Sivut kuvina

relating to the Crown Agents for the Colonies; Pensions; Audit; Customs Management;
Medical and Sanitary Questions; Education; Business connected with the West Indian
Colonies, the West and East African Colonies and Protectorates, and the West African
Frontier Force and the King's African Rifles.


Jamaica, Turks Islands, British Honduras,

British Guiana, Bahamas, Bermuda, Trini. A. E. Collins.

dad, Barbados, Windward Islands, Leeward
Islands, Falkland Islands, and St. Helena.


Ceylon, Mauritius, Seychelles, Hong Kong,

G. E. A. Grindle.

Weihaiwei, Straits Settlements, MalayG. V. Fiddes, C.B., C.M.G.
States. Business connected with the Pro-R. E. Stubbs.
tected States of Brunei, Sarawak, and
North Borneo.


[blocks in formation]

E. J. Harding.
Hon. C. G. Murray,

E. J. Harding.

J. R. W. Robinson.

[blocks in formation]

Southern and Northern Nigeria, West African C. Strachey.
SC. T. Davis.

Frontier Force.


Somaliland, Uganda, British East Africa,
Nyasaland, King's African Rifles.




H. J. Read, C.M.G.
SF. G. A. Butler.

Brig. Gen. T. L. N. Morland,
C.B., D.S.O.

( Col. J. E. Gough, V.C.,

R. Geikie.
J. Anderson.

E. R. Darnley.
H. R. Cowell.
Capt. P.M.Robinson.
Capt. F. Jenkins.
Capt. the Hon. H.
Dawnay, D.S.O.

Correspondence relating to general and legal matters-including questions relating to the Establishments of the Colonial Office and the Crown Agents Department; Replies to Circulars; Governors' Pensions; Precedence; Civil Service Uniform; Ceremonies; Flags; Medals and Decorations; University Examinations; Military Commissions; Naval Cadetships; Treaties and Conventions; Personal Questions arising under section 56 of the Colonial Office Regulations; the passing of Letters Patent, Commissions, Warrants, Charters, etc.; Annual (Blue Book) Reports; Coolie Immigration; Computations of Pensions; Merchant Shipping; Posts and Telegraphs; and Quarantine.

Chief Clerk:-C. ALEXANDER HARRIS, C.B., C.M.G.

Legal Assistant:-J. S. RISLEY.

First Class Clerks :—J. F. N. Green, T. C. Macnaghten.

Library:-C. Atchley, I.S.O. (Librarian), W. Scott, S. Stagg, W. R. Shipway, G. F. Rivers,
J. Rushmer, A. J. Rodd.

Legal and General:-C. H. Niblett (Clerk for Legal Instruments), J. A. Smith, E. E. Wilkinson,
J. Hunter, L. J. Brearley. H. C. Grange, W. H. Bickle, G. A. Jones.
Registry-W. F. Westbrook (Chief Registrar), W. Scoffham.

Crown Colonies Sub-Registries:-No. 1 (West African): M. J. Drayson (Deputy Chief Registrar),
F. W. Brett, A. H. Boyd, H. G. Richardson, D. Gross, C. D. James, F. R. Craddock,
F. H. Harper, T. Clark (special service). (East African and Mediterranean): C. M.
Hatcher, W. E. Noall, H. F. Wood.

No. 2 (Eastern and West Indian): T. Wilson, W. McGuire, M. Jewell, A. E. Reynolds,
J. H. Emmens, H. D. Burley, H. Poole.

Dominions Sub-Registry :-W. E. Hobson, E. B. Burley, R. A. Hamblin, G. Venning,
W. H. Harman, F. J. Durman, G. C. Green, B. C. G. Perry.

Records:-E. H. Howell, H. T. Glover.

Printing:-E. D. Rockett, A. H. Bridgman, S. J. Meaney, E. W. H. Harbour, W. J. Garnett.
Copying: A. W. J. May, J. Carden, and Lady Typists.
Confidential Clerks:-S. R: Pughe, H. T. Allen.


Preparation of Parliamentary Estimates; accounting for Parliamentary Votes administered by Colonial Department; Correspondence in respect of such Votes and other matters affecting Imperial Finance, Receipts, Payments, etc,

Accountant:-A. H. H. Engelbach, I.S.O.
Assistant Accountant:-W. H. Eggett.

G. J. Allen.

A. L. Avton.
P. A. Milner.

W. F. Filbee.

S. G. Garnet.

R. H. Joscelyne.

V. H. Boyse.


Chairmen :-The Under-Secretaries and Assistant Under-Secretaries of State.

Vice-Chairman, Patronage Commiteee: C. A. Harris, C. B., C.M.G.

Vice-Chairman, Finance and Railways and Concessions Committees:-G. V. Fiddes, C.B., C.M.G. Secretary to Finance Committee:-E. R. Darnley.

Secretary to Railways and Concessions Committee:-R. Geikie,

Clerk of Patronage Committee:-J. Hunter.

Order of St. Michael and St. George: The Duke of Argyll, K.T., P.C., G.C.M.G., Chancellor ;
Sir M. F. Ommanney, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., I.S.O., Secretary; Sir Francis J. S. Hopwood,
G.C.M.G., K. C.B., Registrar; Sir W. A. Baillie Hamilton, K.C.M.G., C.B., Officer of Arms.
Medical Advisers to the Colonial Office:-Sir Patrick Manson, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., M.D., F.R.C.P.,
LL.D., 21, Queen Anne Street, London, W. (hours, 10 a.m. to 12 noon); Lt.-Col. J. Arnott,
M.D., 8, Rothesay Place, Edinburgh (hour, 2 p.m., except Saturdays); J. Hawtrey Benson,
Esq., M.D., 57, Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin (hour, 2.30 p.m.).


The Crown Agents for the Colonies act as commercial and financial agents in this country for all the Crown Colonies, for the government of which the Secretary of State is, by the necessities of their constitution, ultimately responsible, [C. 3075, p. 8.] They receive instructions directly from the Colonial Governments, but are supervised by the Secretary of State in matters of importance, or when any question of principle has to be decided. The Colonial Regulations, 379-382, lay down the conditions under which the Crown Agents comply with requisitions from the Colonies.

Down to 1833 each Colony appointed its own agent in London, but in that year all the agencies were consolidated into one office, with the exception of six agents, who continued for a time to represent some of the West Indian Governments. A full account of the origin and functions of the Crown Agents will be found in a paper presented to Parliament in August, 1881. [C. 3075.] Further information is given in the Secretary of State's circular despatch of the 26th of February, 1904, and the memorandum on the position and duties of the Crown Agents enclosed therein. The Colonies which have received responsible Government cannot avail themselves of the services of the Crown Agents, and have established agencies of their own, the addresses of which will be found below. Newfoundland has, however, not established an agency.

The Crown Agents are paid by fixed salaries settled by the Secretary of State. These salaries and all the other expenses of their office, including pensions, are paid from a fund derived from the monies received from the Governments for which they act, in return for the services rendered; the scale of their charges for the different classes of business they transact being fixed by the Secretary of State. The office being thus self-supporting no vote for it comes before the Imperial Parliament, but the accounts are audited by the Audit Office and are rendered to the Secretary of State. OFFICES:-Whitehall Gardens, S. W.; Stock Transfer Office, 1, Tokenhouse Buildings, E.C.

Crown Agents for the Colonies,

Sir Ernest Edward Blake, K.C.M.G.
Major Maurice Alexander Cameron, C.M.G.,
late R.E.

William Hepworth Mercer, C.M.G.
Secretary, P. H. Ezechiel, B. A.

Chief Clerk and Accountant, E. G. Antrobus,
Assistant Accountant, N. E. O. Willis.
Registrar of Inscribed Stocks, C. F. R. H. Urquhart.
Assistant, J. W. Potter.
Chief Cashier, L. Adams.
Assistant, W. A. Phillips.

Head of Engineering and Works Department,
Major J. F. H. Carmichael, R.E.
Assistant Head of Works Department, W. H.

Head of Engineering Inspection Department,
A. M. Heath, A. M.I.C.E,

Assistants, C. E. Williams, A. M.I.M.E.; H. E.
Wimperis, B.A., A.M.I.C.E., A. M.I.E.E.
Head of General Stores Department, H. F. Smith.
Assistant, H. W. L. Naylor.

Head of Shipping Department, W. E. James.
Assistant, M. Darroch.

Head of Appointments and Miscellaneous Depart
ment and Assistant Secretary, H. Martin.
Asistant, H. Warde.

Staf-Technical, E. Owen, W. Eraut, A. M.I.C.E.,

G. R. Lock, B.A., R. H. Calvert, H. Horsburgh,

Clerical, A. B. Reade, S. C. Elphick, G. Nicholas,
E. F. T. Bennett, W. L. Paton, R. Paley,
A. C. Richardson, S. C. Alford, T. F. Bruce,
F. E. Knight, J. A. Blackwood, H. C. Ransom,
G. A. Gardner, H. K. Purcell, F. M. Pearson,
G. F. Rowe, H. J. Robinson, E. H. Wood,
H. Stanfield, F. Davis, T. F. Dalton, J. S.
Truphet, A. C. Hone-Goldney, H. Martin,
G. D. Kirby, B. H. Jacobs, F. R. Rose. E. J. H.
Boosé, F. Bradstreet, S. G. Reid, H. Headley,
F. Harrington, E. J. Lanham, C. D. Gilbert,
H. P. Tattershall, V. C. Mackay, R. A. Snow,
A. L. Plowman, H. Stone, H. L. Bayles, F. J.

Stevens, H. D. Livingstone, E. N. Collins,
P. W. C. Wratten, S. G. Reardon, H. S.
Glossop, W. E. Searle, N. B. Young, E. G.
Maunder, T. J. Aley, J. R. E. Wheals, H. J. A.
Jones, H.W. Neville, J. Goldburg, F.W. Stokoe,
W. A. F. Wickhart, J. H. Brown, F. M.
Wright, H. A. Mills, F. W. Knight, W. Foy,
W. E. Westcott, J. C. T. Hoar, H. J. Payne,
W. A. Lock, A. J. Power, C. C. A. Hartland,
A. Banfield, J. P. Batten, W. B. Walters,
T. A. Pimm, C. H. Elliott, K. R. Tucker,
H. E. Rogers, E. M. Smith, J. F. Owen,
E. C. Richards, W. B. Gardner.

Stock Transfer Office, G. Hodgson, F. W. Deakin,
W. Pain.

Lady Clerks, Misses M. E. Boddy, A. E. Boddy,
E. E. Richardson, E. H. R. Lloyd, E. M. Blyth,
F. L. Buckle, C. R. Alder, S. Gorman, H.
Holland, A. M. La Mothe, M. Langston, E. Smith,
L. Kesteven, M. M. Constable, A. E. C. Woodd,
E. H. Graydon, M. V. Stewart, M. Knight-
Robinson, D. Peacock, C. I. Templesmith.
Office Keeper, W. Deakin.

Housekeeper, Mrs. Deakin.

| Office Messengers, W. H. Keen, I. Thompson,
H. Hurford, E. Billingsley, C. Hobson, F. Ellis,
F. I. Figgures.

Consulting Engineers.
Railways, Messrs. Gregory, Eyles and Waring,
M.M.I.C.E., 12, Dean's Yard, Westminster,
S. W.; Messrs. R. Elliott-Cooper and Shelford,
M.M.I.C.E., 35A, Great George Street, West-
minster, S. W.; Messrs. Hawkshaw and Dobson,
M.M.I.C.E., 33, Great George Street, West-
minster, S. W.; Messrs. Sir J. Wolfe Barry
and Partners, M.M.I.C.E., 21, Delahay Street,
Westminster, S. W.; Messrs. Rendel and
Robertson, M. M. I. C. E., 8 Great George Street,
Westminster, S. W.

Harbour Works, Messrs. Coode, Son, and
Matthews, M.M.I.C.E., 9, Victoria Street,
Westminster, S. W.

Shipping Agents, Messrs. J. and A. B, Freeland.
Birmingham Agents, Messrs. V. and R. Blakemore,
Engravers of Revenue and Postage Stamp Dies
Messrs. De La Rue and Company.

Water and Sanitary Works, O. Chadwick, | Solicitors, Messrs. Sutton, Ommanney and Rendall
M.I.C.E., C.M.G., 7, Carteret Street, West-
minster, S. W.; Messrs. J. Mansergh and Sons,
M.M.I.C.E., 5, Victoria Street, Westminster,
S. W.; Messrs. Middleton, Hunter and Duff,
M.M.I.C.E., 17, Victoria Street, Westminster,
S.W.; G. Bransby Williams, A. M.I.C.E., 39,
Victoria Street, S. W.

Telegraphs and Electric Lighting, Messrs. Preece
and Cardew, M.M.I.C.E., 8, Queen Anne's
Gate, Westminster, S. W.

Military Stores, Major-General Harding Steward,
R.E., C.M.G., 9, Lewes Crescent, Brighton.
Consulting Naval Architects, Messrs. Flannery,
Baggallay and Johnson, 9, Fenchurch Street,
E.C.; Messrs. Ridsdale, Wells and Kemp,
63, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
Consulting Architects, Messrs. Aston Webb, and
E. Ingress Bell, 19, Queen Anne's Gate, S. W.
Inspecting Engineers, R. H. H. Stanger,
A.M.I.C.E.; F. J. Waring, M.I.C.E., C.M.G.;
J. Duncan Elliot, A.M.I.C.E.
Telegraph and Electric Lighting Materials,
Messrs. Preece and Cardew, M.M.I.C.E.
Timber Structures, H. B. Creswell, F. R.I.B.A.
Consulting Chemist, Analyst, and Assayer,
Bertram Blount, F.C.S., F.I.C.


Coal Shipments, Hon. A. Ponsonby,
General Stores, R. H. H. Stanger, A.M.I.C.E.
Revenue and Postage Stamps, G. N. Knapp Barrow,
J. Price, G. C. Gates, G, Walton.

Clothing and Textures, F. A. Watkins, F. Watkins,
W. Anderson, W. H. C. Ward.
Leather Goods, J. Skinner,

Bankers. Bank of England, London and West-
minster Bank.and Standard Bank of South Africa.
Stock Brokers, Messrs. Mullens, Marshall and Co.;
Messrs. J. and A. Scrimgeour.

Bill Brokers, Messrs. R. W. Carter and Co.

[blocks in formation]


Surgeons Superintendent of Indian Emigrant
Vessels, Inman Welsh, W. K. Miley, H.
Vallance, R. Fonceca, W. Kenny, R. D'Arcy
Irvine, A. Harrison, J. S. A. Ireland, J. Perkins,
Stuart Oliver.

The following are the Colonies and Protectorates
for which the Crown Agents transact business
in this country :--

British Guiana.
British Honduras.

Leeward Islands-
(Antigua, Dominica,
Montserrat, St. Kitts-
Nevis, Virgin Islands).


Northern Nigeria.
St. Helena.

East Africa Protecto- Seychelles

[blocks in formation]



Secretaries or Deputies.


High Commissioner, The Right W. L. Griffith, Esq. . 17, Victoria Street, S.W.
Hon. Lord Strathcona and
Mount Royal, G.C.M.G.,

[blocks in formation]

West Australia The Hon. Cornthwaite Hector

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


13, Victoria Street, S. W.
123 & 125, Cannon Street,

142, Queen Victoria
Street, E. C.
98-100, Victoria Street,

1, Victoria Street, S. W.

28, Bishopsgate Street Within, E. C.

72, Victoria Street, S.W.

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