Sivut kuvina

shall be received against him upon any criminal or penal investigations or proceedings; provided, however, that no person so testifying shall be exempt from prosecution or punishment for any perjury committed by him in his testimony. Nothing herein contained is intended to give or shall be construed as in any manner giving to any corporation immunity of any kind.

to be

how vaid.

11. The appropriate department of each signatory state rep- Facilities resented by the commissioner designated under the provisions furnished. of this article shall, as the commission may determine, furnish at the cost of the three signatory states in equal shares all such equipment, service and facilities as will enable the commission to properly and efficiently exercise the powers and perform the duties defined in this article. All expenses of the commission Expenses, shall be paid, share and share alike, from funds provided by the signatory states, said funds in each state being made available to that department of the state which is represented by the officer or employee designated by the governor as a member of the said commission and all said expenses shall be paid from said funds on the certification of the said designated state oficer or employee or in such other manner as the laws of the signatory state may prescribe.


sioners to

fication of

Should any claim or controversy arise between any two or Commismore of the states signatory to this compact with respect to the adjust conmeaning or performance of any of the terms of this compact, adversies. or in case it should become desirable to modify any provision mend modior all of this compact, then the governor of each state affected, compact. upon the request of any one of them, shall each forthwith appoint a commissioner empowered to jointly consider and adjust such claim or controversy or recommend such modification subject to ratification by the legislatures of the signatory states and, the congress of the United States having consented thereto, such modification shall be in full force and effect.



Should any part of this compact be held to be contrary to the Partial unconstitution of any signatory state or of the United States all tionality. other severable parts of this compact shall continue to be in full

force and effect.


tion of

This compact may be terminated at any time by concurrent Terminalegislative action of all the signatory states. In the event of compact. the termination of this compact all rights and obligations which may have become established or vested under its provisions shall remain and continue unimpaired. Said termination shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be agreed to by the signatory states.



This compact shall be submitted for adoption to the legisla- Compact, ture of each of the signatory states at their several sessions be- e ginning in the month of January, nineteen hundred and twents


five; and upon adoption by the legislative act of each and all of said states, the congress of the United States having consented thereto, it shall be in full force and effect.

In witness whereof, the commissioners have signed this compact in triplicate originals, one of which shall be deposited with the secretary of state of each of the signatory states.

Done at the city of New York, New York, this twenty-fourth day of January, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and twenty-five.

Charles H. Miner,
Robert Y. Stuart,
Philip P. Wells,
W. A. Starrett,
Frederick C. Schneider,
George MacDonald,
Rudolph Reimer,
J. D. Thompson.

Aforesaid § 2. Be it therefore enacted that the aforesaid agreement and

agreement adopted.


every article, clause, matter and thing therein contained shall be and the same hereby is fully adopted and shall be and ever hereafter remain in force, agreeably to the true tenor and extent thereof except that, (a) any state may by appropriate legislation change the designation and appointment and, or the manner of designation and appointment of its members on the commission provided for in article twenty of the compact, and, except that (b) nothing contained in article seventeen of the compact shall be construed as enlarging any existing vested right or as creating any new vested right or as reviving any claim of right which may have lapsed by forfeiture or by non-user and, except that (c) nothing contained in article seventeen of the compact shall be construed as in any manner limiting the exercise of the right of condemnation not in conflict with the order of preference set forth in article three as such right now exists or may hereafter be granted in any state, and except that (d) paragraph (c) of article eight of the compact shall read in its entirety as follows: Approval of the commission shall be secured for every project which involves the removal or diversion of more than two million gallons of water per day from the channel of the Delaware river.

§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the stock corporation law, in relation to the issue of stock to employees of a corporation.

Became a law March 18, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Section fourteen of chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-three, en

L. 1923,

cb. 787,

§ 14


4 This compact failed of adoption in 1925 at the regular sessions of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania legislatures.

titled "An act relating to stock corporations, constituting chapter fifty-nine of the consolidated laws," is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 14. Issue of stock to employees. A corporation other than a moneyed corporation, with the consent of the stockholders entitled to vote thereon, upon such terms and restrictions as they shall impose, and in case of stock having par value for the consideration required by section sixty-nine, may provide and carry out a plan for the issue of any or all of its unissued stock to employees of the corporation or to employees of a subsidiary corporation who may desire to subscribe therefor, or to a trustee on their behalf, and for the payment for such stock in installments or at one time, and for the establishment, if provided for in any such consent, of a special fund or funds derived from surplus profits of the corporation in which employees purchasing stock pursuant to such plan and continuing in the ownership thereof and in the employment of the corporation during a definite period of time may be privileged to share upon such terms and conditions as may be imposed in respect thereof. The consent may be given by all such stockholders in writing or by a majority vote at a stockholders' meeting held on the notice prescribed by section forty-five, stating the object thereof. In case of the issuance to employees of increased stock authorized pursuant to section thirty-six, any stockholder not voting in favor of such issue of stock to employees may, at such meeting or within twenty days thereafter, object thereto and demand payment for his stock, and such stockholder or the corporation may at any time within sixty days after such meeting take proceedings for the appraisal of his stock, as provided under section twenty-one.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT making an appropriation for the acquisition of lands as a site for a new state hospital for the insane.

Became a law March 18, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed. three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. The state hospital commission is hereby authorized State hosand empowered to acquire lands in the vicinity of the city of italicomNew York, in either Rockland or Putnam County, as a site for a tequire new state hospital for the insane. Such site may be selected from site. lands on which the state has heretofore secured option or from such other lands, in the aforesaid counties, as the commission may deem suitable for such purpose. Except for the purpose of defray- Moneys aping the expenses of making a search of title and other expenses when

mission authorized

1 Remainder of sentence formerly read: "may issue any or all of its unissued stock to employees of the corporation or to employees of a subsidiary corporation."




incidental to such search, no part of the moneys appropriated by this act shall be available until the attorney general on a certificate filed with the comptroller shall have approved the title to such lands and the conveyance thereof to the state.

Appropri- § 2. There is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000), for the acquisition of such land. Such moneys shall be paid out by the state treasurer on the warrant of the comptroller on the certificate of the chairman of such commission.

§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT making an additional appropriation for the construction of a tunnel or tunnels, jointly with the state of New Jersey, for vehicular and pedestrian traffic under the Hudson riven and between the states of New York and New Jersey.

Became a law March 18, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed. three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. In addition to moneys heretofore appropriated the sum of three million five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000), or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the purposes of chapter one hundred and seventy-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and nineteen, entitled "An act to provide for the acquisition of lands and the construction of a tunnel or tunnels jointly with the state of New Jersey for vehicular and pedestrian traffic under the Hudson river and between the states of New York and New Jersey, and making an appropriation therefor," including the expenses of the commission constituted by such act, known as the New York state bridge and tunnel commission, and toward the payment of the cost of the tunnel or tunnels to be constructed pursuant to the provisions of such act, or the share thereof of the state of New York. Such sum shall be expended under the direction of such commission and shall be payable by the treasurer on the warrant of the comptroller on itemized vouchers certified to by the chairman of the commission. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.



AN ACT making appropriations for the support of government.1 Became a law March 19, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

for fiscal

Section 1. The several amounts named in this section, or so much thereof Approas shall be sufficient to accomplish the purpose designated by the appropria- priations tions, are hereby appropriated and authorized to be paid as hereinafter pro- year. vided, to the respective public officers and for the several purposes specified, which amounts shall be available for the year beginning on the first day of

July, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, namely:

[blocks in formation]

Reports and messages..

1,000 00

Public papers of Governor Alfred E. Smith, including services

for preparation of same.

1,500 00

Equipment and supplies.

4,500 00

Traveling expenses, including traveling outside the state.......

7,500 00

5,400 00

Fixed charges and contributions

For incidental expenses of the executive mansion and equipage to be paid in equal monthly installments by the comptroller on certificate of the governor or the secretary to the governor Contingencies, including expenses of Lunacy Commission acting

6,000 00

in capital cases...

1,000 00





Secretary to the lieutenant-governor.

stitution, art. 4, § 9.

indicate omission of items disapproved by the governor.

1 For appropriations for the support of government in addition to those provided by this chapter, see L. 1925, chs. 182, 659, post. For appropriations to replace certain items originally herein and vetoed by the governor, see ch. 206, post. Many of the items in ch. 181 were modified or made available for other purposes by chs. 206, 659.

5,000 00

4,000 00

See con

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