250 00 10,624 00 Rental of engineering instruments...... (General churges - Department tools, plant and equipment.) Industrial equipment Purchase of For highways to be resurfaced either by contract or directly by the department... SCHEDULE D. For highways to be surface treated either by contract or directly by the department.. 0 00 54,000 00 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways, and roads on Indian reservations, including personal service; division expenses other than personal service; highways to be resurfaced either by contract or directly by the department; highways to be surface treated either by contract or directly by the department; highways to be reconstructed either by contract or directly by the department; and for general maintenance and repairs in the counties comprising division No. 6. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated: Allegany county, two hundred seventy-one thousand, eight hundred twenty dollars ($271,820.00); Chemung county, one hundred two thousand, six hundred twenty-five dollars ($102,625.00); Schuyler county, fifty-eight thousand, three hundred seventy-two dollars ($58,372.00); Steuben county, five hundred thirty-three thousand, two hundred eighty-seven dollars ($533,287.00); Tioga county, one hundred ninety-four thousand, six hundred two dollars ($194,602.00); Yates county, one hundred forty-three thousand, seven hundred nineteen dollars ($143,719.00). .. $0 00 For highways to be resurfaced either by contract or directly by the department.. SCHEDULE D. For highways to be surface treated either by contract or directly by the department............ SCHEDULE E. For highways to be reconstructed either by contract or directly by the department. ................. 92,900 00 649,525 00 Personal service SCHEDULE F. General Maintenance and Repair. Wages, temporary Foremen, laborers, mechanics, chauf feurs, teams and trucks.....$231,500 00 Industrial equipment Total for Division No. 6......$1,304,425 00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. BUREAU OF HIGHWAYS. DIVISION No. 7. For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways, and roads on Indian reservations, including personal service; division expenses other than personal service; highways to be resurfaced either by contract or directly by the department; highways to be surface treated either by contract or directly by the department; highways to be reconstructed either by contract or directly by the department; the repair and maintenance of the Black Lake bridge in St. Lawrence county; and for general maintenance and repairs in the counties comprising division number seven. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated: Clinton county, three hundred seven thousand, five hundred eighty dollars ($307,580); Franklin county, two hundred twenty-two thousand, nine hundred seventy dollars ($222,970); Jefferson county, two hundred forty-seven thousand, nine hundred thirty dollars ($247,930); Lewis county, one hundred eighty-six thousand, eighty dollars ($186,080); St. Lawrence county, two hundred twenty-nine thousand, four hundred forty dollars ($229,440). Salaries SCHEDULE A. Personal Service. Engineering, supervision and inspection employes $25,000 00 |