KING'S NORTON METAL CO. LIMITED, Nr. BIRMINGHAM. IF you require large quantities of Articles in any Metal or Alloy accurately manufactured of the best materials and finish, which may be relied upon to be duplicates of each other, please write to THE KING'S NORTON METAL CO., Ltd. The King's Norton Metal Co., Ltd., have the most UP-TO-DATE PLANT for dealing with War Munitions or Industrial requirements.. A Staff of Engineers, Experts, Chemists, and Scientific Men deal with the K.N. Manufactures in a Scientific manner. Nothing is left to chance. THE CIVIL SERVICE Musical Instrument Association, Ltd. (OWNED AND CONDUCTED BY CIVIL SERVANTS), 236, High Holborn, LONDON, W.C. Established 1886. EXPORT BRANCH. Pianos specially constructed for extreme and trying climates. Export list free on application. Prices from £25 including cartage, dock, marine insurance, and all freight expenses to any Indian or Colonial port. Each instrument is fully WARRANTED for SEVEN YEARS, and can be relied upon for durability and excellence of tone, touch and workmanship throughout. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LISTS POST FREE. Telephone: 621 BANK. "WHEATLEY LONDON." GEO. W. WHEATLEY & Co.LD., General Shipping, Insurance & Passenger Agency, AND Globe Foreign Express. (Formerly WAGHORN, Pioneer of the Overland Route to India.) LONDON: CITY ་་ Telegraphic Address: "OVERLAND, LONDON." ESTABLISHED 1837. LIVERPOOL BENJAMIN EDGINGTON'S SPECIALTY THE DOUBLE ROOF RIDGE TENT FOR AFRICA AND HOT CLIMATES, Fitted with VERANDAH, BATHROOM, Etc. As used by Sir H. M. Stanley, Sir H. H. Johnston, and supplied to H.M. Government for East, West, Central, and South Africa. For Catalogues address 2, DUKE STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E. COMPLETE EQUIPMENTS FOR EXPLORERS and TRAVELLERS IMPROVED PATENT WATERTIGHT BOXES FOR INDIA, AFRICA, &c. Tropical Clothing, Khaki, Cabin Trunks, Deck Chairs. S. W. SILVER & CO., AND BENJ. EDGINGTON, LTD., 2, DUKE ST., LONDON BRIDGE, S.E., Telegrams-"BENJAMIN EDGINGTON, LONDON," and "SILVERBOOM, LONDON." DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE The Most Valuable Remedy ever discovered. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, and BRONCHITIS are always prevalent in our fickle climate. Relief is invariably afforded by DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The beneficial effects of this reliable medicine are immediately felt. Slight attacks yield to a single dose, while in severe cases, where rest is broken owing to continuous coughing, the judicious use of CHLORODYNE will at once tranquillise the sufferer as will no other medicine. CHLORODYNE never fails to relieve pain of every kind, and its soothing and restoring effects are equally marked in NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, and RHEUMATISM, rapidly giving relief when all other remedies have failed. CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in DIARRHEA and other complaints of the Bowels, its controlling and curative effects being truly remarkable, and it is strikingly efficacious in CROUP, FEVER, and AGUE. CHLORODYNE is taken in drops, graduated according to the malady. The doses are small, so that a bottle is not soon exhausted, but remains ready to meet emergencies. No more reliable and generally useful medicine can be kept at hand. It is agreeable to take, pleasant in action, and has no bad after-effects. There is no GENUINE CHLORODYNE other than DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S and no SIMILAR MEDICINE |