Laws of the State of New York, Nide 21974 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 87
Sivu 2469
... chapter 600 , section 3 of the laws of 1973 and chapter 770 , section 2 of the laws of 1973 , for : Services and ... amended , the urban mass transportation assistance act of 1970 as amended , the housing act of 1954 as amended ...
... chapter 600 , section 3 of the laws of 1973 and chapter 770 , section 2 of the laws of 1973 , for : Services and ... amended , the urban mass transportation assistance act of 1970 as amended , the housing act of 1954 as amended ...
Sivu 2525
New York (State). OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES Real Property Management By chapter 50 , section 4 , of the laws of 1969 , as amended by chapter 340 , section 20 , of the laws of 1969 , and as reappropriated by chapter 54 , section 8 , of ...
New York (State). OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES Real Property Management By chapter 50 , section 4 , of the laws of 1969 , as amended by chapter 340 , section 20 , of the laws of 1969 , and as reappropriated by chapter 54 , section 8 , of ...
Sivu 2528
... chapter 54 , section 8 , of the laws of 1974 , is hereby reappropriated to the Department of Transportation and amended ... amended by chapter 157 , section 11 , of the laws of 1970 , and chapter 1 , section 13 , of the laws of 1971 ...
... chapter 54 , section 8 , of the laws of 1974 , is hereby reappropriated to the Department of Transportation and amended ... amended by chapter 157 , section 11 , of the laws of 1970 , and chapter 1 , section 13 , of the laws of 1971 ...
Certificate of Secretary of State | 1679 |
Extraordinary Session of 1974 2789 | 2551 |
Constitutional Amendments adopted at General Elec | 2821 |
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act shall take ACT to amend added by chapter adding thereto age of majority agency amended by adding amended by chapter amended to read Amount available application approval award Became a law centum certificate Columbia Memorial Hospital commission commissioner contract contract college corporation court enact as follows filed fund Governor hereby amended income land law is hereby law June 15 laws of nineteen loan Maintenance undistributed majority vote ment mobile home municipality nineteen hundred seventy-four nineteen hundred seventy-one nineteen hundred seventy-three NON-PERSONAL SERVICE Onondaga county operation paragraph payment personal service programs provide facilities public health law purposes read as follows real property relation represented in Senate schedule school district section one hundred section two hundred Senate and Assembly seven hundred suant subdivision three Suffolk county take effect immediately thereof thousand dollars three-fifths being present tion Westchester county York