(e) Exclusive of 245 Army Reservists (Royal Engineers Railway Reserve) supernumerary to the establishment of Volunteer Corps. (d) 100 (e) The establishments are provisional only." (f) These Officers are included in the establishment of the Royal Engineers on page 12, (g) The establishment of Lieutenants is one for each company. In addition to the establishment of Subalterns, supernumerary Second Lieutenants to complete the number of Subalterns to two for each company will be allowed. (h) Additional Surgeon-Lieutenants and Acting Chaplains may be appointed, according to the requirements of the Service, under paragraphs 56 and 66 respectively of the Volunteer Regulations. (1) Ineluding additional Medical Officers, additiona! Acting Chaplains, and all boys enrolled as trumpeters, buglers, or bandsmen. (k) Attached to 6th Volunteer Battalion. (f) Including 1 cyclist section. VOTE 5.-ESTABLISHMENTS OF VOLUNTEER INFANTRY-continued. (a) (b) See notes (g), (h), and (i) on page 189. (c) Including 1 cyclist company. (d) Including a cyclist section. (e) is permitted to have 4 cyc ist sections, equivalent to a company, within the total establishment of 935 of all ranks. (f) Including 2 cyclist sections. VOTE 5.-ESTABLISHMENTS OF VOLUNTEER INFANTRY-continued. Lieutenant Colonels. Majors. Captains. 2nd Lieutenants. (a) Lieutenants and Quartermasters. Medical Officers. (a) Acting Chaplain.(a) TOTAL. Serjeant Majors. Quartermaster Adjutants. Serjeant Buglers. VOTE 5.-ESTABLISHMENTS OF VOLUNTEER INFANTRY-continued. (a) 9 Or linary companies, 1 mounted, and 1 cyclist company. (b) Including 2 cyclist companies. (c) Including 1 cyclist company. (d Including a cyclist section. (e) Including farrier-serjeant for mounted company. (f) See notes (g), (h) and (i) on page 189. 49 46 18 902 1,048 (e) 1055 993 18 902 1,048 (e) 1,056 |