(a) A Statement showing the rates of pay and distribution of this staff, is given in Appendix No. 12, pp. 202 to 205. (b) Includes Sub-Inspector of Stores, War Office. (c) Two charged to Military Works Loan, and one lent to South African Constabulary. Vote 10.-WORKS and BUILDINGS-continued. H.-INCIDENTAL EXPENSES OF WAR DEPARTMENT LANDS: Incidental expenses of lands providing revenue, including working ex- J. PERMANENT TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, AND SIGNAL STATIONS: Working expenses K.-MISCELLANEOUS ENGINEER SERVICES: (1) Survey of defensive positions, and photographic services: work- (2) Water Supply, &c. for temporary camps for Auxiliary Forces 16,500 16,000 (3) Expenses connected with experiments and proof of ammunition, &c. (4) Packing material and miscellaneous services performed for other L., M., and N.-PART I -NEW WORKS, &c., AMOUNTING TO 2,000l. EACH AND UPWARDS. Vote 10.-WORKS and BUILDINGS-continued. L., M., and N.—PART I.-NEW WORKS, &c., amounting to 2,000l. and upwards-continued. (a) Half cost borne by the Admiralty. (b) Service commenced in 1906-7 with Treasury sanction. (c) Estimate increased from 3,650. (d) Total estimate under consideration. 720 1,188 812 3,750 250 1,500 5,000 3,230 500 3,000 3,000 £. 5,720 8,168 1,580 10,000 Vote 10.-WORKS and BUILDINGS-continued. L., M., and N.—PART I.-NEW WORKS, &c., amounting to 2,000l. and upwards-continued. (a) Estimate increased from 16,2207. (b) Office of Works execute the work. (d) Half cost borne by Ordnance Factory Vote, quarter cost borne by Admiralty. (c) Estimate increased from 25,3801. (e) Half cost borne by Admiralty. |