The only Grand Prize (Highest Award) Franco-British Exhibition, 1908. SIEBE, GORMAN & Co., LTD. "NEPTUNE" WORKS, LAMBETH, S.E. Makers of every description of DIVING APPARATUS. DRESSES, HELMETS, PUMPS, OF ALL PATTERNS. Sole makers to THE BRITISH ADMIRALTY, Illustrated Catalogues Free on Application. Newton & Cook, Painting, Household, Toilet, Table, Contractors to His Majesty's Government, Railways, &c. 3 & 5, Wardour Street, London, W. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS" BROOMSTAFF, LONDON." TELEPHONE No. 5081 CENTRAL Illustrated Priced Catalogues upon Application. OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE. Every Description of DECORATIVE, TABLE, and ANTIQUE AND MODERN. 10, II & 12, Coventry St., Piccadilly, W. LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated 1869. HEAD OFFICE: 42-45, NEW BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. AGENTS IN SENATOR SIR W. A. ZEAL, K.C.M.G. Secretary in Melbourne: F. HANDLEY. Canadian Advisory Board. ROBERT KILGOUR, Esq., Toronto. Canadian Branch Manager-D. W. ALEXANDER, Toronto. The Bonds of the Company are accepted by :-His Majesty's Home and Colonial Governments, the High Court of Justice, the Board of Trade, Local Government Board, the City of London, and other Municipal Corporations, and by various Banks and Railways, and other large Companies throughout the United Kingdom and the British Dependencies. The different kinds of Risk have been carefully classified. The Company is therefore in a position to undertake the best at the lowest possible scale of premium. Special Attention is called to the Company's Floating and Schedule Policies, under which any number of, or the whole staff of employés (provided the number is at least five), are guaranteed in one Bond. The cost is considerably less than for Ordinary Guarantees, and the risk that, through an oversight, individual Bonds may lapse, is removed. Full particulars of these Special Policies will be forwarded upon application. Policies are issued to cover :-Accidents of all kinds, Workmen's Compensation, Burglary, Lift Accidents, Third Party, Fire, Motor Car and Fire Brigades. Applications are invited for Agencies where the Company is not already |