House of Commons Papers, Nide 12H.M. Stationery Office, 1962 |
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Tulokset 1 - 3 kokonaismäärästä 90
Sivu 45
... students 64. Table 37 shows the number of home and overseas students registered for each type of qualification. 32% of higher degree students were from overseas, the proportion being lower among Ph.D. students (27%) than among those ...
... students 64. Table 37 shows the number of home and overseas students registered for each type of qualification. 32% of higher degree students were from overseas, the proportion being lower among Ph.D. students (27%) than among those ...
Sivu 137
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Percentage of part-time students in further education who passed certain ... proportion of students with G.C.E. passes who had obtained some of those passes after leaving school was much ...
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Percentage of part-time students in further education who passed certain ... proportion of students with G.C.E. passes who had obtained some of those passes after leaving school was much ...
Sivu 270
... proportion of students who were in regular contact with a supervisor ; and these were related to variations in the provision of tutorials (see Table 5). For ... students thought that arrangements 270 Part IV. Methods of teaching.
... proportion of students who were in regular contact with a supervisor ; and these were related to variations in the provision of tutorials (see Table 5). For ... students thought that arrangements 270 Part IV. Methods of teaching.
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
applied science arts awards Certificate of Education civic universities Class of degree Colleges of Advanced compared course G.B. Diploma in Technology discussion periods England and Wales faculty G.B. full-time equivalent full-time students further education graduates higher diplomas higher education Higher National Certificate Higher National Diploma home postgraduates home students home undergraduates hours per week institutions Larger civic leaving school London Master's degree medical subjects method of study note to Table number of students obtained overseas students Oxford and Cambridge P.G. Survey Note part-time day part-time students Percentage of students Percentage of undergraduates postgraduate study private study professional qualifications proportion of students Sample numbers 100 science and technology Scotland Scottish secondary schooling Smaller civic social studies Source students in further students Sample numbers students taking Survey see paragraph teacher training Training Colleges type of college type of course U.G. Survey U.G.C. Returns University Grants Committee university group G.B. women