Her gloomy prefence faddens all the scene, Yet here for ever, ever must I stay; 170 175 Ah wretch! believ'd the spoufe of God in vain, 180 I ought to grieve, but cannot what I ought; I view my crime, but kindle at the view, 185 Of NOTES. VER. 177. Ab wretch!] From the Letters; as also v. 133; and also v. 251; from the Letters. Epift. ii. p. 67. WARTON. VER 182. An altar for forbidden fires, Dr. Warton asks whether we ought to neglect the pathetic Tale of Rousseau's Eloise, because many of his other writings are so objectionable ? Is not that "Pathetic Tale," highly objectionable? yes, for the very reason that, like this poem, it is interesting and pathetic, and conveys the most fallacious and dangerous fentiments in the most captivating language. Of all affliction taught a lover yet, 190 Unequal task! a passion to resign,. 195 For hearts fo touch'd, so pierc'd, so lost as mine. Ere fuch a foul regains its peaceful state, How often must it love, how often hate! How often hope, despair, resent, regret, How happy is the blameless Vestal's lot? NOTES. 200 205 Labour VER. 201. But let heav'n feize it,] Here is the true doctrine of the Mystics. There are many such strains in Crashaw, particularly in a poem called The Flaming Heart, and in the Seraphical Saint Teresa in Crashaw. WARTON. But how beautiful an use has Pope here made of this doctrine, at the fame time nothing is introduced that here offends our feri ous ideas. Labour and rest, that equal periods keep; 211 Defires compos'd, affections ever even ; 215 And whisp'ring Angels prompt her golden dreams. For NOTES. VER 212. Obedient slumbers, &c.] Taken from Crashaw. POPE. Milton also honoured Crashaw by borrowing some lines from his translation of Marino's Slaughter of the Innocents. See Crashaw in the Letters, vol. vii. WARTON. VER. 215. Grace shines around her] Here follow fome of the maxims and reflections of Fenelon: -" God, in the beginning, disengages our hearts from impure pleasures by the taste he gives us of a heavenly delectation. Animated by the tender sentiments of a new-born love, we exercise ourselves with a noble and maf. culine vigour in all the labours of an active virtue. The foul, ravished with the divine amiableness, is no longer to be touched with the feducing charms of a profane sensuality. " God then proceeds to another operation in us, in order to destroy the mistaken love of ourselves; and this not by pleasures, but by sufferings. After having weaned us from earthly objects, he shuts us up within the folitary prison of our own being, to the end that we may experience the darkness, the weakness, and the emptiness of it. He fets before our eyes all the fecret abominations of our felf-love, the impurity of those virtues that flow from it, and its ufurpations upon the rights of the Divinity. What a fource of torments must this be to a creature idolatrous of itself and of its own virtue! The foul finds nothing in itself that is worthy of its love; and being no longer able to endure its own society, flies away and forsakes itself, to plunge and be swallowed up in the love of that object who alone is lovely. "Then it is that the importunate noise of the senfes and the imagination becomes hushed, the tumultuous hurry of our thoughts and paffions ceases, and the whole foul being brought into a profound filence, adores him in spirit and in truth, whose perfections For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms, Far other dreams my erring foul employ, NOTES. 220 When are beyond all expreffion, and above all conception. But this filence is such as excludes only useless reflections, superfluous reasonings, and barren speculations, which interrupt the action of the heart. In loving God purely, we believe every thing he teaches, we observe every thing he commands, we hope for every thing he promifes. For this predominant charity produces, animates, and perfects in us all the virtues, human and divine." - For fuch opinions as these was the mild and amiable Fenelon condemned, at the instigation and by the intrigues of Boffuet, a violent and artful high-churchman, by the court of Rome; and, with an unexampled tone of modesty and fubmiffion, publickly confessed his errors in his own Cathedral Church. Read some delicate strokes of fatire on the Mystics and Quietists in the 12th Epistle of Boileau Sur l'Amour de Dieu, and in his 10th Satire. WARTON. : VER. 218. Wings of Seraphs] A late poet, (T. Warton,) speaking of a Hermit at his evening prayers, says beautifully : Then, as my taper waxes dim, Chant ere I fleep my measur'd hymn; Of parting wings bedropt with gold. WARTON. VER. 219. For her] Copied exactly from the opinions and ideas of the Mystics and Quietists. There were büt fix Vestal Virgins at Rome; and it was with great difficulty the number was kept up, from the dread of the punishment for violating the vow, which was to be interred alive. WARTON. کے When at the close of each fad, forrowing day, 225 230 Provoking Demons all restraint remove, And ftir within me every fource of love. I hear thee, view thee, gaze o'er all thy charms, 235 240 Through dreary wastes, and weep each other's woe, Where NOTES. VER. 241. Methinks we wand'ring] I have been sometimes inclined to think, that some vision more appropriated, and drawn from her peculiar distress, would have been more striking. Virgil adds to Dido's dream a circumstance beautifully drawn from her own story: And feeks her Tyrians o'er the waste in vain. PARALLEL PASSAGES. VER, 237. I call aloud; So Sandys: In vain 1 fought my foul's belov'd, WARTON. STEVENS. |