THE above is a pleasant burlesque on the gawdy, glittering, florid style and manner of certain descriptive poets. I think the reader will pardon me for laying before him part of a piece of ridicule on the same subject, and of equal merit, which made its first appearance many years ago in the Oxford Student, and is thus entitled, "Ode to Horror, in the Allegoric, Descriptive, Alli. terative, Epithetical, Fantastic, Hyperbolical, and Diabolical Style of our Modern Ode-Writers and Monody-Mongers." -" Ferreus ingruit Horror." "O Goddess of the gloomy scene, Of shadowy shapes, thou black-brow'd Queen; Thy tresses dark with ivy crown'd, Oft wont from charnels damp and dim, VIRG. Did'st wake the hollow-whisp'ring breeze The author was himself a descriptive poet of the first class. Mr. William Collins thought himself aimed at by this piece of ridicule. His odes had been just published; and the last lines seemed to refer to a particular passage in them. WARTON. The author was Thomas Warton; and it is a curious fact, that it was ridicule which at first led him to the very studies, in which he afterwards so eminently shone. He began by ridiculing Hearne*, and afterwards became an antiquarian of the most accurate, as well as elegant character; and from laughing at Collins, he wrote odes of the same description. The humour of this ode (which I had doubts whether I should preferve) is not half so obvious as the humour of Pope's ballad. It might pass for a ferious Defcriptive Ode of the eighteenth century, with a certain class of poetical readers. * The famous antiquarian I ON A CERTAIN LADY AT COURT. KNOW the thing that's most uncommon; (Envy be filent, and attend!) I know a reasonable Woman, Handsome and witty, yet a Friend. Not warp'd by Paffion, aw'd by Rumour, Not grave through Pride, or gay through Folly, An equal Mixture of good Humour, " Has she no faults then, (Envy says,) Sir?" When all the World confpires to praise her, NOTES. LADY AT COURT.) HENRIETTA, fister of John, the first Earl of Buckinghamshire, was eldest daughter of Sir Henry Hobart, of Blickling in Norfolk, and espoufed Charles Howard, younger fon of Henry, fifth Earl of Suffolk, whom she accompanied to Hanover, before the death of Queen Ann. She came to England with Caroline, then Electoral Princess, and became her bed-chamber woman. Mr. Coxe remarks, that " if we were to draw an eftimate of the understanding and character of Mrs. Howard, from the representations of Pope, Swift, and Gay, during the time of her favour, we might suppose she poffefsed every accomplishment and good quality," &c. "The real truth is," he adds, "that she was more remarkable for beauty than for understanding, and the paffion which the King entertained tertained for her was rather derived from chance," &c. "He was first enamoured of another Lady, who was more cruel to the Royal Lover than Mrs. Howard. This Lady was the beautiful and lively Mary Bellenden," &c. "The Prince having communicated his paffion for Miss Bellenden to Mrs. Howard, and being rejected, became enamoured of his confidante." Coxe's Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 14. VER. I. I know the thing] Equal in elegance to any compliment that Waller has paid to Sacchariffa, especially the last stanza, and the answer to Envy. The Lady addrest was Mrs. Howard, of Marble-hill, bed-chamber woman to Queen Caroline, and afterwards Countess of Suffolk. WARTON. 1 ON HIS GROTTO AT TWICKENHAM. COMPOSED OF MARBLES, SPARS, GEMS, ORES, AND MINERALS. HOU THO who shalt stop, where Thames' translucent wave Shines a broad Mirror through the shadowy Cave ; And pointed Crystals break the sparkling Rill, Unpolish'd Gems no ray on Pride bestow, 5 And latent Metals innocently glow: Approach. Great NATURE studiously behold! And eye the Mine without a wish for Gold. Approach: VARIATIONS. After VER. 6. in the MS. You see that Island's wealth, where, only free, i. e. Britain is the only place in the globe which feels not tyranny even to its very entrails. NOTES. WARBURTΟΝ, On his Grotto] The improving and finishing his Grot was the favourite amusement of his declining years; and the beauty of his poetic genius, in the disposition and ornaments of this romantic recess, appears to as much advantage as in his best contrived WARBUR TON Poems. There is much truth in Warburton's observation, although it may not convey the sense he intended. Pope's Garden certainly resem bled his polished and embellished strain, but of neither are mantic" beauty or "great nature" the characteristics. TO |