| Massachusetts, William Charles White - 1810 - 208 sivua
...sufficient to support the remainders depending in contingency. III. Of reversions. An estate in revertion is the residue of an estate left in the grantor, to...possession after the determination of some particular estate granted out by him. As, if there be a gift in tail, the reversion of the fee is, without any... | |
 | Charles Barton - 1821 - 696 sivua
...him by REVERSION. estoppel m . Thus much for such estates in expectancy as are created by the express words of the parties themselves; the most intricate...the law itself, and this is called a reversion. III. OF AN ESTATE IN REvERSION. An estate in reversion is the residue of an estate left in the grantor,... | |
 | 1821 - 326 sivua
...but only upon some future contingency, without any precedent particular estate to support it. VI. A reversion is the residue of an estate left in the...possession after the determination of some particular estate grained ; to which are incident, fealty and rent. vII. Where two estates, the one less, the... | |
 | Charles Barton - 1822 - 690 sivua
...devise v. 19 What shall be so deemed - - - - ib. REVERSION. Of an estate in reversion - - iii. 507 A reversion is the residue of an estate left in the...possession, after the determination of some particular estate granted out by him ------- ib. Can be created only by operation of law - - ib. The meaning of... | |
 | Sir William BLACKSTONE, Vincent WANOSTROCHT - 1823 - 872 sivua
...his life, and afterwards limi ted over in remainder to another, which could not be done by deed. HI. An estate in reversion is the residue of an estate...possession after the determination of some particular estate granted out by him. As, if there be a gift in tail, the reversion of the fee is, without any... | |
 | sir William Blackstone - 1825 - 626 sivua
...that this extraordinary will THUS much for such estates in expectancy, as are created by the express words of the parties themselves ; the most intricate...possession after the determination of some particular estate granted out by him q. Sir Edward Coke r describes a reversion to be the returning of land to... | |
 | Alexander Whellier - 1825 - 836 sivua
...contingency as must happen (if at all) during the life of the first devisee. ESTATES IN REVERSION. An estate in reversion is the residue of an estate...possession after the determination of some particular estate granted out by him. As, if there be a gift in tail, the reversion of the fee is, without any... | |
 | Francis Lieber, Edward Wigglesworth, Thomas Gamaliel Bradford, Henry Vethake - 1832 - 622 sivua
...bishops are right reverend, archbishops mn.il reverend, and the lower clergy reverend. REVERSION ; the residue of an estate left in the grantor, to commence in possession after the determination of the particular estate granted. The estate returns to the grantor or his heirs after the grunt is over.... | |
 | Francis Lieber, Edward Wigglesworth - 1832 - 628 sivua
...England, bishops are rigid reverend, archbishops most reverend, and the lower clergy reverend. REVERSION ; the residue of an estate left in the grantor, to commence in possession after the determination of the particular estate granted. The estate returns to the grantor or bis heirs after the grant is over.... | |
 | Encyclopaedia Americana - 1832 - 620 sivua
...England, bishops are right reverend, archbishops most reverend, and the lower clergy reverend. REVERSION ; the residue of an estate left in the grantor, to commence in possession after the determination of the particular estate granted. The estate returns to the grantor or his heirs after the grant is over.... | |
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