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that year for the admission of Utah, and was elected by the Constitutional convention of 1872, with Hons. Thomas Fitch, and George Q. Cannon, to co-operate with Hon. Wm. H. Hooper in presenting the Constitution to Congress and the President. The election was held March 18, when the people of Utah ratified the Constitution by a vote of twenty-five thousand one hundred and sixty for, and three hundred and sixty-five against, and also chose Frank Fuller their representative to Congress. Later the Legislature, April 6, chose Wm. H. Hooper and Thomas Fitch, senators. Mr. Fuller has done many kind acts for the people of Utah, and remains today their staunch friend. The ERA is enabled to present his portrait by courtesy of Elder Junius F. Wells who obtained it specially from him for publication in this magazine.


A young man who reads the proverbs of Solomon say once every month and makes them a part of his principles, of his very being, has a fund of wisdom, a basis of character that will help him in temptation, and win him the respect of his fellow-men. They should be read and studied, believed and remembered, and their precepts practiced in daily life.

Digging in the soil and chopping wood is hard work, but it requires no special skill, hence the wages paid are the smallest. The pay increases in proportion to the thought and skill required. Learn a good


trade and it will be with you when your friends and money are gone. Few boys take to tasks that require thought and persistent effort. skilled work is the only employment in demand. Hod-carriers and common laborers glut the market everywhere. The tradesmen and artizans are the ones that get the easiest jobs and the most money. The others are always hunting work. Should they accidentally stumble upon a job they cannot hold it. A superficial knowledge will not do. It must be thorough. Boys, learn a trade while young. After you are twenty years old few will be found who will take time and trouble to teach you When you are that old you will want a man's pay. If you don't know anything you won't get it. Know-nothings work at odd jobs and are paid the lowest scale.-The Gem.


In standing beside the open grave of a friend one thought often oc

curs to men in later years, and that is: What does the world owe this man and how much of the debt has he collected? The world owes to every man a living, providing he has the industry and determination to collect it. The world owes to every man more pleasure than pain; more good than bad; more gain than loss; more happiness than sorrow; more success than failure; more love than hate; more friends than enemies; but it rests with the man himself whether he collects that debt, for the world holds hard fast to the good things which it possesses, and lets free the bad; and it is only by labor and energy, only by determination and character that the debt which the world owes to everyone is collected.-Depew.

No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, pure and good without the world being the better for it; without somebody being helped and comforted by the existence of his goodness.—Phillips Brooks.

"Give kindness to the living. No wealth of
Funeral pomp, no late, endearing words

Atone for past neglect."

A man who is guided by a low ambition is cold, unsympathetic, and grasping. One who is led by aspiration is magnanimous, helpful, and sympathetic. Ambition tends to deteriorate health and morals; aspiration, to improve them; for high ideals elevate everything above one. They express themselves in the body as surely as the thought of the artist expresses itself on canvas. Ambition desires to have more; aspiration to be more. Ambition often lures us, even to our own destruction. Aspiration is the ladder by which we climb to true greatness.— Success.

No boy can afford to neglect his work; and with a boy work, as a rule, means study. I am no advocate of senseless cramming in studies, but a boy should work, and should work hard at his lessons, in the first place, for the sake of the effect upon his own character of settling to learn it. Shiftlessness, slackness, indifference to studying, are almost certain to mean inability to get on in other walks of life. Of course, as a boy grows older it is a good thing if he can shape his studies in the direction toward which he has a natural bent; but whether he can do this or not, he must put his whole heart into it. I do not believe in mischiefmaking in school hours, as this is the kind of animal spirits that makes poor scholars; and I believe that those boys who take part in rough, hard play out of school will not find any need of it.—President Roosevelt.


During the excitement in Congress after the Maine was blown up in Havana harbor Representative McCleary, of Minnesota, made an illadvised speech. He said the sending of the Maine to Cuban waters at that time was practically an act of war, and that some such catastrophe might have been expected. The speech was not popular, naturally. McCleary was criticised everywhere. Speaker Reed, who was in the chair at the time the speech was made, spoke to Representative Tawney, also of Minnesota, about it next day.

"Jim," said Reed, "what's the matter with McCleary?" "Nothing that I know of," replied Tawney. "What's he talking this way for?" "I don't know." "Huh!" said Reed, "he reminds me of the Kansas dog that tackled a cyclone. You see, a family from the East moved into Kansas along back a year or two ago, and they didn't know much about cyclones. They had a dog, a fresh, innocent pup, bred in the effete and windless East. One day a cyclone came along. The folks scooted for the cyclonecellar, but the dog, being an Eastern product, didn't understand. He hailed the advent of the cyclone with joyous barks and started off to tackle it. The result was, Jim, that when that cyclone did business with that dog, which charged down upon it with open jaws, the dog was blown inside out. It was a dickens of a predicament for the dog. After the cyclone passed along and the folks came out of the cellar, they found the dog there, picturesque, but of no further value as a dog. The farmer surveyed the dog ruefully. He was a good dog and he hated to lose him. Then the foolishness of the dog struck him, and he said, wrathfully: "There, drat ye; that's what comes of keepin' your mouth open in the face of a storm."-Saturday Evening Post.

A cleryman in New Jersey hired a man to act in the capacity of coachman and gardener. One day the clergyman bought a bottle of horse liniment, and told the man to apply it to a lame horse according to the directions on the bottle. About an hour afterward he went to the barn, and found Silas industriously dipping a spike into the liniment and

then rubbing it against the horse's leg. "What are you doing that for?" he asked. The man looked up with a smile of assurance. "Because," said he, "twas what it said in the directions on the bottle; but it's slow work." "You must have made a mistake," said the minister. "I have not," answered the man, in an aggrieved tone. "It says here on the bottle, 'Apply with a large nail- or tooth-brush,' and as I had no tooth-brush, I thought I'd better use this spike."-Youth's Companion.

Patsy: "Mom, won't yer gimme me candy, now?" Mrs. Casey: "Didn' oi tell ye oi wouldn' give ye anny at all if ye didn't kape still?" Patsy: "Yes'm, but-" Mrs. Casey: "Well, the longer ye kape still the sooner ye'll get it."-Philadelphia Press.

Chauncey M. Depew and Mark Twain went abroad once on the same ship. When they were four days out somebody gave a dinner and invited both.

Speechmaking time came. Mark Twain had the first chance. He spoke twenty minutes, and made a great hit. Then it was Mr. Depew's


The canny New Yorker arose and said: "Mr. Toastmaster, ladies and gentlemen: I have a confession to make. Before this dinner, Mark Twain and myself made an agreement to trade speeches. He has just delivered my speech, and I thank you for the pleasant manner in which you have received it. I regret to say that I lost the manuscript of his speech, and cannot remember anything he was to say."


Depew sat down. There was much laughter. Next day an Englishman who was in the party came across Mark Twain in the smoking "Mr. Clemens," he said, "I consider you were much imposed upon last night. I have always heard that Mr. Depew is a clever man, but really the speech of his you made last night struck me as being the most infernal rot."

Our English cousins use "left off" for our "cast off" as applied to second-hand garments. The following advertisement recently appeared in a London paper: "Mr. and Mrs. Hardy have left off clothing of all kinds. They can be seen any day from 3 to 6 p. m.-Lippincott's Magazine.



In a few instances, for Volume VI, we have met with the complaint that only two or three numbers of the volume reached certain subscribers, and that they failed to get the remaining numbers. In other cases certain people subscribed for the magazine, and, through some error, failed to receive their numbers. Their names were not placed upon the subscription list. We desire to state to such subscribers, and to all our subscribers, that immediately upon your failure to receive any number of the magazine, you should drop the office a postal card or other notice, informing us of such failure, and the matter will be immediately looked up and the error corrected. We aim, and are proud of the record the ERA has made in this matter, to have the magazine promptly in the hands of our subscribers on the first of every month, and as promptly to mail it to every person on the list, whether the names are sent by the individuals themselves or by our agents, the presidents of the associations. If the office is immediately notified of any failure to receive the magazine, the error can be checked up without delay, and whether it be in the office, in the mails, or with the agent to whom the money has been given, it can be learned in a very short time; whereas, if the error is permitted to continue until the end of the year, it is impossible to unravel the complications and learn where the fault lies. Please, therefore, notify us immediately upon any failure to receive your magazine, or of any errors that may have been committed in our business relations with you.


In attending the annual conventions of the M. I. A. this fall, some of the members of the General Board have learned and later reported

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