FINANCES. 2,662 1898. Sir W. F. Haynes-Smith, K.C.M.G. 14,003 High Commissioner, Sir Charles A. King-Harman, SHIPPING ENTERED AND CLEARED.S British Total Chief Secretary, Major J. E. Clauson, R.E., C.M.G. Year. Revenue. Expendi-Year. Toniuge. Tonnage. Clerk, J. Wodehouse (acting). 1901-02. £ £ 1898-99. 210,284 132,975 1898 188,057 559,617 Sum payable to Turkey under the Convention of 1878 and subsequent arrangements, 92,8007. a year, but this is appropriated to the interest on the Guaranteed Loan of 1855. Customs revenue in 1907-08-54,3757. In addition to an advance of 28,0001, for seed corn advances to be repaid by reduction of grants in aid in 1904-5 and 1905-6, and 4,000/, on account of Public Works vote. + 40 okes equal to one hundredweight (112 lbs.). Including aid to distressed persons. Legislative Council, President, The High Commissioner. 1st Electoral District.-Nicosia and Kyrenia. Elected by Mahometan Voters, Mehmet Shefket Bey. Elected by Non-Mahometan Voters, The Bishop of Kitium; T. Theodotou; A. Theodotou. 2nd Electoral District.-Famagusta and Larnaca, Elected by Non-Mahometan Voters, L. E. Louizo The shipping figures are for calendar years. * Inclusive of value of silver bullion. 3rd Electoral District.--Limassol and Papho. Elected by Mahometan Voters, Mehmet Ziai Effendi. Elected by Non-Mahometan Voters, Ch. Sozos, I. Kyriakides, S. Araouzos. *Clerk, E. H. Heidenstam, 50l. *Turkish Translator, H. A. S. Utidjian, 351. *Greek Translator, D. Karageorgiades, 351. Civil Establishment. High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief, Sir Charles A. King-Harman, K.C.M.G., 3,0002. Aide-de-Camp and Clerk to the Executive Council, J. Wodehouse (acting), 200l. Office of the Chief Secretary to Government. Chief Secretary to Government, Major J. E. Clauson, R.E., C.M.G., 800%.† Assistant Secretary to Government, T. H. Hatton Richards, 3502. Chief Clerk, E. E. McDonald, 250l.-2807. 1st Clerk, E. F. Lucie-Smith, 170/.-2007. 2nd Clerk, E. H. Heidenstam, 130/.-1607. 3rd Clerk, H. McLaughlan, 1107.-1207. 4th Clerk, G. F. Wilson, 801.-1007. 5th Clerk (vacant), 547. Translator of State Documents, H. A. S. Utidjian, 3001.-3501. Receiver-General and Chief Collector of Customs and Excise, Lieut. Col. J. C. Gore, 750/.* 1st Clerk, G. Wilson, 180/.-250l., and 10/.-30/. personal. 2nd Clerk, S. W. Caruana, 907.-120/. 3rd Clerk, N. Koumides, 607. Island Treasurer (vacant), 300l.-3602. 1st Clerk, S. Page, 120l.-250l., and 107.-307. personal. 2nd Clerk, E. G. Michaelides, 1207.-180l. 3rd Clerk and Cashier, G. L. Mantovani, 1507.-1807. 2 Clerks. Examiner of Field Accounts, M. G. Zarifi, 2007.-2407., and forage allowance. 10 Tithe Superintendents, & 36 Revenue Collectors, Financial Assistant for Public Works, A. S. Mavrogordato, 360/. 3 Clerks. Customs Department. Chief Collector of Customs, Lieut. Col. J. C. Gore (paid as Receiver-General). Collector of Customs, Larnaca, W. J. D. Ansell, I.S.O., 3007.-3502. Assistant Collector, Kingsley W. Stead, 120/.-1507. Collector of Customs, Limassol, W. J. Mackay, 1802.-300%. Assistant Collector of Customs and Harbour Master, Famagusta, Capt. J. Berry, 1757.-200/. Valuer and Storekeeper, S. J. Sassine, 1447.-1847. 8 Chief Officers. Chief Clerk and Interpreter, M. G. Dervishian, 2207.-2807. Clerk, M. H. Houry, 907.-1207. 20 Clerks and Registrars. 2 Storekeepers. 3 Weighers. 55 Guards and Boatmen. 8 Tobacco Factory Officers. 6 Assistant Tobacco Factory Officers. Tide Surveyor and Deputy Harbour Master, Larnaca, C. Gaffiero, 120/., and 67.-30%. personal. Tide Surveyor, Limassol, C. P. Mavroides, 80l.-1001. 1 Clerk. *In addition to salaries drawn in Chief Secretary's office. A deduction of 10 per cent. is made from this salary, Major Clauson being in receipt of an Army pension. * A deduction of 10 per cent. is made from these salaries, Lieut. Col. Gore and Major Bolton being in receipt of army pensions. Land Registration. Registrar-General, G. Smith, 5507. Assistant Registrar - General and Inspector, Surveyor and Draughtsman, M. Salim, 130/. Chief Clerks, Limassol, E. M. Jelajian, 150/.-2007., and 307. personal; Famagusta, M. Subhi, 150l.200l.; Papho, C. V. Caratja, 1007.-1507.; Larnaca, H. Kevorkian, 100l.-120l.; Kyrenia, C. Stavrides, 100%.-1207. 14 First Class Clerks. 59 Second Class Clerks. 2 Student Clerks. Interpreter and Registrar, M. P. Efthymiades, Clerk and Assistant Interpreter and Registrar, S. Papadopoulos, 60l. 1 Clerk. 1 Student Clerk. Papho. President, H. A. Bros, 4500. Judges, D. G. Demetriades, M. Sami, 2002. Interpreter and Registrar, N.G.Papadopoulos, 120l. Assistant Registrar, Y. J. Eliades, 60%. 2 Student Clerks. Kyrenia. President, S. Fisher, 450l. Judges, P. Christopoulos, A. Nadiri Potamializadé, 175l. Interpreter and Registrar, M. Kassilian, 1447. 1 Clerk. Police Department. Chief Commandant of Police and Inspector of Prisons, Captain J. H. Learmonth, 500l., and 73l. forage allowance. Local Commandants of Police, Major G. C. Bayly, T. J. Greenwood, Captain W. W. Durham Hall, Captain W. E. Long, 3057. 108. and 364. 10s. forage allowance. Chief Clerk and Sub-Local Commandant of Police, E. R. Casolani, 250%. 7 Clerks and Interpreters. 1 Assistant Clerk and Interpreter. Clerk and Storckeeper, T. Perdikes, 90/.-100%. 11 Inspectors of Police, S. G. Televantou, 2001. F. G. Braggiotti, 175l.; M. Shefki, 150/. W. J. Greenwood, 150l.; J. B. Wodehouse 1257.; A. S. Mavrogordato, 125l.; R. H. McLaughlan, 125l.; M. Ibrahim, 1257.; M. F. Ziai, 1257.; H. Ali, 100%.; Y. M. Tilliro, 100/., (and forage allowance). 3 Student Clerks. 7 Native Officers, 651 N.C.O.'s and Men (248 Mounted). Prison Department. Inspector of Prisons, Captain J. H. Learmonth, (paid as Chief Commandant of Police). Resident Superintendent, Central Prison, W. Giles, 180/. to 240/., and free quarters. Chief Warder, Central Prison, H. Clodd, 120l. 1607., and free quarters. Clerk and Interpreter, A. Branco, 60l.-721. Chief Warder (Native), M. Shukri, 55l., and 67. house allowance. 81 N.C.O.'s and Men. 2 Female Warders. Medical Department. CYPRUS. Clerks, J. E. Sanby, 120l., and 67. to 30%. personal; District Medical Officers, R. A. Cleveland, 275l., 1 Vaccinator. 1 Storeman. Head Nurse, Nicosia Hospital, Miss A. A. Pallot, 60l., and quarters in Hospital. 4 Male and 1 Female Warders, Lunatic Wards. 3 Warders, Leper Farm. 11 Rural Medical Officers. 4 Rural Compounders. 2 Student Clerks. 5 Forest Officers. 10 Mounted Forest Guards. 38 Foot Forest Guards. 2 Gardeners and 4 Plantation Guards. Irrigation Department. Officer-in-Charge, The Director of Public Works, 50l., and forage allowance. Irrigation Superintendent, W. B. Giles, 100/. to 140l., and forage allowance. 1 Assistant Irrigation Superintendent. 8 Guards. 1 Foreman. 1 Clerk. Public Works Department. Director of Public Works, E. H. D. Nicolls, A.M.I.C.E., 5007., and forage allowance. 1st Divisional Engineer, W. Williams, 300/.340%., and forage allowance. 2nd Divisional Engineer, E. C. Lane, 225/.Assistant Engineer, P. Noble, 170/.-2007., and 275l., and forage allowance. forage allowance. Clerk, J. Zirigovich, 901.-120l. Assistant Divisional Engineer, J. C. Gaffiero, 144l., and forage allowance. 2 Storekeepers and 3 Storemen. 3 Chief Foremen. 2 Assistant Chief Foremen, 2 Clerks. Curator of Ancient Monuments. Curator of Ancient Monuments and Architect, George Jeffery, paid by fees. Ecclesiastical. Chief Mussulman Dignitaries, Chief Cadi of Anglican Church, The Ven. Archdeacon Beresford Armenian Church, Rev. Bedros Vartabed Sarrajian Latin Church, Very Rev. Riccardo Branco (Vicar- Maronite Church, Rev. Giovanni Cirilli (Vicar). |