VOTE 13.-WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT.-Continued. A.-SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF THE WAR OFFICE.-continued.. (a) These rates include all emoluments, with the exception of Pensions for Wounds and Rewards for Distinguished Service. (b) One Staff Captain receives 50l. a year as Secretary to the Ordnance Council. (c) In addition to Retired Pay or Pension. (d) Includes 2951., formerly provided in Vote 1. (e) Includes 212., formerly provided in Vote 1. (f) Formerly provided in Vote 10. VOTE 13.-WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT-continued. (a) In addition to fees paid from Vote 10 and the Military Works Loan. (e) There is in addition temporary subordinate staff at headquarters, charged to the Military Works Loan. VOTE 13.-WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT-continued. A.-SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES OF THE WAR OFFICE-continued. (c) Including the Actuary. (d) Includes one Principal of the old Establishment, who rises from 7007. by 257. annually to 9007. (e) One of these Clerks receives pay at 600l. a year whilst employed as Acting Assistant Principal. (f) Now provided under Secretary's Department. VOTE 13.-WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT-continued. C.-SALARIES AND PAY OF OFFICE-KEEPERS, MESSENGERS, &c. AT THE WAR Expenses of making translations, preparing maps, &c. (Military Operations Directorate) Other Contingent Expenses, including payment of 250l. to the General Post Office for telephone operators (a) 1,200 1,200 900 (a) 7007., for translations for the Military Operations Directorate has been transferred from Sub-Head B to Sub-Head D. (b) Includes 807. a year granted to present holder as compensation in lieu of quarters, &c. (c) Included 417. 13s. 4d. a year granted to then holder as compensation in lieu of quarters. (d) Includes 431. 6s. 8d. granted to one messenger as compensation for loss of quarters. |