieur Kraft, with dispatches of importance, were taken. After having thus taken possession of all the enemy's bridges, the Emperor's intention was to pass the Elbe, to manoeuvre upon the right bank from Hamburgh to Dresden, to threaten Botsdam and Berlin, and to take for the centre of operations Magdeburg, which, for this purpose, had been supplied with warlike stores and provisions; but, on the 15th, the, Emperor learned at Duben that the Bavarian army had joined the Austrian army, and threatened the Lower Rhine.This incon_ceivable defection made the defection of other Princes be foreseen, and induced the Emperor to come to the resolution of returning towards the Rhine. Unfortunate

change! as every thing had been prepared to operate upon Magdeburg; but it would have been requisite to have remained separate, and without coinmunication with France for a month; this was not inconve nient, at the moment when the Emperor fixed his plans; it was no longer the same when Austria was about to have two new disposable armies, the Bavarian army, and the army opposed to Bavaria. The Emperor therefore changed with these unforeseen circumstances, and removed his headquarters to Leipzic.-Meanwhile the King of Naples, who remained in observation at Freybourg, received orders on the 7th to make a charge in front, and march upon Geurg and Freybourg, operating upon Wurzen and Wittenberg. An. Austrian division which occupied Augustesbourg, rendering this movement difficult, the King received orders to attack it; he defeated it, and afterwards effected his removal to the right. Nevertheless the right of the enemy's army of Bohemia, composed of Wittgenstein's Russian corps, had marched upon Altenbourg, upon intelligence of the King of Naples' change in front. It marched upon Freybourg, and afterwards by the left on Borna, placing itself between the King of Naples and Leipsic. The King did not hesitate, respecting the manoeuvre he ought to make; he faced about and marched upon the enemy, overthrew him, took nine pieces of cannon, one thousand prisoners, and drove him beyond the Elster, after having made him experience a loss of from four to five thousand men.→→→→→ On the 15th the position of the army was as follows: The Emperor's head-quarters were at Reidnitz, half a league from Leipsic: the 4th corps, commanded by General Bertrand, was at the village of Lendenau; the 6th corps was at Libenthal. The King of Naples, with the 2d, 8th, and 5th corps, had his right at Dælitz and his left at Liberwolkowitz.-The 3d and 7th were in march from Eulenbourg to flank the 6th corps.The Grand Army of Bohemia had General Guilay's corps opposite Lendenaw; a corps at Zwerickaw, and the remainder of the army; the left leaning on Groban, the right on Naumsdorf.---The bridges of Wurzen and Eulenbourg, upon the Mulda, and the position of Taccha, upon the Partha, were occupied by our troops. Every thing announced a great battle. The result of our different movements, in these six days, has been 5,000 prisoners, several pieces of cannon, and doing much injury to the

enemy. Prince Poniatowski has in those was expected from them. The enemy's affairs covered himself with glory. artillery went to a distance. The enemy retired, and the whole field of battle res Her Majesty the Empress Queen and mained in our possession. It was three Regent has received the following intelli- o'clock in the afternoon; all the enemy's gence respecting the situation of the Army troops had been engaged; he had had re on the evening of the 16th: On the course to his reserve. Gount Marfeld, 15th Prince Schwartzenburg, commanding who commanded the Austrian reserve, supe the enemy's army, announced in an order ported with six divisions, all the troops in of the day, that the following day, the all the attacks, and the Imperial Russian 16th, there would be a general and de- guards, who formed the reserve of the cisive battle. In effect on the 16th, at nine Austrian army, supported the centre. The in the morning, the grand Allied Army cavalry of the Russian guards, and the debouched upon us. It constantly operated Austrian Cuirassiers, precipitated themti to extend upon its right. At first three selves by their left upon our right, they large columns were seen marching, one seized upon Delitz, and came wheeling along the river Elster, against the village upon the Duke of Belluno's squares. The of Doelitz, the 2d against the village of King of Naples marched with Latour MazWachau, and the ad against that of Liber-bourg's cuirassiers, and charged the enewolkowitz. These three columns were pre-my's cavalry by the left of Wachau, at the ceded by 200 pieces of cannon. The Em-time the Polish cavalry and dragoons of peror immediately made his dispositions. the guard, commanded by General Latort, At 10 o'clock the cannonade was most vio- charged by the right. The enemy's calent, and at 11 the two armies were en- valry were defeated, two entire regiments gaged in the villages of Doelitz, Wachau, remained upon the field of battle. General and Liberwolkowitz. These villages were Latort made 300 Austrian and Russian priattacked six or seven times; the enemy soners. General Latour Maubourg took was constantly repulsed, and covered the some hundreds of the Russian guard. The avenues with his dead. Count Lauriston, Emperor immediately ordered Curial's diwith the fifth corps, defended the village vision of the guard to advance to support on the left (Liberwolkowitz). Prince Po- Prince Poniatowski. General Curial marchniatowski, with his brave Poles, defended ed upon the village of Dalitz, attacked it the village on the right (Dalitz) and the with the bayonet, carried it without firing Duke of Belluno defended Wachau. At a shot, and made 1,200 prisoners, among noon, the sixth attack of the enemy had whom was the General in Chief Merfeldt. been repulsed; we were masters of the Affairs thus re-established on our right, three villages, and had made 2,000 pri- the enemy put himself in retreat, and the soners. Nearly at the same moment, the field of battle was no longer disputed with Duke of Tarente debouched by Holzhausen,us. The reserve artillery of the guards, marching upon an enemy's redoubt, which which General Drouet commanded, were General Charpentier carried at the pas de with the tirallieurs. The enemy's cavalry charge, seizing the artillery and making came and charged them. The artillerysome prisoners. The moment appeared men formed their pieces in a square, which decisive. The Emperor ordered the Duke they had the precaution to load with grape of Reggio to march upon Wachau with shot, and fired with so much agility, that two divisions of the young guard. He in an instant the enemy was repulsed. equally directed the Duke of Treviso to Upon these events the French cavalry aðmarch upon Liberwolkowitz with two di-vanced to support the batteries. General visions of the young guard, and take pos- Maison, commanding a division of the 5th session of an extensive wood which is upon the left of the village. At the same time he caused to be advanced upon the centre, a battery of 160 pieces of cannon, which General Drouet directed. The whole of these dispositions had that success which

corps, an officer of the greatest distinction, was wounded. General Latour Maubourg, commanding the cavalry, had his thigh carried off by a ball. Our loss this day has been 2,500 men killed and wounded. (To be continued.)


Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

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VOL. XXV. No. 3.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1814. [Price 1s.



[The readers of the Register are respect- generous compassion for the people of fully informed, that the Index to Vol. France, whom, however, at times, we XXIII. is ready for delivery; and that for have reproached with baseness for submitVol. XXIV. will be delivered next week.]ting to such unparalleled oppression.———

been a good deal changed. They now profess to see danger in the greatness and prasperity of France. But, the delusion has taken fast hold of the country. The general belief is what I have described it; and, it is my intention to show, in this paper, how the facts really stand.The following is the Bourbon Proclamation, which has been published three or four times by the papers, which generally speak in fayour of all the acts of our government...


Thus have the mass of the people, who adopt, without any inquiry, the sentiments ANSWER TO THE BOURBON PROCLAMATION. delivered out to them, through the various This document having been published so and endless channels of deception, come often by those persons, who are so eager for habitually to the conclusion, that the gooverthrowing the present ruler and govern- vernments of France, since the Revolution ment of France, I think proper to publish began, has been a series of despotisms: what I deem an answer to it; first insert- and, that, before that period, the people of ing here, for the convenience of my readers, that country enjoyed a state of comparative the Proclamation itself. A few prelimina- blessedness, Lately, indeed, as the prory observations, however, appear necessary. spect of humbling France approached, the First, I must observe, that the Bour-tone of these censors of her governments has bons are by no means to be blamed for this act, in itself considered. It is perfectly natural in them to wish to recover their former state, and no one can deny them the perfect right of using such means as this to 1 accomplish their object; more especially as the French people do now submit to the government of a monarch, having laid aside their Republican institutions.But, having premised, thus, we have an equal right to examine the views of those by whom the Proclamation was issued, and "The moment is at length arrived when to offer our opinions upon it and upon the Divine Providence appears ready to break probable effect of its success. The House" in pieces the instrument of its wrath. of Bourbon having invited the French peo-" The Usurper of the Throne of St. Louis, ple to return under its sway, we have a" the devastator of Europe, experiences right, and it is our duty, if we have the "reverses in his turn. Shall they have means in our hands, to shew what was the "no other effect but that of aggravating nature, and effect of their government in" the calamities of France; and will she France; and to inquire, whether it be, or "not dare to overturn an odious power, no be not, likely, that the people of that coun- "longer protected by the illusions of victry would be made more happy by return- "tory? What prejudices, or what fears, ing to them, than they are under the new "can now prevent her from throwing herdynasty.- -We have so long been in fear" self into the arms of her King; and of France; her government, under one form from recognising, in the establishment of and another, has so long appeared to us to his legitimate authority, the only pledge be a terrific object, that we have, at last," of union, peace, and happiness, which forgotten, or we seem to have forgotten, his promises have so often guaranteed to what the old government of France was."his oppressed subjects.. -Being neither We have been ashamed to acknowledge," able, nor inclined to obtain, but by that our hatred of the new government their efforts, that throne which his rights arose out of our fear of it; and, therefore," and their affection can alone confirm, "what wishes should be adverse to those we have, for twenty years, been speaking of it as being a most horrible despotism," which he has invariably entertained? "What doubt can be started with regard affecting to lament its existence out of our



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King binds himself anew to abolish that pernicious conscription, which destroys "the happiness of families and the hope of the country. Such always have been, such still are the intentions of the King. His re-establishment on the throne of his ancestors will be for France only the happy transition from the calamities of a war which tyranny perpetuates, to the blessings of a solid peace, the guarantee of which foreign Powers can only find in the word of the legitimate Sovereign. **LOUIS."

To take this paper in the order, in which it lies before us, we find, then, according to it, that all that Napoleon has done, he has done under the sanction of Divine Providence, whose instrument he has been. If this be the case, is it not rather bordering upon the impious to call him an usurper, seeing that he has acted under the immediate direction of the Deity? Is it not sinful to attempt to cast blame on him for having done that which God wished him to do; nay that God forced him to do? The At

"to his paternal intentions?The King has said in his preceding declarations, "and he reiterates the assurance, that the “Administrative and Judicial bodies shall" "be maintained in the plenitude of their "powers; that he will preserve their places *** to those who at present "hold them, and who shall take the oath of fidelity to him;" that the Tribunals, Depositaries of the "Laws, shall prohibit all prosecutions" bearing relation to those unhappy times of which his return will have for ever sealed the oblivion; that, in fine, the code polluted by the name of Napoleon, but which, for the most part, contains only the ancient ordinances and customs "of the realm, shall remain in force, with the exception of enactments contrary to the doctrines of religion, which, as well as the liberty of the people, has long been subjected to the caprice of the tyThe Senate, in which are seated "some men so justly distinguished for their talents, and whom so many services may render illustrious in the eyes of France, "and of posterity that corps, whose uti-torney General, Gibbs, who is now Judge "lity and importance can never be duly Gibbs, did not prosecute my pen for having "appreciated till after the restoration-can written the article about the flogging of the "it fail to perceive the glorious destiny Local Militia-men at the town of Ely. He " which summons it to become the first in-did not prosecute the instrument, nor did strument of that great benefaction which he harangue against it. He prosecuted "will prove the most solid, as well as theme, who used the instrument, and the "most honourable guarantee of its existence Judges caused me to be imprisoned for two "and its prerogatives?On 'the subject "of property, the King, who has already "announced his intention to employ the "most proper means for conciliating the interests of all, perceives in the nume rous settlements, which have taken place between the old and the new land"holders, the means of rendering those cares almost superfluous. He engages, "however, to interdict all proceedings by "the Tribunals, contrary to such sellle"ments,to encourage voluntary arrangements, and, on the part of himself and If a master command his servant to his family, to set the example of all those contract debts in his name; if the servant, sacrifices which may contribute to the re- by the master's command, commit a trespose of France, and the sincere union of pass; if a coachman drive wantonly over "all Frenchmen.The King has gua- sheep or pigs by his master's order; the **ranteed to the army the maintenance of laws are open against the master and not "the ranks, employments, pay, and ap- against the servant. The maxim of the pointments which it at present enjoys. law, in this respect, is: "He who does He promises also to the Generals, Officers," an act by the hands of another, does it v and soldiers, who shall signalize them-" himself." "himself." Couple this with the asserselves in support of his cause, rewards tion of the Proclamation, and we shall "more substantial, distinctions more ho- find, that, according to this doctrine, it is *"nourable, than any they can receive from Divine Providence who has done, who has "an Usurper,alway's ready to disown, been the real doer, of all that we have ator even to dread their service. The tributed to Napoleon; and that all which

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years, and to pay a thousand pounds to our good old King. Yet, upon the principle, with which this Proclamation sets out, it was the pen, and not I, who ought to have been prosecuted. In short, if Napoleon be held to have done what he has done at the instigation of God; if he has been a mere instrument in the hands of God, it cannot be doubted, that it is great and Hagrant impiety to blame, much more to abuse him, for what he has done, or, rather, for what he has been the instrument in doing.

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