Sivut kuvina

by members of their own body. But fuch kind of members no body is without. And it would be hard that this should be turned to the difcredit of the honest part of the profession, who fuffer more from fuch injuries than any other men. It hath, in part too, arisen from the clamours of profligate scribblers, ever ready, for a piece of money, to prostitute their bad sense for or against any cause profane or facred; or in any fcandal publick or private: these meeting with little encouragement from men of account in the trade (who, even in this enlightened age, are not the very worst judges or rewarders of merit,) apply themselves to people of condition; and support their importunities by falfe complaints against bookfellers.

But I should now, perhaps, rather think of my own apology, than bufy myself in the defence of others. I shall have fome Tartuffe ready, on the first appearance of this edition, to call out again, and tell me, that I fuffer myself to be wholly diverted from my purpose by these matters less fuitable to my clerical profession. "Well, but (says a friend) whynot take so candid an intimation in good part? Withdraw yourself again, as you are bid in the clerical pale; examine the records of facred and profane antiquity; and, on them, erect a work to the confufion of infidelity." Why, I have done all this, and more: and hear now what the fame men have faid to it. They tell me, I have wrote to the wrong and injury of religion, and furnished out more handles for unbelievers. "Oh! now the fecret

is out; and you may have your pardon, I find, upon easier terms. It is only to write no more." -Good gentlemen! and shall I not oblige them?


They would gladly obstruct my way to those things which every man, who endeavours well in his profession, must needs think he has fome claim to, when he fees them given to those who never did endeavour; at the same time that they would deter me from taking those advantages which letters enable me to procure for myself. If then I am to write no more (though as much out of my profeffion as they may please to represent this work, I fuspect their modesty would not infift on a scrutiny of our several applications of this profane • profit and their purer gains,) if, I say, I am to write no more, let me at least give the public, who have a better pretence to demand it of me, fome reason for my presenting them with these amufements: which, if I am not much mistaken, may be excused by the best and fairest examples; and, what is more, may be justified on the furer reason of things.

The great Saint CHRYSOSTOM, a name confe crated to immortality by his virtue and eloquence, is known to have been fo fond of Ariftophanes, as to wake with him at his studies, and to fleep with him under his pillow; and I never heard that this was objected either to his piety or his preaching, not even in those times of pure zeal arīd primitive religion. Yet, in respect of Shakspeare's great sense, Ariftophanes's best wit is but buffoonery; and in comparison of Ariftophanes's freedoms, Shakspeare writes with the purity of a vestal. But they will fay, St. Chryfoftom contracted a fondness for the comick poet for the fake ofi his Greek. To this, indeed, I have nothing to ieply. Far be it from me to infinuate so unscholar-like a thing, as

if we had the fame use for good English, that a Greek had for his Attick elegance. Critick Kuster, in a taste and language peculiar to grammarians of a certain order, hath decreed, that the history and chronology of Greek words is the most SOLID entertainment of a man of letters.

I fly then to a higher example, much nearer home, and still more in point, the famous univerfity of OXFORD. This illustrious body which hath long fo juftly held, and with fuch equality difpenfed, the chief honours of the learned world, thought good letters, so much interested in correct editions of the best English writers, that they, very lately, in their publick capacity, undertook one of this very author by subscription. And if the editor hath not discharged his task with fuitable abilities for one fo much honoured by them, this was not their fault, but his, who thrust himself into the employment. After such an example, it would be weakening any defence to seek further for authorities. All that can be now decently urged, is the reason of the thing; and this I shall do, more for the fake of that truly venerable body than my own.

Of all the literary exercitations of speculative men, whether designed for the use or entertainment of the world, there are none of so much importance or what are more our immediate concern, than those which let us into the knowledge of our nature. Others may exercise the reason, or amuse the imagination; but these can only improve the heart, and form the human mind to wisdom. Now, in this science, our Shakspeare is confessed to occupy the foremost place; whether we confider

the amazing sagacity with which he investigates every hidden spring and wheel of human action; or his happy manner of communicating this knowledge, in the just and living paintings which he has given us of all our paffions, appetites, and pursuits. These afford a lesson which can never be too often repeated, or too constantly inculcated; and, to engage the reader's due attention to it, hath been one of the principal objects of this edition.

As this science (whatever profound philofophers may think) is, to the rest, in things; so, in words, (whatever fupercilious pedants may talk) every one's mother tongue is to all other languages. This hath still been the sentiment of nature and true wisdom. Hence, the greatest men of antiquity never thought themselves better employed, than in cultivating their own country idiom. So Lycurgus did honour to Sparta, in giving the first complete edition of Homer; and Cicero to Rome, in correcting the works of Lucretius. Nor do we want examples of the same good sense in modern times, even amidst the cruel inroads that art and fashion have made upon nature and the simplicity of wisdom. Menage, the greatest name in France for all kinds of philologick learning, prided himself in writing critical notes on their best lyrick poet Malherbe: and our great Selden, when he thought it might reflect credit on his country, did not disdain even to comment a very ordinary poet, one Michael Drayton. But the Engilsh tongue,


9 ---our great Selden, when he thought he might reflect credit on his country, did not disdain to comment a very ordinary poet, one Michael Drayton.] This compliment to himself for conVOL. I.

at this juncture, deserves and demands our par ticular regard. It hath, by means of the many excellent works of different kinds composed in it, engaged the notice, and become the study, of almoft every curious and learned foreigner, so as to be thought even a part of literary accomplishment. This must needs make it deserving of a critical attention: and its being yet destitute of a test or standard to apply to, in cafes of doubt or difficulty, shows how much it wants that attention. For we have neither GRAMMAR nor DICTIONARY, neither chart nor compass, to guide us through this wide fea of words. And indeed how should we? fince both are to be composed and finished on the authority of our best established writers. But their authority can be of little use, till the text hath been correaly settled, and the phraseology critically examined. As, then, by these aids, a Grammar and Dictionary, planned upon the best rules of logick and philofophy (and none but such will defervė the name,) are to be procured; the forwarding of this will be a general concern: for, as Quintilian obferves, "Verborum proprietas ac differentia omnibus, qui fermonem curæ habent, debet effe communis." By this way, the Italians have brought their tongue to a degree of purity and stability, which no living language ever attained unto before. It is with

descending to write notes on Shakspeare, Warburton copied from Pope, who facrificed Drayton to gratify the vanity of this flattering editor. "I have a particular reason (fays Pope in a Letter to Warburton) to make you interest yourself in me and my writings. It will caufe both them and me to. make a better figure to posterity. A very mediocre poet, one Drayton, is yet taken notise of, because Selden writ a few notes on one of his poems." Pope's Works, Vol. IX. p. 350, 8vo. 1751. HOLT WHITE.

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