Sivut kuvina

[*459] 3. I proceed next to the rights and incapacities which appertain to a bastard. (The rights are very few, being only such as he can acquire; for he can inherit nothing, being looked upon as the son of nobody; and sometimes called filius nullius, sometimes filius populi (g) (19). Yet he nay gain a sirname by reputation (h), though he has none by inheritance (20). All other children have their primary settlement in their father's parish; but a bastard in the parish where born, for he hath no father (i). However, in case of fraud, as if a woman be sent either by order of justices, or comes to beg as a vagrant, to a parish where she doe not belong to, and drops her bastard there, the bastard shall, in the first case, be settled in the parish from whence she was illegally removed (j); or, in the latter case, in the mother's own parish, if the mother be apprehended for her vagrancy (k). Bastards also born in any licensed hospital for pregnant women, are settled in the parishes to which the mothers belong (1). (The incapacity of a bastard consists principally in this, that he cannot be heir to any one, neither can he have heirs, but of his own body; for. being nullius filius, he is therefore of kin to nobody, and has no ancestor from whom any inheritable blood can be derived (21).) A bastard was also, in strictness, incapable of holy orders; and, though that were dis pensed with, yet he was utterly disqualified from holding any dignity in the church (m): but this doctrine seems now obsolete; and, in all other respects, there is no distinction between a bastard and another man. And really any other distinction, but that of not inheriting, which civil policy renders necessary, would, with regard to the innocent offspring of his parents' crimes, be odious, unjust, and cruel to the last degree: and yet the civil law, so boasted of for its equitable decisions, made bastards, in some cases, incapable even of a gift from their parents (n). (A bastard may, lastly, be made legitimate, and capable of inheriting, by the transcendent power of an act of parliament, and not otherwise (o)) as was done in the case of John of Gant's bastard children, by a statute of Richard the second. 64

(g) Fort. de L. L. c. 40. (A) Co. Litt 3 (i) Salk. 427.

laws will be found the cases occurring as to the right of custody, whether it be in the father or in the mother of the bastard. And the right of the mother to such custody seems recognized and established. 5 East, 221. See also 1 B. and P. N. R. 148; 7 East, 579. But the assent of either father or mother to a marriage of a bastard under age does not appear to be expressly required by the late marriage-act; and hence either banns, or the assent of a guardian appointed by the lord chancellor, seem necessary to establish its validity.

(19) But though he is considered filius nullius with respect to inheritance and successions, yet see Raymond 68, where the illegality of his incestuous connexion is noticed.

"So far at least as concerns the public support of a child, it is deemed a bastard by, 1 R. S. 641, when the husband of the mother continues out of the state for a whole vear previous to the birth, separate from the mother, and she during that time continues to reside in this state: or when the mother and her husband are separated by a decree of a competent court."

(20) A bastard having gotten a name by reputation, may purchase by his reputed or known name to him and his heirs, Co. Lit. 3. b.; but this can only be to the heirs of his own body.

A conveyance to a man who is a bastard, and his heirs, though his estate is in its de scent confined to the issue of his body, yet gives him a fee simple, and confers an unlimited power of alienation; and any person de riving title from him or his heirs, may trans mit the estate in perpetual succession. The law, however, so far adverts to the situation of a bastard, that a limitation over on failure of the heirs of the bastard, after a gift by will to him and his heirs, would convert the devise into an estate tail. 3 Bulst. 195. 1 Lord Ray. 1152.

Bastards may take by gift or devise, provided they are sufficiently described, and have gained a name by reputation. 1 Ves. & B. 423. I Atk. 410.

But the rule as to a bastard's taking by his name of reputation, nust be understood as

(j) Ibid. 121.

Stat. 17 Geo. II. c. 5.

giving a capacity to take by that name merely as a description, not as a child by a claim of kindred; therefore a bastard cannot claim a share under a devise to children generally, though the will was strong in his favour by implication, 5 Ves. 530. and see 1 Ves. & B. 434. 469. 6 Ves. 43. 1 Maddox, 430. H. Chitty's Law of Descents, 28. 29; nor is any illegitimate child entitled to immediate interest upon a legacy payable at a future time, when such legacy was given by its reputed father. 2 Roper on Leg. 2. ed. 199.

A limitation cannot be to a bastard en ventre sa mere, for bastards cannot take till they gain a name by reputation. 1 Inst. 3. b. 6 Co. 68. 1 P. Wms. 529. 17 Ves. 528. 1 Mer. 151. 18 Ves, 288. H. Chitty's Law of Descents, 29, 30.

Though a bastard may be a reputed son, yet he is not such a son for whom in consideration of blood an use can be raised. Dyer, 374. Yet on an estate otherwise effectually passed, an estate may be as well declared to a bastard being in esse, and sufficiently described, as to another person; but where the use will not arise but in consideration of blood, if derived through any but the pure channel of marriage, however near it may be, it will not prevail. Id. Co. Lit. 123. a. See 2 Fonb. on Eq. 5 ed. 124.

If a bastard die seised of a real estate of inheritance, without having devised it, and without issue, the estate will escheat to the king, or other immediate lord of the fee. 3 Bulstr. 195. 1 Ld. Raym. 1152. 1 Prest. Est. 468, 9 post 2 book, 249. 2 Cruise's Dig. 374. But as there might in many cases be much apparent hardship in the strict enforcement of this branch of the royal prerogative, it is usual in such cases to transfer the power of exercising it to some one of the family, reserving to the crown a small proportion as a tenth of the value of both the real and personal estate. 1 Wood 397. 308. And so likwise in the case of per sonal estate, where a bastard dies intestate and without issue, the king is entitled, and the ordinary of course grants, administrat or to the patentee or grantee of the crown. Salk 37. 3 P. Wms. 33. See H. Chitty's Lavo Descents, 27, 8.



THE only general private relation, now remaining to be discussed, is that of guardian and ward (1); (which bears a very near resemblance to the last, and is plainly derived out of it: the guardian being only a temporary parent, that is, for so long time as the ward is an infant, or under age.) In examining this species of relationship, I shall first consider the different kinds of guardians, how they are appointed, and their power and duty: next, the different ages of persons, as defined by the law: and lastly, the privileges and disabilities of an infant, or one under age and subject to guardianship.

1. The guardian with us performs the office both of the tutor and curator of the Roman laws; the former of which had the charge of the maintenance and education of the minor, the latter the care of his fortune; or, according to the language of the court of chancery, the tutor was the committee of the person, the curator the committee of the estate. But this office was frequently united in the civil law (a); as it is always in our law with regard to minors, though as to lunatics and idiots it is commonly kept distinct.

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*Of the several species of guardians, the first are guardians by nature: viz. the father, and, in some cases, the mother of the child. For if an estate be left to an infant, the father is by common law the guardian, and must account to his child for the profits (6) (2). And, with regard to daughters, it seems by construction of the statute 4 and 5 Ph. and Mar. c. 8, that the father might by deed or will assign a guardian to any woman-child under the age of sixteen; and, if none be so assigned, the mother shall in this case be guardian (c) (3). (There are also guardians for nurture (d); which are, of course, the father or mother, till the infant attains the age of fourteen years (e): and in default of father or mother, the ordinary usually assigns some discreet person to take care of the infant's personal estate, and to provide for his maintenance and education (f)) (4). Next are guardians in socage (5), (an appellation which will be fully explained in the second book of these Commentaries,) who are also called guardians by the common law. These take place only when the minor is entitled to some estate in lands, and then by the common law the guardianship devolves upon his next of kin, to whom the inheritance cannot possibly descend; as, where the estate descended from his father, in this case his uncle by the mother's side cannot possibly inherit this estate, and therefore shall be the guardian (g). For the law judges it improper to trust the person of an infant in his hands, who may by possibility become near to him; that there may be no temptation, nor even suspicion of temptation, for him to abuse his trust (h). The Roman laws proceed on a quite contrary principle, committing the care of the minor to him who is the next to succeed to the inheritance, presuming that the next heir would take the best care of an estate, to which he has a prospect of succeeding:

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(2) But an executor is not justified in pay ing to the father a legacy left to the child; and if he pays it to the father, and the father becomes insolvent, he may be compelled to pay it over again. 1 P. Wms. 285.

(3) See Bac. Ab. Guardian, A. 1. It has been considered, that the power of a father to appoint a guardian under the act 4 and 5 Ph. & M. c. 8. extends to natural children, 2 Stra. 1162; but according to 2 Bro. Ch. R. 583. it does not. However where the putative father by a will names guardians for his natural child, the court will in general appoint them to be so, without any reference to the master, unless the property be considerable. Id. ibid. 2 Cox, 46. Bac. Ab. Guardian, A. 1 Jac. & W. 106. 395 An appointment of a testamentary guardian by a mother is absolute. ly void. Vaughan, 180. 3 Atk. 519. A father's appointment by deed of a guardian may be revoked by will. Finch, 323. 1 Vern. 442. Any form of words indicative of the intent suffices. Swimb. p. 3. c. 12. 2 Fonbl. on eq. 5 ed. 246, 7. A guardian appointed by the father cannot delegate or continue the authority to another. Vaughan, 179. 2 Atk. 15. Nor is a copyholder within the act. 3 Lev. 395. (4) It might be questionable whether the ordinary would be permitted to interfere far

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ther than to appoint ad litem. 3 Atkins, 631, Burr. 1436. For, where a legitimate child, even at the breast, is withheld from the custody of the father, habeas corpus may be brought. The king v. De Manneville, 5 East, 221. See also 1 Bl. R. 386; and 4 J. B. Moore, 366.

But, of an illegitimate child, the mother appears to be the natural guardian, 4 Taunt. 498, ex parte Kuce, 1 N. R. 148. And habeas corpus lies at her instance. See the king v. Hopkins, 7 East, 579; 5 Id. 224, n. Also 5 T. R. 278.

The guardian upon record is liable to the costs of the suit, 2 Est. 473.

(5) A widow is guardian in socage to her daughters until they are fourteen years old, as well of freehold as of copyhold, 10 East, 491. 2 M. & S. 504., and by residing on the ward's estate for forty days gain a settlement in the parish, and cannot be removed from the possession of it at any time. Id. ibid. She has a right as much to elect whether she will let the estate, or occupy it for their benefit. Id. ibid. Such a guardian has not a mere office or authority, but an interest in the ward's estate: she may maintain trespass and ejectment. avow damage feasant, make admittance to copyhold and lease in her own name Id. ibid

and this they boast to be " summa providentia" (i). But in the mean time they seem to have forgotten, how much it is the guardian's [*462] interest to remove the incumbrance of his pupil's life from that estate for which he is supposed to have so great a regard (k). And this affords Fortescue (1), and Sir Edward Coke (m), an ample opportunity for triumph; they affirming, that to commit the custody of an infant to him that is next in succession is "quasi agnum committere lupo, ad devorandum" (n) (6). (These guardians in socage, like those for nurture, continue only till the minor is fourteen years of age; for then, in both cases, he is presumed to have discretion, so far as to choose his own guardian. This he may do, unless one be appointed by the father, by virtue of the statute 12 Car. II. c. 24, which, considering the imbecility of judgment in children of the age of fourteen, and the abolition of guardianship in chivalry (which lasted till the age of twenty-one, and of which we shall speak hereafter), enacts, that any father, under age or of full age, may by deed or will dispose of the custody of his child, either born or unborn, to any person, except a popish recusant, either in possession or reversion, till such child attains the age of one-and-twenty years (7). These are called guardians

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(6) Lord Chancellor Macclesfield has vehemently condeinned the rule of our law, that the next of kin, to whom the land cannot descend, is to be the guardian in socage; and has declared, that "it is not grounded upon reason, but prevailed in barbarous times, before the nation was civilized." 2 P. Wms. 262. But as the law has placed the custody of the infant under the care of one who is just as likely to be in a near degree of kindred as the heir; one who probably will have the same affection for his person, without having any interest in even wishing his death, and therefore removed from all suspicion, however ill-founded; I cannot but think there is more wisdom in placing the infant under the guardianship of such a relation, than under that of the next heir.

A socage guardian can only be where the infant takes lands by descent. If he has lands by descent both ex parte paterna and ex parte materna, then the next of kin on each side shall, respectively, be guardians by socage of these lands; and of these two claimants the first occupant shall retain the custody of the infant's person. See Mr. Hargrave's notes to Co. Litt. 88. b. where these different kinds of guardianship are with great learning and perspicuity discriminated and discuss


In New-York the custody of a lunatic's person and of his estate real and personal, may be committed to his next of kin though his heir at law, 1 Johns. C. R. 436. Tenure in socage is abolished in New-York, but the common law and statutory rights and duties of a guardian in soVOL. 1.


tutions of Solon, who provided that no one should be another's guardian, who was to enjoy the estate after his death. (Potter's Antiq. b. 1, c. 26.) And Charondas, another of the Grecian legislators, directed that the inheritance should go to the father's relations, but the education of the child to the mother's; that the guardianship and right of succession might always be kept distinct. (Petit. Legg. Att. l. 6, t. 7.)

cage over an infant holding any estate 'n lands, devolve first on the father, next on the mother; and if there be no father or mother, then to the nearest and eldest relative of full age, not be ing under any legal incapacity: males being preferred to females as between relatives of the same degree. 1 R. S. 718-9. No person under 21 years of age can be admitted to act as executor, 2 R. S. 69. though males of 18, and females of 16, may make a will of personal estate. Id. 60. So also by 38 Geo. III. c. 88. in England, see book 2, p. 503. note.

(7) By this statute the father may dispose of the guardianship of any child unmarried under the age of twenty-one, by deed or will, executed in the presence of two or more witnesses, till such child attains the age of twenty-one, or for any less time. And the guar dian so appointed has the tuition of the ward, and the management of his estate and proper ty.

The mother cannot appoint a guardian un der this act, Vaugh. 180. 3 Atk. 519; nor cam a guardian already appointed by the father. Vaugh. 179. 2 Atk. 15. A copyholder is not within the act. 3 Lev. 395.

A disposition of this nature by deed may be revoked by will, Finch, 323; but not so if the deed contain a covenant not to revoke. 1 Vern. 442.

A will appointing a guardian for this pur pose, need not be proved in the spiritual court. 1 Vent. 207.

No material form of words is necessary to create the appointment. Swinb. p. 3. c. 12.

by statute, or testamentary guardians. There are also special guardians by custom of London, and other places (0); but they are particular exceptions, and do not fall under the general law (8).

( The power and reciprocal duty of a guardian and ward are the same, pro tempore, as that of a father and child; and therefore I shall not repeat them (9), but shall only add, that the guardian, when the ward

(0) Co. Litt. 88.

See 2 Fonbl. on Eq. 5 ed. 246, 7. notes. But the power of the guardian exists only during the time for which he is expressly appointed. Vaugh. 184.

Though under this act a testamentary guardian has the custody of the infant's real estate, a lease granted by him of such real estate is absolutely void. 2 Wils. 129 135.

The marriage of the infant before he be comes twenty-one years of age, does not de termine the guardianship 3 Atk. 625.

(8) The king is also ar universal guardian of infants, who delegates it to the lord chancellor. See 2 Fonbl. on Eq. 5 ed. 225. Chit. Prerog. Regis. 155.

By virtue of this power the chancellor may appoint guardians to such infants as are with out them, Bac. Ab. Guardians, c. 2 Fonbl. 5 ed. 225. And in a case where the infant, of the age of seventeen, had appointed a guardian by deed, it was decided that the chancellor had still a power to appoint a guardian, 4 Madd. 462; and guardians at common law may be removed or compelled to give security, if there appear any danger of their abusing the person or estate of the ward, 3 Cha. Ca. 237. Style, 456. Hard. 96. 1 Sid. 424. 3 Salk. 177; but it has been considered that a statute guardian cannot be wholly removed. 3 Salk. 178. 1 P. W. 698. 2 P. W. 112. 2 Fonbl. 232. and guardians are appointed by him where such appointment is necessary to protect the infant's general interest, or to sustain a suit, or to consent to the infant's marriage, 1 Madd. 213; but he never appoints a guardian to a woman after marriage. 1 Ves. 157. A guardian cannot be otherwise appoint ed in chancery than by bringing the infant into court, or his praying a commission to have a guardian assigned him. 1 Eq. Ca. Ab. 260. One of the six clerks may be appointed. 2 Cha. Ca. 164. Nels. Rep. 44. As to when the court of chancery may appoint a guardian in the place of another, see post. And see the jurisdiction of court of chancery in general on this subject. 2 Fonbl. 226. n. a.

The infant himself may also appoint a guardian, and this right arises only when from a defect in the law (or rather in the execution of it,) the infant finds himself wholly unprovided with a guardian. This may happen either before fourteen, when the infant has no such property as attracts a guardianship by tenure, and the father is dead without having executed his power of appointment, and there is no mother; or after fourteen, when the custody of the guardian in socage terminates, and there is no appointment by the father under the 12 Car. II. Lord Coke only takes notice of such election where the infant is sader fourteen; and as to this, omits to state

how or before whom it should be made. See 1 Inst. 87. b. Nor does this defect seem sup plied by any prior or contemporary writer. As to a guardian under fourteen, it appears from the ending of guardianship in socage at that age, as if the common law deemed a guardian afterwards unnecessary. However, since the 12 Car. II. c. 24. it has been usual, in defect of an appointment under the statute, to allow the infant to elect one for himself; and this prac tice appears to have prevailed even in some degree before the Restoration: such election is said to be frequently made before a judge on the circuit, 1 Ves. 375; but this form does not seem essential.

The late lord Baltimore, when he was turned of eighteen, having no testamentary guardian, and being under the necessity of having one for special purposes, relative to his proprietary government of Maryland, named a guardian by deed, a mode adopted by the advice of counsel. It seems, in fact, as if there was no prescribed form of an infant's electing a guardian after fourteen, any more than there is before; and therefore election by parol, though unsolemn, might be legally sufficient. The deficiency in precedents on this occasion is easily accounted for, this kind of guardianship being of very late origin, unnoticed as it seems by any writer before Coke, except Swinburn. (Testam. edit. 1590. 97. b.) And there being yet no cases in print to explain the powers incident to it, or whether the infant may change a guardian so constituted by himself, Coke, though professing to enumerate the different sorts of guardianship, omits this in one case, whence perhaps it may be conjectured, that in his time it was in strictness scarcely recognised as legal. 1 Inst. 88. b. in notes. For these observations, see Toml. Law Dict. tit. Guardian. Though an infant thus appoint a guardian, yet it does not preclude the court of chancery from appointing another. 4 Mad. 462.

Guardians are also appointed, ad litem. All courts of justice have a power to assign a guardian to an infant to sue or defend actions, if the infant comes into court and desires it; or a judge at his chambers, at the desire of the infant, may assign a person named by him to be his guardian. F. N. B. 27. 1 Inst. 88. h n. 16. 135. b. 1. See post.

As to who is usually appointed, and the mode, &c. of appointing a prochein amy o. guardian to an infant in the common law courts, see Tidd. Prac. 8. ed. 95, 96.

(9) The learned author has already shewa the general object of the appointment of these guardians; it may be further observed as to the guardian's duty, that he can do nothing but for the profit and benefit o' the infant, nor

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