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issuing forth in the form of Parliamen- " (Stanhope) had proposed an address tary debates. On Thursday, the 25th" to his Majesty, and that a person, who March, there was a debate in the House" was an auctioneer at Rochester, stood of Lords, upon Lord STANHOPE's pre-" up and proposed another address, as senting the Kentish Petition. I shall" an amendment, which was carried by notice particularly the speech of Lord" a large majority. (Hear, hear.) Thus DARNLEY, and the short answer of Lord" did the auctioneer completely knock STANHOPE. "down the address of the noble Earl. "The Earl of DARNLEY could not" (A laugh.) With respect to the presay, with the noble Marquis who had "sent petition, he would ask the noble "just addressed their Lordships, that "Earl if he could put his hand on his "for several years he had found no rea- "heart and say, whether there was a son to oppose the measures of his "majority of the meeting in favour of "Majesty's Ministers, for it so happened" it; or rather, whether the voice of "that hitherto he had generally found "the majority was not in favour of a "himself in opposition, though he saw very different petition; one which "no reason to complain of them in the "called for the total abolition of tithes? "instance now brought forward. It" He maintained that the distress was "was said, as a sarcastic taunt, by his "by no means so great as was alleged. "noble friend (Earl Stanhope) that he" But even admitting it to the extent "(the Earl of Darnley) and those who" stated by some noble Lords, still he "acted with him were always accus. "would ask, what were the nostrums "tomed to oppose every thing and pro- they proposed as a remedy? Why, pose nothing. But their Lordships "the currency and the corn laws. He would recollect, that he and his noble" hoped, however, that the noble Duke "friends had invariably proposed, and "at the head of his Majesty's Govern"urged upon the attention of his Ma-"ment, had too much firmness to suffer "jesty's Ministers, one most important" either of these to be tampered with measure; a measure which had since" The country had already reached the "been fortunately adopted, and one" lowest point of depression, and signs "which he looked upon as the greatest" of improvement were visibly beginning " he had ever known (the Catholic ques46 to appear in all directions. Govern❝tion, as we understood). He contended" ment had done its utmost to afford "that the distress was much more severe" relief in the best possible way; name"in the county of Kent in the year 1822"ly, by a reduction of taxation. "than at present. In that year a pub-" Majesty's Ministers had moreover "lic meeting was called for the purpose pledged themselves to further reduc"of taking into consideration the state" tions, whenever convenient opportu"of the agricultural interest; and the" nities should present themselves. If "attendance of the noblemen and gen- any man could point out a better "tlemen of the county was very nume- "mode of relief than that which re“rous, but the noble Marquis opposite" sulted from a reduction of taxation, "(the Lord Lieutenant) was not present." then he would support him heart and "Among those who attended was Mr." hand; but he did not think there could "Cobbett, and he proposed to the meet- "be a better. He deprecated the prin"ing that what he called an equit-"ciple of exciting dissatisfaction and "able adjustment' should take place. "discontent in the public mind by ex"He (the Earl of Darnley) was the only "aggerated representations of distress. "individual who had stood out against Earl STANHOPE, in explanation said, "this proposition, the whole sense of the" that a majority of the meeting, though county, as expressed by the meeting, "not a large one, was in favour of the being in favour of it, and it was finally present petition. With respect to แ carried amidst loud acclamations. He" what was said about an equitable ad"understood that at the late meeting "justment, he had only to observe, "at Penenden Heath, the noble Earl" that he was no friend to any such

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measure; for he did not see how there much more beloved in the county, was "could be any equity in doing that much more respectfully listened to by "which was in itself inequitable. He the county in October, 1829; and as to "still

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of theght, however, that something talent, I will not do so much injustice to

kind must take place, or that "there must be an issue of paper-money. "He did not, at the same time, mean an unlimited issue; for, in his opinion, country bankers ought to be the “distributors, and not the creators of money. Perhaps the best plan would "be, that paper-money should be issued "on Government security."

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Mr. LARKIN as to compare him for one single nioment to the Earl of DARNLEY in this respect. One can see what this sarcasm on "the auctioneer" aims at; and one can see also, why his Lordship referred to the meeting at Maidstone, in the year 1822. It was as much as to say, "These county meetings are not to "be attended to; for you see one of With regard to the meeting at Maid- them was guided by Mr. Cobbett, and stone, to which Lord DARNLEY referred" the other by an auctioneer; each of as having been held in the year 1822, "whom carried their propositions with his Lordship says, that I, at that meet- large majorities." The same may be ing, proposed an "equitable adjustment." said with regard to his Lordship's menThat is not correct. A petition, sup- tion of Major WAYTH's petition for the ported by him, prayed for relief in va- total abolition of tithes, which he as rious ways. I maintained that there good as says, had really a majority upon I could be no effectual relief without a the division. All this was said with a reduction of the interest of the Debt, view of lessening the authority of the and a reform of the Parliament; and I meetings as if he had said, " If you moved, as an addition to the petition," listen to these meetings, you must these words: "Your petitioners further" reduce the interest of the Debt t; you 66 pray, that you will make a reform in "must reform the Parliament; you your honourable House; and that you "must abolish tithes." Why, all that "will then make a just reduction of is true: this is what all the meetings the interest of the Debt." His Lord-pray for; and these things must be ship ought to recollect that I objected done, or, as Lord STANHOPE said, there positively to the use of any other words must be small paper-money.


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than these, whether my amendment And now for these opinions of Lord were rejected or not. A gentleman STANHOPE, of whom I never speak but leaned his body forward, while I wrote with the greatest respect. His Lordupon his back; that gentleman wished ship acknowledges, that Major Wayth's me to add some words explanatory of petition produced a nearly equal division the mode and degree of reduction. I of the meeting; and I can assure his objected to this, and persevered in the Lordship, that if he were to poll the use of the word JUST, because with whole country, he would find more than that it was impossible to find fault. ninety-nine out of every hundred in

His Lordship is mistaken, too, as to his favour of tut of every hundred in

being the only individual who stood out against this proposition. His own son, not only voted, but spoke against it. Shilly-shally KNATCHBULL did the same. Lord THANET held his hand up against it; so that the noble Lord takes rather too much to himself in this case.

petition. But with regard to the equitable adjustment, how can he make it out that the thing in itself is inequitable? What is asked for is an adjustment; that is to say, settling the thing justly. I need not, however, enter into any defence of an adjustment with Lord STANHOPE; for his Lordship With regard to the auctioneer at himself confesses, that something of Rochester" having beaten Lord STAN-" the kind must take place, or that HOPE, the only reason was at the meet-" there must be an issue of papering thought with "the auctioneer," money." With very sincere respect, who, by-the-by, possesses quite as good I beg his Lordship to consider whether a character, is much more popular, this be consistent, that the adjustment

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must, in itself, be inequitable; for," the war of shifts and expedients, of what would an issue of paper-money" opinions, of interest, of projects and do? Would it not reduce the interest of passions, the whole thing will go of the Debt in fact? Is it not intended" to pieces like a ship upon the rocks." to do this? And if this be its intention, as well as its inevitable effect, how can his Lordship deem a direct reduction to be inequitable?

And this is my opinion still. Even the miserable contest of the other night, which seemed to proclaim as a victory the taking of nine hundred from a hunI will not here again go over the dred and seventy-four thousand pounds, ground of showing, for I have proved it not one single farthing of which would again and again, that an issue of paper- a reformed Parliament have granted; money must blow up the whole system; even this is a proof, if any proof were but I cannot refrain from expressing wanted, that the thing is drawing to its my surprise, iny utter astonishment, that close; and Lord DARNLEY, whatever a man of Lord STANHOPE'S excellent he may think or say of the matter, will understanding should for one moment find that the distress will go on graimagine, that a paper-money, resting on dually, becoming greater and greater. GOVERNMENT SECURITY, would His Lordship says, that "the country not be assignats! I am utterly asto-" has already reached the lowest point nished that such a thought should enter" of depression, and that signs of iminto the mind of any man living. Oprovement are visibly beginning to no, my Lord, the crazy vessel is to be be appear in all directions." What viejo saved by no contrivances of this sort? he may have in saying this, I cannot a reformed Parliament must take her tell, but I can assure him that the fact gently to pieces, and put her together is contrary to his statement, if that again; cast out her rotten planks and statement be his. When I was at Ely, beams; put in sound ones in their a gentleman mentioned openly, in the stead give her new pins and bolts; presence of fifty persons, that in the repair her rigging, and put her once parish of Walberton or Warberton (I again afloat, tight and trim without forget which), there were now three this she goes to pieces, and happy is men cracking stones on the road, and the man that will be found floating on paid by the parish, who had all been the wreck. overseers of the same parish within the last seven years!


In the House of Commons, Babel really seems to be come again: every This is the process going on all over man seems bewildered: no one appears the country; and this process will conto know which way to steer: the stars tinue to be more and more rapid. Three and the sun and the moon seem to be years, at the farthest, would see nineof no use to those navigators. There tenths of the farmers completely ruined. are all the old hankerings after the Lord WINCHELSEA gave a very fair depaper-money; but those who are for it scription of the situation of the country; give the strangest reasons for wishing and his Lordship may be assured that it, and are so bewildered as to the con- Kent is not more distressed than other sequences, that they would appear to be counties. In Gloucestershire, such has reading their lesson sometimes back been the pressure on the poor-rates, wards and sometimes forwards; and, and such the irritation of the suffering really, my old and often repeated pro- parties, that, to use the words of my phecy seems to be upon the eve of ful- correspondent, who dates his letter from filment: "The probabilities are," said Gloucester on the 15th of March, 1, "what by issuing Exchequer bills," threatening notices have been re"by loans from the Bank; by all sorts" ceived, and robbery and outrage pre"of tricks and contrivances with paper "vail to an extent never before known "money, this thundering standing army" or dreamed of. Such is the pressure "will be kept up, all the enormous ex-" of the poor-rates in some parts, that penses continued, till, at last, amidst several farms are offered rent free. A

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"clergyman of one small parish, whose "income from his living was £120 a year, has had £140 to pay for poor"rates within the last year. In another parish, there are 100 labourers now "working on the parish roads at fourpence a day each. In what will this "state of things end"?

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Cambridge, 29th March, 1830. I AM just setting off for St. Ives in Huntingdonshire; shall be at Stamford on the 31st March and 1st April; at Peterborough on the 2d April; at Wisbeach on the 3d April; at Lynn on the 6th and 7th of April; at Holbeach on the 8th of April; at Boston on the 9th, and 10th April; shall go to Louth on the 11th; and from Louth I shall go to Hull; from there to Lincoln; thence to Newark; thence to Grantham; thence to Oakham; thence to Leicester Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and on through the counties of Warwick, Salop, Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester, Somerset, Wilts, Berks, Oxford, Hants,

Why, it will end in confusion; in anarchy; in revolt; unless there be that very reform of Parliament which the long and bloody French and American wars were intended to prevent. Thus, as Major CARTWRIGHT used to say, the viper has been twirling in a circle, till at last it has bitten its own tail, and the deadly venom is hastening to its heart. O foolish boroughmongers! O foolish aristocracy! O foolish Sussex, Kent, and back to Lonclergy! The first American war created don. I request my friends in these a debt that was cumbrous; but it was several counties to write to me to Lonbearable: it was supportable: it was don, as soon as they can, just to furnish not absolute ruin and wretchedness: me with names of persons to whom I the nation was reviving; but that war may write, apprising them in succession brought in its suite the French Revolu- of the time of my arrival at the several tion; and the dread of the effects of that places; telling me of the most suitable Revolution; the dread of the example of days of the week; pointing out the France, made you eager for war with places for me to go to, and suggesting that people. If you had been just; if to me such other matters as their kindyou had been wise, you would have ness may bring into their minds. We given the people of England parlia- are enjoined not to put our candle under mentary reform, which was all they a bushel, an injunction which I am deasked and all they wanted: the Debt termined not to disobey. The country would have been pared away in time, has long had the doctrines, and it shall and your titles, estates, and all the esta- now see the man if it like. I have not blishments, would have remained un-overlooked Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshaken. By rushing into that war, for shire, and Bedfordshire, and Northampthe very purpose, and only for the pur-tonshire. But I shall take them in my pose, of preventing parliamentary re-way when I go to Scotland, which will form, you have brought upon the be about the month of June. country sufferings that compel men to look to all the establishments as a resource; and you are now hankering again after the base paper-money; you are seeking safety in the very thing, which, from its nature, must cause your complete overthrow.


ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN. THE Second and Third Numbers of this work, which have been for some time out of print, are now in the press, and will be ready for sale by Monday or Tuesday next at the farthest.

NORFOLK COUNTY MEETING. (Continued from page 288.) ·

THE whole country was suffering under the influence of that system, and the whole country ought to unite their efforts in endeavouring to get rid of it before it did any further mischief. (Applause.)

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Mr. PALMER: As he was one of those who had said "No" to the gallant Colonel's question respecting the evils of free trade, he had felt himself bound to step forward (though he had not other

wise intended to have done so) to show hold (an estate belonging to Colonel, that he was ready to prove that the sys- Harvey)? For a very plain reason; tem of free trade partook of none of because it would not pay for its cultithose evils which had been laid to its vation; and this was the criterion in all charge by the gallant Colonel. He had undertakings. He did not approve of never heard a speech more to the pur- the motion of Mr. Bulwer, because he pose than that which had fallen from Sir thought that a free trade in beer ought Thomas Beevor, and he was, therefore, to have formed part of those resolutions surprised to hear the gallant Colonel's (applause), for he could see no reason tirade against free trade. But he was why beer should not be sold to the quite ready to meet the gallant Colonel people at the chandler's shop, as well on the threshold of his own argument. as by the públican. (Cheers.) And, after Whence was that gold obtained which all, what was the effect of this law passthe Colonel grudged our paying to other ed by the aristocracy to take care of the nations? There were no gold mines in morals of the people? (A laugh and Norfolk or Suffolk, or any other part of cheers.) Let any one cast his eye round England, that he had ever heard of. that city, and see how it raised the But he would tell the manufacturers price of one of the chief articles of conhow it was got. It was purchased by sumption for the poor man (applause); their labour; by the sweat of their brow. let any man cast his eye on the bench, (Applause). Gold was as much an ar- and see whether the magistrates were ticle of commerce as any thing else not put there to support and carry on (Cries of "Order!" and "Question!") the shameful trickery. (Cheers.) This He had never attended a county meet- he stated as a fact, and he challenged ing at which he had felt more pleasure contradiction. He should delight in than at the present one. He had been being contradicted, because he knew overwhelmed with surprise at the senti- that he could overwhelm them with the ments which had been uttered by Mr. most undeniable proofs; he wished for Wodehouse. Were they not the very nothing, therefore, more than that they opinions that himself and his friends would take the subject before the House had been advocating so long and so of Commons, so that a Committee urgently? Were not the people told might be appointed, and he would anlong ago of the ruinous consequences swer for what should emanate from the that must attend the paper system? examination of witnesses (Applause). But they would not listen to such a cry He would answer for it, that it would then. The case, however, was now be the means of unfolding a system that altered, and they would be glad of any was both disgraceful and disgusting to aniendment. For himself, he was op- humanity. He knew an instance that posed to the idea of a property tax, happened only lately, of 1,8001. being because he did not see that it was any given for a house at Great Yarmouth. relief to take out of one pocket to put Was it worth that money intrinsically? into another. What they really wanted No, but 1,2007. of it was given for the was to retrace their steps, and to have license alone. Hence arose one of the the true principles of legislation advo- great sources of the corruption of the cated. He trusted that the agricul- magistrates, if it were a corruption, the turists would not think, that because he example of which was followed throughwas a commercial man, he was there out the whole body. (Applause). Why fore their enemy. He was not such a was not the system of licensed houses fool; he looked upon the nation but as cut down in the villages? Simply beone large family, with but one interest cause the public-house parlour was to support, and whoever abused one looked upon as the head-quarters of portion of the state inflicted an injury poaching; a crime more horrible than on the whole. Colonel Harvey com- blasphemy itself in the eyes of the plained that the waste lands of the coun- squires. (Cheers). He knew not what try were not cultivated; but if that was might be the fate of Mr. Wodehouse's the cry, why did he not cultivate Mous-resolutions; but when he (Mr. Palmer)

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