Sivut kuvina

L. 1909,
ch. 49,
§ 195,

subd. 1

has been granted under the provisions of this article who shall receive or hold in such warehouse any food owned by another person, firm or corporation, shall send to such owner a written notification to remove such food at least two weeks prior to the expiration of the time limit of twelve calendar months, and it shall be a sufficient defense to an action, civil or criminal, against such a licensee for keeping or permitting to remain in any cold storage warehouse any article of food belonging to another person after the expiration of such time limit that such notice was duly given.

§ 240. Removal of cold storage marks. It shall be unlawful for any person to alter, mutilate, destroy, obscure, obliterate or remove any mark required by this article to be placed on any article of food or the container thereof while the same is being held in storage or for purposes of resale, except that tags may be removed from food withdrawn from storage within thirty days, as provided in section two hundred and thirty-four.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to the practice of dentistry.

Became a law April 2, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Subdivision one of section one hundred and ninetyfive of chapter forty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act in relation to the public health, constituting chapter forty-five of the consolidated laws," as last amended by chapter one hundred and twenty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and sixteen,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 195. 1. State board of dental examiners. The existing state board of dental examiners shall be divided into four classes and their terms of office shall continue except that said terms shall expire on the thirty-first day of July in each year. After July thirty-first, nineteen hundred and ten, the state board of dental examiners shall be increased by the addition of a member residing in the ninth judicial district, who shall be appointed in the manner provided by this section, for a term of four years, commencing on the first day of August, nineteen hundred and ten, and who shall be a member of the class whose terms commence on such date. Before the day when the official terms of the members of any of said classes shall expire, the regents shall appoint their successors, to serve for the term of four years from said day. Such appointment shall be made from nominations in number twice the num

3 Remainder of section new.

1 Previously amended by L. 1910, ch. 137.

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ber of the outgoing class made by such society to the regents prior to the second Tuesday in June of each year, or in default of such nominations from the licensed and registered dentists of the state who have been members of the state dental society for not less than ten years prior to the time of the appointment. The regents, in the same manner, shall also fill vacancies in the board that may occur. All nominations and appointments shall be so made that every vacancy in the board shall be filled by a resident of the same judicial district in which the last incumbent of the office resided. The board shall elect at its annual meeting from its members a president and shall hold one or more meetings each year pursuant to call of the regents. No person shall be appointed an examiner unless he shall have received a dental degree from a body lawfully entitled to confer the same, and in good standing at the time of its conferment, and shall have been engaged within the state during not less than five years prior to his appointment in the actual and lawful practice of dentistry. Cause being shown before them the regent may remove an examiner from office on proven charges of inefficiency, incompetency, immorality or unprofessional conduct.

subd. 5

§ 2. Subdivision five of section one hundred and ninety-six of $ 196, such chapter, as last amended by chapter one hundred and twenty- amended. nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and sixteen, is hereby amended to read as follows:

for women

5. Any dental dispensary or infirmary legally incorporated and Courses registered by the regents, and maintaining a proper standard and in oral equipment may establish for women students a course of study hygiene. in oral hygiene, all such students upon entrance shall present satisfactory evidence of the completion of four years of high school work or its equivalent, and may be graduated in one year as dental hygienists, upon complying with the preliminary requirements to examination by the board, which are:

A. A fee of five dollars.

B. Evidence that they are at least twenty years of age and of good moral character.

C. That they have complied with and fulfilled the preliminary and professional requirements and the requirements of the statute. After having satisfactorily passed such examination they shall be registered and licensed as dental hygienists by the regents under such rules as the regents shall prescribe.

§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

2 Sentence omitted which read: "Nor shall any person connected with a dental school as professor, trustee or instructor be eligible to such appointment."

3 Previously amended by L. 1911, ch. 786. Subsequently amended by L. 1922, ch. 178.

4 Word "satisfactory" new.

5 Words "the completion of four years of high school work or its equivalent," substituted for words "attendance of one year in the high school.

L. 1909, ch. 49, § 233,

subd. 4 amended.

Qualifications of


AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to the practice of


Became a law April 2, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Subdivision four of paragraph entitled "Pharmacist" of section two hundred and thirty-three of chapter fortynine of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act in relation to the public health, constituting chapter forty-five of the consolidated laws," as last amended by chapter three hundred and thirty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-four,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

4. Has studied pharmacology as outlined in the syllabus not candidates less than two years in a school and not later than January first,

for examination.

§ 233, "Junior pharmacist," subd. 4 amended.

Qualifications of

nineteen hundred and twenty-eight, for a period of not less than three years.

§ 2. Subdivision four of paragraph entitled "Junior pharmacist" of section two hundred and thirty-three of such chapter, as last amended by chapter three hundred and thirty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-four, is hereby amended to read as follows:

4. Has studied pharmacology as outlined in the syllabus not candidates less than two years in a school and not later than January first, fortioexam- nineteen hundred and twenty-eight, for a period of not less than three years.


§ 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

L. 1909,
ch. 49,
§ 216



AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to qualifications for examination to practice veterinary medicine.

Became a law April 2, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Section two hundred and sixteen of chapter fortynine of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An act in relation to the public health, constituting chapter forty-five of the consolidated laws," as last amended by chapter one hundred

1 Previously amended by L. 1910, ch. 422; L. 1915, ch. 502; L. 1916, ch. 327; L. 1918, ch. 394; L. 1922, ch. 183. 2 Remainder of subd. 4 new.

3 Previously amended by L. 1910, ch. 422; L. 1915, ch. 502; L. 1916, ch. 327; L. 1918, ch. 394; L. 1922, ch. 183.

and seventy-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-two,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 216. Admission to examination. The regents shall admit to examination any candidate who pays a fee of ten dollars and submits satisfactory evidence, verified by oath if required that he (first) is more than twenty-one years of age; (second) is of good, moral character; (third) has the general education required in all cases after July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, preliminary to receiving a degree in veterinary medicine; (fourth) has studied veterinary medicine not less than four full years, including four satisfactory courses in four different academic years, in a veterinary medical school registered as maintaining at the time a satisfactory standard; (fifth) has received a degree as veterinarian from some registered veterinary medical school. The degree in veterinary medicine shall not be conferred in this state before the candidate has filed with the institution conferring it, the certificate of the regents that before beginning the first annual veterinary course counted toward the degree he had earned a veterinary medical student qualifying certificate in accordance with the rules of the regents, the minimum requirement for which, for matriculates after January one, nineteen hundred and five, shall be the successful completion of an approved four-year high school course or its equivalent. The regents may, in their discretion, accept as the equivalent for any part of the third and fourth requirement, evidence of five or more years' reputable practice in veterinary medicine, provided that such substitution be specified in the license. The regents may also, in their discretion, admit to the examination graduates of duly incorporated veterinary schools, who matriculated in such schools prior to nineteen hundred and twelve, provided such graduates are now and have been for at least five years, residents of this state.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to vital statistics. Became a law April 2, 1925, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 372

Section 1. Section three hundred and seventy-two of chapter L. 1909, forty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled "An cha 49, act in relation to the public health, constituting chapter forty-five amended. of the consolidated laws," as added by chapter six hundred and nineteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, and last amended by chapter two hundred and thirteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and nineteen,1 is hereby amended to read as follows:

1 Previously amended by L. 1917, ch. 648.

2 Formerly "nineteen hundred and ten."
1 Previously amended by L. 1917, ch. 321.



§ 372. Registration districts. The state shall be divided into

registration districts as follows: Each city, each incorporated village, and each town, shall constitute a primary registration district, provided that the state commissioner of health may combine two or more primary registration districts or divide one registration district into two or more primary districts to facilitate registration and he may establish any state hospital, charitable, or penal institution as a primary district. When a district is divided into two or more primary registration districts, the appointment of a registrar for each shall be made by the same appointing authority which had jurisdiction over the original district, excepting in the instance of a state hospital, charitable, or penal institution, the registrar for which shall be the superintendent or person in charge as provided in section three hundred and seventy-three of this chapter. When two or more primary districts are combined, the registrar for such combined district shall be appointed at a joint session of the authorities which heretofore made the appointment of registrars of the original districts.

Remuneration and expenses of the registrars of districts which have been divided into two or more primary registration districts shall be paid by the municipality comprising the original district, except that the registrar of a state hospital, charitable, or penal institution shall receive no additional remuneration for acting as registrar.

Remuneration and expenses of registrars of combined districts shall be paid by the municipalities comprising such districts in proportion as each would be required to compensate a separate registrar for its own district, except that when such combined districts coincide with a consolidated health district the remuneration and expenses of the registrar shall be paid by the consolidated health board of such district as provided by section twenty of chapter three of the public health law.

§ 2. Section three hundred and seventy-six of such chapter, as added by chapter six hundred and nineteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 376. Registration of stillborn children. A stillborn child shall be registrated as a birth and also as a death, and separate certificates of both the birth and the death shall be filed with the registrar of vital statistics in the usual form and manner, the certificate of birth to contain in place of the name of the child, the word "stillbirth;" provided, that a certificate of birth and a certificate of death shall not be required for a child that has not advanced to the fifth month of uterogestation. The state commissioner of health may furnish a combined birth and death certificate for the recording of stillbirths and may require it to be used instead of the separate birth and death certificates. The medical certificate of the cause of death shall be signed by the attending

2 Word "and" new.

3 Words "and each state hospital, charitable or penal institution," omitted. 4 Remainder of sentence new.

5 Following sentence new.

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