Sivut kuvina

ditto; 1872, ag. elk., ditto; 1873, asst. clk., jun. dist. magistracy; 1874, 2nd elk., proc.-gen.'s dept.; ch. clk., 1886; in 1876, sec. to a comtee. to inquire as to the central gaol; in 1882, sec. to a comtee. of inquiry as to the working of the central civil status depts. ; curator of vacant estates, June, 1890. PONTIFEX, SYDNEY CLAUDE OVERTON.-B. 1871; apptd. to cust., Br. Guiana, 1891; 5th class offr.. 1892; 4th ditto, 1894: 3rd ditto, 1898; transfd, to cust., So. Nig., 1899; ag. P.M.G., Apr., 1900; asst. collr. cust., Feb., 1901; ag. collr. and ag. P.M.G., July, 1902, to Feb., 1903, and Apr. to Nov., 1904; prov. collr. of cust., Oct., 1906.

POOLE, H.-Apptd., after compet. exam., clk. of the 2nd div. of the civ. serv., and assigned to the C.O., May, 1907.

POPE, JOSEPH, C.V.O. (1908), C.M.G. (1901), I.S.O. (1906).-B. 1854; entered civ. ser, of Canada in 1878 as priv. sec. to min. of marine and fisheries; priv. sec. to the late Sir John A. Macdonald, prime min. from 1882 till his death in 1891; asst. clk. of the Queen's Privy Coun. for Canada, 1889; under-sec. of state and dep, regisr.-gen, of Canada, 1896; author of the Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald; Royal Tour in Canada, 1901, and other works; attached to the staff of the Br. agt. on the Behring Sea arbitration at Paris, 1893; agt. of Canadian govt., at joint high comsn., Quebec and Washington, 1898-99; deputed by govt. to arrange Royal tour in Canada, 1901; assoc. sec. to Alaska boundary tribunal, London, 1903.

PORRAL, ALBERT, I.S.O. (1903).-B. 1846; supernum. clk., crown land office, Gibraltar, Nov., 1862; 2nd class clk., Jan., 1875; 1st class clk., Jan., 1883; sec. to comsn. to inquire into the organisation of the pol. force, 1887; contracting offr. in 1890; sec. to the crown lands bd., with a seat at that bd., Jan., 1891; ag. contracting offr., June to Oct., 1892; comsn. of crown lands, 1894; offl. trustee in bankruptcy, 1907; is also Imp. Russian consul, and manager of the Anglo-Egyptian bank.

PORRAL, JOHN.-Clk., port office. Gibraltar, Aug. to Sept., 1874, and July, 1877, to May, 1878; writer in H.M.'s dockyard, Sept., 1874, to July, 1877; 3rd elk., col. sec.'s office, June, 1878; 2nd elk., 1883; 1st class clk., Jan., 1890; ch. clk., Dec., 1891.

PORTAL, DR. E.-Asst. govt. med. officer, Seychelles, July, 1892; govt. med. officer, Mauritius (Rodrigues), 1901; asst. med. supt., Barkly, and lunatic asylums, 1st July, 1905.

PORTELLI, COL. A. M., of the Royal Malta Fencible Artillery, C.M.G. (1882).-For services in connection with the Egyptian expedn., 1882.

PORTELLI-CARBONE, ALFONSO, M.D. (Malta Univ., 1883).-L. M. (Rot. Hosp., Dub.), 1890; police physician for Zurrico, Safi, Crendi, and act. pol. phys. for Micabiba and Chircop, and sanitary inspr. for the 6th country dist., Aug., 1884; dist. med, offr. for Valetta, Sept., 1885; is a mem. of the Br. Med. Assoc. (Mediterranean branch), 1888; fell. Br. Gynecol. Soc., and mem. Internl. Med. Cong., Berlin, 1890, and Rome, 1894 (obst. sec.). PORTER, W. HENRY.-Clk., pres.'s office, Dominica, Nov., 1874; treasy. clk, and excise offr., Nevis, 1878: 1st landing waiter and quarantine offr., St. Kitts, May, 1881; ag. treas., Dominica, Feb., 1884, to Oct., 1887; ag. mag., dist. F., Nov., 1887, to Feb., 1888; treas., Dominica, July, 1890.

POTTER, THOMAS IRWIN.-Ed. Queen's Royal Coll., Trinidad; ag. asst. clk., col. hosp., 18th Dec., 1882; clerical asst., crown lands off., 10th

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Apr., 1883; clk., survey dept. (in addition to former post), 1st Dec., 1884; ch. elk., crown lands off., 16th Aug., 1897; ch. clk. and asst. inspr. of schls., 1st Nov., 1898; warden, La Brea and Oropuche (owing to spec. knowledge of asphalt question); ch. offr. of customs, Brighton, La Brea, 1st Jan., 1899; harb.-master, Brighton harbour, La Brea, in addition to wardenship, 1st July, 1899; J.P. for county of St. Patrick; mem. of society of arts, and dormant Zoological society of Lond.; ag. sub. int., crown lands, 1st Sept. to 31st Oct., 1901.


POTTS, HENRY WILLIAM.-Prin. of Hawkes bury agric. coll., Richmond, N. S. Wales, since May, 1902.

POTTS, MOSES A.-Ed. S. Leone Gram. Schl.; served in H.M.'s commissariat, S. Leone, June, 1853, till Jan., 1860; ag. 2nd clk., treas., July, 1865, to Jan., 1866; extra clk., Jan., 1866; house and land tax clk.. Aug., 1869; 2nd elk., treasy., after a compet. exam., Sept., 1870; census master, 1871; ch. clk. and cashier, 1877: ag. aud.gen., Dec., 1886, to Feb., 1887; charity comsn., 1890.

POWELL, HENRY.-Student, Royal Gardens, Kew, June, 1888, to Apr., 1890; curator, Botanic Gardens, St. Vincent, May, 1890, to Nov., 1963; asst. to dir. of agric., E. Africa Prot., 7th Nov., 1903.

POWELL, HENRY TREVOR.-Ed. Monmouth Schl.; apptd. 3rd asst. in treasy., Brit. E. Africa Prot., 1st Dec., 1901; 2nd asst., 1st. Apr., 1903; treas. (chief acctnt.), Somaliland Prot., 28th Nov., 1903.

POWELL, ROBERT ALBERT, A.M.I.C.E., assoc. roy. coll. of science, Dub.--Dist. engur., P.W.D., Ceylon; ag. 2nd financial and office asst., Nov., 1892; dist. engnr., Oct., 1893.

POWELL, ROBERT BRANKS.-Priv. sec. to lieut.-gov. of B. Columbia, 1900-1904; in charge of arrangements in connection with visit of Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York to B. Columbia, 1901; cadet, Fiji civ. serv., Oct., 1904; employed in native dept., Nov., 1904; attached to comsnr., Colo N. and E., Feb., 1905; employed in govr.'s off. and on Western Pacific high comsn., May, 1905, to Oct., 1906.

POWELL, COL. W.-Adjt.-gen. of militia at headquarters, Canada.

POWER, EDMUND LE POER.-Dist. offr., Somaliland Prot., 1st Nov., 1902.

POWER, HON. VIRGIL.--Puisne judge, Queensland, since Dec., 1895.

POWTER, GILBERT EDWARD.-Impl. Brit. East Africa Comp., 12th Oct., 1894; sen. 2nd treasy. asst., East Africa Prot., 1st July, 1895; sec. to Wafk comsn., 30th Sept., 1900; sen. asst. treas., 1st Apr., 1903.

PRATT, CHARLES E. J. BLYTH.-Ed. Trent Coll.; 2nd lieut., 4th batt. Sherwood Foresters Derbyshire regt., Jan., 1887; lieut., 4th batt. Prince of Wales North Stafford regt., May, 1888; instructor of musketry, Jan., 1890; lieut., Falmouth div. submarine miners, R.E., Apr., 1893; asst. inspr. Sierra Leone frontier pol., Aug., 1895; inspr., Apr., 1896; J.P. for S. Leone.

PRATT, EDWARD.-Ed. at Shrewsbury; cadet, F.M.S., Oct., 1898; ag. asst. dist. offr., Raub, May, 1899; ag. collr. of land rev., Kuala Lumpur, Feb., 1901; passed cadet, May, 1902; asst. dist. offr., Lower Perak, Jan., 1903; ag. asst. dist. offr., Tanjong Malim, Sept., 1903; ag. dist. treas., Batu Gajah, Jan., 1904; ag. asst. dist. offr., Kuala Kangsar, Nov., 1904; ditto, Tanjong Malim, Dec., 1904; ditto, Kuala Lipis, Aug., 1907.

PRENDERGAST, SIR JAMES, KT. BACH. (1881).-B. 1828; is grad. of Univ. of Camb. ; called to bar (Mid. Tem.), 1857; admitted a barrister of the sup. ct. in N. Zealand, Dec., 1862; atty.-gen., 1865; ch. just. of N.Z., 18751899.

PRENDERGAST, JAMES EMILE PIERRE.-Ed. at Seminary of Quebec, and Laval Univ., Quebec; B.A., 1878; LL.B., 1881; returned for La Verandrye, Manitoba, Aug., 1885; again Dec., 1886; on formation of cabinet by Hon. Thomas Greenway, Jan., 1888, was given portfolio of prov. sec.; reelected in said constituency; elected for Woodlands, 1888.

PRICE, FERDINANDO HAMLYN.-B. 1855; Ed. Rossall and Camb.; writer to the govt. of Ceylon, Mar., 1878; extra office asst. to the govt. agt. for the cent. prov., Sept., 1879; ag. asst. collr. customs, Trincomalee, May, 1880; ag. asst. govt. agt. Nuwara Eliya, Nov., 1880; priv. sec. to, Mar., 1881; ag. office asst. to govt. agt., cent. prov., June, 1881; priv. sec. to lieut.-gov., July, 1883; ag. asst. govt. agt., Negombo, Dec., 1883; ag. asst. col. treas., Jan., 1884; ag. office asst. cent. prov., Dec., 1885; ag. asst. govt. agt., Kegalle, Mar., 1886; ag. chimn., mun. coun, and mayor, Colombo, Sept. to Dec., 1889; asst. govt. agt., Kegalle, Dec., 1891; chmn. mun. coun., and mayor, Colombo, June, 1896; sent on special duty to Bombay, Feb., 1897; ag. govt. agt., Sabaragamuva, Apr., 1898; again mayor, Colombo, Oct., 1898; spec. serv. as asst. govt. agt., W prov., Nov., 1900; again mayor, Colombo, Mar., 1901; govt. agt., prov. of Uva, Oct., 1901; asst. govt. agt., Trincomalee, Oct., 1905; ag. govt. agt., N. Prov., Apr., 1906.

PRICE, THOS.-M.H.A., S. Australia, 1893; premier, comsnr. of pub. wks., and min. of educn., 1905.

PRICE, SIR THOS. REES., K.C.M.G. (1998); C.M. G. (1901).-B. 1848; served in various positions in the Vale of Neath and G. W. rlwy. companies, England, 1863 to 1880; dist. traffic supt. at Grahamstown, Cape govt. rlwys., July, 1880; asst. traffic man., West. system, C.G.R., Dec., 1880; ditto, Port Elizabeth, Feb., 1881; traffic man. of East. system, 1st July, 1882; ag. ch. traffic man., 11th Nov., 1891; traffic man., North. system, 1892; C.G. R. agent in Transvaal and O.F.S., 7th Oct., 1892; ch. traffic man., 1st Nov., 1893; ag. gen. man., 1896; gen. man., C.G.R., 16th May, 1901, to 11th Aug., 1902; now gen. man., C.S. A. rlwys. ; is a mem. of geog. soc. of Lisbon.

PRING, ROBERT DARLOW.--Puisne judge, N. S. Wales, since 1902.

PRINGLE, ALFRED ERNEST.-Mast., high schl., Malacca, Oct., 1985; headinast., Malay coll., Singapore, Aug., 1894; headmast., govt. Outram schl., Singapore, Aug., 1895; sub-inspr. of schls., Malacca, Jan., 1896; ag. supt. of educn., Penang, Dec., 1906; confirmed, Jan., 1907.

PRINSEP, HENRY CHARLES.--Ed. Cheltenham Coll. went to W. Australia, 1866; apptd. J. P. in 1867; ag. clk. and draftsman in lands dept., 1874; priv. sec. and A.D.C. to admstr., Nov., 1884, to June, 1885; ch. draftsman, lands dept., 1890; ch. clk..1892; under-sec. for mines, 1894; ch. prot. of aborigines, May, 1898.

PRIOR, WM. BURGESS.-Mem. provisional N, Borneo Assoc.; res. E. Coast dist. Br. N. Borneo, Aug., 1881: prot. of coolies, E. Coast, 1884; mem. E. Coast conn., 1883: Br. consular agt., 1880; res. and mag., Gold Field dist., Feb., 1887.

PRITCHARD, MAJOR C. G.-1st comsn. R.A., 23rd Nov., 1891; promoted capt., 4th Dec.,

[blocks in formation]

PRITCHARD, PERCY HUBERT.-M.A., Edin., 1894; attach. premier's off., Cape, Nov., 1899, to June, 1900; on h. comsnr's staff, Cape Town, June, 1900, to Feb., 1901; clk., sec.'s office, O.R.C. admn., Feb., 1901; elk., col. sec.'s office, June, 1902; editor, O.R.C. govt. gazette, July, 1902; acted as ch. clk., Apr. to Aug., 1903; and from Dec., 1903, to Sept., 1904; clk. for mun. and native affairs, col. sec.'s off., July, 1904; mem. of comsn. to frame model code of mun. regulations, O.R.C., Apr., 1907.

PRITCHARD, WILLIAM OWEN.-Med. offr., E. Africa Prot., 15th Feb., 1904.

PROBYN, LESLIE, C.M.G. (1903).-Ed. at Charterhouse, and in France and Germany, called to the bar, Mid. Tem., 1884; joint author of "The Jurisdiction and Practice of the Mayor's Court,' and other law books; atty.-gen., Br. Honduras, 1893; atty-gen. of Grenada, May, 1896; also ag. col. sec. in 1897-8; ag. admstr. on several occasions; gov. secretary, S. Nigeria, 12th Apr., 1901; gov., Sierra Leone, 14th July, 1904.

PROUT, W. T., C.M.G. (1905), M.B., CM., Edin.-Asst. poor law med. offr., Mauritius 1885; surg. supt., immigrant ship "Dundee," 1887; asst. col. surg., Gold Coast, 1888; dist. comsnr., Gold Coast, 1890; col. surg., Gambia, 1893; ag. chief mag., Gambia, 1593; med. offr. in charge of base hosp. during campaign against Foday Sila; col. surg., S. Leone, 1895, title altered to prin. med offr., 1901; J.P.; pres., quarantine bd.; nominated mem. of city coun.; med offr. of health, Freetown; M L.C.; fellow of roy. med. soc., Edin, and corresponding mem of the epidemiological soc. of Lond. ; author of article "Yaws" in "Diseases of Warm Climates" (Davidson); Fil. Voloulous (Archives de Parasitologie, May, 1901); "Filariasis in S. Leone" (Brit. Med. Journal, 1902); and other papers.

PROWSE, D. W., K.C., LL.D.-Central dist. ct., judge, Newfoundland, 1869; sec. to fisheries bd., 1902; author of a "History of Newfoundland," 1895.

PRYCE, HOWARD LLOYD. Trav. comsnr., Gambia Prot., Oct., 1896; attached to Gambia field force, 1901 (medal and clasp); ag. ch. mag., Gambia, July to Oct., 1903; 1st cls. trav. comsnr., Jan., 1904.

PUGHE, S. R.-B. 1877; apptd., after compet. exam., clk. of the 2nd div. of the civil ser., and assigned to the C.O., Aug., 1897; promoted, with gratuity, Aug., 1904; confl. clk., Dec., 1907.

PURCELL, GILBERT KENHELM TREFFRY.Ed. Exeter Coll., Oxford: B.A. 1888; M.A. 1893; called to bar, Linc.'s Inn, Nov., 1890: mem. of western circ., also practised at cent. crim. ct.; apptd. asst. to atty.-gen. Leeward Islds. (St Kitts), Mar., 1898: official mem, of exec. and legis, couns. of the Presidency of St. Christopher and Nevis; ag. att.-gen, Leewards, Aug.-Oct., 1900; apptd. ag. 1st puisne judge, June, 1901; puisne judge, G. Coast, 11th June, 1901.

QUARTEY, ROBERT EMMANUEL.-B. 1863; outdoor offr., customs, Accra, 1881; 4th elk., customs and treasy., 1883: 2nd clk., audit office, 1885; 1st elk., 1887; audit elk. to local auditor, Jan., 1889 has several times acted as local auditor; transfd. to post and tel. dept., 1902; ag. ch. clk. and acctnt., 1903; in charge of post and tel. dept., 1903; sent to Axim on spec. P.O. duty, 1903; on spec. duty at Pram Pram, 1904;

ag. ch. clk. and acctnt., 1905 and 1906; dist. postmr., Jan., 1907; taking spec. course of instr. at G.P.O., London, 1907.

QUEBEC, 5TH BISHOP OF, RIGHT REV. ANDREW HUNTER DUNN, D.D., D.C.L. (Consec. 1892).-B. 1839; late scholar of C.C.C., Camb., B.A. (29th wrangler), 1863; M.A., 1866; hon. D.D., Camb., 1893; hon. D.C.L., Bishop's Univ., Lennoxville, 1907; deacon, 1864; priest, 1865; asst. curate, St. Mark's, Notting Hill, 1864-70; ditto, St. Mary's, Acton, 1870-72; vicar of All Saints, S. Acton, 1872-92.

QUEENSLAND, BISHOP OF, RT. REV. GEORGE HORSFALL FRODSHAM.-D.D., Durham; B. 1863 ; curate of St. Thomas', Leeds, 1887-1891; senior curate, St. Margaret's, Ilkley, 1891-1896; priv. chaplain to bishop of Brisbane, 1891; rector of Toowong, Queensland, 1896-1902; bishop of N. Queensland, since 1902.

QUENTRALL, THOMAS. Mining engnr., Kimberley, Cape, July, 1889; inspr. of mines, Kimberley, July, 1891.

RADCLIFFE, CHAS. AMYAS. B. 1861; Comdr., R.N, ret.; naval cadet, 1875; lieut., 1884; comdr., 1905; served in Soudan war, 1884 (promoted, medal and clasp "Suakin," Khedive bronze star); served in Mediterranean, E. Indian, Pacific, and Channel Is. stations, 1877-93; dep. mast. attendant, S. Sttlmts., Jan., 193; ag. harbmr., Penang, Apr., 1903; ag. mast. attendant, S.S., Dec., 1903; mast. attendant, Dec., 1906.

RADFORD, WILLIAM JOHN.-Charing Cross hosp.; M.R.C.S. (England), 1887; L.R.C.P. (London), 1890; F.R.G.S., 1900; hon. mem., St. John's ambulance soc., 1896; med offr., E. Africa Prot., 1st June, 1898.

RAE, JAMES MACLURE.-Admitted to Bahamas bar, 1877; notary public same year; J.P., 1878; res. just., Crooked Is. dist., Oct., 1878; asst. comsnr. at Cockburn harbour, Turks and Caicos Islds., July, 1880; ag. judge of the sup. ct., and exofficio auditor of the Turks and Caicos Islds., Aug., 1882, to May, 1883, and Mar., 1884, to Oct., 1886; asst. comsnr., Grand Turk, 1885; stip. mag., Bahamas, Nov., 1887; ag. atty.-gen., July, 1893, to Feb., 1894; ag. ch. just., Feb. and Mar., 1894; ag. atty.-gen., June, 1896, to Jan., 1897; June, 1897, to Feb., 1898; Sept. and Oct., 1899; June to Oct., 1900; June 11-24, 1901; 15th May to 3rd Aug., 1902; ag. ch. just., 4th Aug. to 9th Nov., 1902; ag. atty.-gen., 15th June to 31st Oct., 1904; ag. ch. just., 21st Nov., to 4th Dec., 1906, and 2nd to 16th Nov., 1908; ag. atty.-gen., 21st May to 25th Aug., 1908.

RAE, WM. CHARLES.-B. 1859; clk. col. sec.'s off., Mauritius, after exam., Nov., 1876; clk. of the exec. coun., and of coun. of govt., Mar., 1894; compiler of Handbook on the constn., practice, and proceedings of the Coun. of Govt., 1896; ch. clk. col. sec.'s office, Aug., 1900; 2nd asst. col. sec, 9th Nov., 1903; postmr. and supt. of telegraphs, 1st July, 1905.

RALPHS, EDWIN, F.R.G.S., F.C.S., F.E.I.S., M.R. San. Inst.-B. 1872; ed. St. Mark's Coll., Chelsea; 1st cls. in Queen's scholarship, in final teachers' exams. (education dept.), and in archbishop's divinity examn.; honours in science, South Kens. exams. ; asst. master (junior) Queen's Coll., Hong Kong, 1898; senior grade, 1901; Normal mast., 1906; ag. second master, Apr., 1903, to Mar., 1904, and Apr., 1908; ag. mast., pol. schl., Hong Kong, May, 1902, to Mar., 1904; hon, examnr. in chemistry to Hong Kong Coll of Med., 1901, 1902 and 1903; dir., Hong Kong Technical Inst., 1907.

RAM, GEORGE EDWARD-Lieut., 4th batt., Pri of Wales's, North Staffordshire Regt.; served S. Africa, Oct., 1902, to July, 1903 (medal, wi 3 clasps); ag. priv. sec. and A.D.C. to gov. C Newfoundland, 9th Sept., 1903.

RAMA-NATHAN, PONNAMBALAM, CM (1889), K.C.-B. 1851; ed. at the Acad., Coloh and Pres. Coll., Madras; barr.-at-law, Inn. Ter advoc., sup. ct., Ceylon, 1873; mem. of the le coun., 1879; mem. of the law comsn. apptd. torp upon certain codes dealing with the laws of Cesin 1879; served also on the comsn. apptd. at be instance to report upon the Thoroughfares ( nance, 1881; obtained the introduction of P. savings bank in Ceylon, 1881-83; was one of the select comtee. of the legis. coun. apptd. to pr upon retrenching the public expenditure of 2 island, 1882-83; a mem. of the coun. of legal eht 1884; mem. of the Ceylon comsn. of the Cel & Ind. Exhibn., 1886; mem. of the Cent. Irrige. BL 1888; and of the select comtee. to report upon incidence of the grain taxes, 1889; mem comsn. to inquire into the extension of the to the N. parts of the island, 1890; solr.g Ceylon, 1892; ag. atty.-gen., 1894; ret., 199

RANFORD, HENRY SAMUEL.-Contract | W. Australia, 1872; employed on ada survey, 1875; staff-survr., 1884; sen. ditte. govt. ld. agent., Kattanning, Aug., 189; as agt., 1902.

RANFURLY, 5TH EARL OF (SIR UCHTERE MARK KNOX, G.C.M.G.), Viscount Nors and Baron Welles of Dungannon, co. T Ireland, Baron Ranfurly of Ramphorlie, co frew, United Kingdom-Born 1856; succes his brother 1875; ed. Trinity Coll., Cambridg J.P., D.L. for co. Tyrone; Knight of Justice the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; L Waiting to the Queen, 1895-7; Governor of N Zealand, 1897-1904.

RANKIN, E. B. W.-Entd. service, Br. Gr 1885; 5th asst. survr. clk., regisr.'s off, 1 passed exam. as sworn clk. and notary pubic 1895, and acted as such on various occasions: 7 charge of Berbice off., Aug. to Dec., 186: asst. clk., 1896; clk. to atty.-gen., 1898: 880. special comtee. of legislature on Demen Essequibo rly. tariff, 1899.

RANKINE, RICHARD SIMS DONKIN.-B.IN clk. treasury, Fiji, Feb., 1894; priv. sec. t & George O'Brien, Sept., 1897, to 1901; acted cli 'ex. coun. Sept., 1899, to Mar., 1900; apptd. ser native taxes, treasury, 1901; priv. sec. to Henry Jackson, July, 1902; priv. sec. to c E. im Thurn, 10th Oct., 1904; conf. set. I Jan., 1905; sec. to consul-gen. for W. Pacis clk. of exec. coun.; ag. sec., W. Pacific comsn., June, 1905, and from Nov., 1907, to SS Dec., 1908; asst. col. sec. and asst. recvr.-gen.. le Jan., 1909.

RANNIE, CLARENCE RUPERT. B. 1 clerical assist., audit dept., Antigua, May, 18 clk. to col. engnr., Antigua, Mar., 1891; ag củ to audr.-gen., Sept., 1894; 2nd clk. to audr.-g Leeward Is., Jan., 1895; audit elk., Domina Mar., 1897, to Aug., 1900; cashier, treasy., Sept 1900; 2nd indoor offr., treasy., 14th Nov., 19 ag. 1st indoor offr., 23rd Nov., 1904, to 20th Ja 1905.

RASON, HON. CORNTHWAITE HECTORB. 1859; ed. at Brighton, Eastbourne a Reading; M.L.C. for Swan, W. Aust., 18 M.L.A. for S. Murchison, 1897-1901; ditto for Guildford since 1901; min. of works, 1901; | of works and rlwys., 1902-4; prem. of W. A

1905; pres. of royal comsn. on mining, 1898, and | 1901; 1st cls. asst., 1902; ag. vice-consul at of royal comsn. on imigrn., 1905; agt.-gen. in London for W. Aust., 1906.

RAT, JOSEPH NUMA.-B. 1848; colonial scholarship, Trinidad, 1866; Warneford scholarship, King's Coll., Lond., 1867; seven times prizeman, literature, divinity and medicine in King's Coll., 1867-1871; inatric., Lond. Univ., 1868; prel. science, M.B. Lond. Univ., 1869; M.R.C.S. (Eng.), 1873; asst. col. surg., G. Coast, Feb., 1887; dist. med. offr., Dominica, Aug., 1889; ag. med. offr., public institutions, Dominica, 1890; dist. med. offr., St. Kitts, Oct., 1892; mag. and med. offr., Anguilla, Dec., 1897; dep. judge, court of summary juris., Leeward Is., 1899; dist. med. offr., Nevis, Jan., 1905; M.L.C., Dominica, 1888-1889; chrmn., town improvement comsnrs., St. Kitts, 1896-1897; mem. poor law bd., St. Kitts, 18961897; has translated several military drill books into the Hausa language for the G. Coast govt. ; has also written numerous papers on Leprosy, Yaws, etc., grammars of the Carib and Hausa languages, and a translation of the Gospel of St. Mark into the French patois of the W. Indies. RATTRAY, W WALLACE. -3rd elk., gov.'s office, Windward Is., 1883; transfd. to Grenada as 2nd clk. in gov.'s office on separation of Barbados from Windward Is., June, 1885; supervisor of customs, G. Coast, Nov., 1891; ag. controller of customs, May to Sept., 1892, and Feb. to May, 1894; asst. treasr., G. Coast, Apr., 1895; ag. treasr., May to June, 1898, and Dec. to Mar., 1900. with a seat in the exec. and legis. councils; sent to Gambia on spec. serv., April, 1901, as ag. treasr., collr, of cust, and postmr., J. P., and comsur. ct. of requests, and comsnr. of affidav.; mem, exec. and legis. couns.; asst. coll. of customs, Lagos, 1902; ag. collr. of cust., 1992; asst. treasr., May, 1904; ag. treasr., May to Sept., 1904 asst. compt. of cust., G. Coast, Sept., 1904.

RAWSON, ADMIRAL SIR HARRY HOLDSWORTH, G.C.B.(1906); K.C.B.(1897); C.B.(1882).-B.1843; naval cadet, 1857; sub.-lieut., 1863; lieut., 1863; commander, 1871; captain, 1877; rear-admiral, 1892; vice-admiral, 1898; admiral, 1903; hoisted the British flag at Nicosia, Cyprus, 1878, and was for one month mil. comdr. of that place; principal transport offr. in Egypt, 1882 (medal, star 3rd cls., Osmanieh, C.B.); A.D.C. to H.M. Queen Victoria, 1890 to 1892; in comd. of expedn. against M'Barack and capture of Mwale, 1895 (medal); of bombardment of Sultan's palace, Zanzibar, 1896 (1st cls. Brilliant Star of Zanzibar, and promoted to Order of Hamoudieh), and of Benin, 1897 (clasp and K.C.B.); apptd. commander-in-chief, Cape of Good Hope and W. Africa Station, 1895; in command of Channel Squadron, 1898-1901: gov. of N. S. Wales, 12th Feb., 1902,

RAWSTORNE, HENRY CLANCY.-Asst, offr., civil status, Mauritius, Jan., 1874; elk., stip. ct., Flacq, Mar., 1875; asst. clk., dist. ct., Port Louis, July, 1875; joint elk., ditto, Oct., 1876; inspr. of pol. force, May, 1877; inspr. inland rev., Mar., 1880; and supt. of distilleries, Mar., 1893; ag. supt, inland rev., May to Oct., 1895; supt. of distilleries and inland rev., 1st July, 1905.

RAY, GEORGE CECIL LINGARD.-Entd. Br. Cent. Africa admstn., June, 1893; apptd. asst. collr. in W. Shire dist.; led punitive expedn. agst. Chief Malolo, 1895; judicial offr., 1897; collr. of Manji dist., 1897-1901, during which period acted as political offr. accompanying Shirwa expdn., and recd. B.C.A. medal and clasp; also led punitive expdn. agst. Chief Namwada; collr. and vice-consul, S. Nyasa dist.,

Chinde, E. Africa, Apr. to Oct., 1903; returned to S. Nyasa dist. as collr., vice-consul and dist. mag; ag. vice-consul, Chinde, May to Nov., | 1906.

RAYNER, SIR THOMAS CROSSLEY, KT. (1899). K.C., Br. Guiana (1903).-B. 1860; ed. at Owens Coll.; matric., Lond., 1878; barr., Mid. Tem., 1882; dist. comsnr., Gold Coast Col., 1887; acted as judge, 1890; mag., Trinidad, 1890; ag. puisne judge, June to Oct., 1891; chmn. of comsn. of inquiry into registry of sup. ct., Jan., 1892; ag. comsnr., Tobago, Sept. to Dec., 1892; ag. puisne judge, Trinidad, Dec., 1892, to Sept., 1893; puisne judge, G. Coast, Jan., 1894; ch. just., Lagos, 1895; atty.-gen., Br. Guiana, 1902; chanclr. of diocese of Guiana, 1903; compiled new edition of laws of Br. Guiana, 1904-5.

READ, EDWARD INSKIP, F.R.C.S.I.-Entered govt. service, Trinidad, Feb., 1882; ag. dist. med. offr., S. Naparima and town, and Port of San Fernando, 1882-3: asst. surg., col. hosp., Port of Spain, 1884; surg.-in-charge, San Fernando hosp., 1887; ag. health offr. of shipping, inspr. of imigrts. and dist. med. offr., Port of Spain, 1891; in charge of coll. hosp., Port of Spain, Nov., 1892; clinical asst., Royal Westminster Ophthal. Hosp., 1893; dist. med. offr., Santa Cruz; examiner to widows' and orphans' civ. ser. fund, 1897; ophthalmic surg. to health office dept., 1900.

KEAD, HERBERT JAMES, C.M.G. (1907). B. 1863; M.A., Brasenose Coll., Oxford; 1st elass math. mods., and 1st class math. finals; clk., higher div., W.O., Feb., 1887; 2nd class elk., C.O., Jan., 1889; asst. priv. sec. to Mr. Chamberlain, Sept., 1896; priv. sec. to Mr. (now Sir. E.) Wingfield, Feb., 1898; 1st class clk., Oct., 1898; principal clk., 1st Apr., 1905; British delegate at African liquor confce. at Brussels, 1899; one of the Brit. delegates on boundy. comsn. at Berlin for the settmt. of Anglo-German frontier in E. Africa, 1906; one of the Brit. plenipotentiaries at African liquor confce. at Brussels, 1906; mem. of hon. man. comtee. of sleeping sickness bureau, 1908.

READ, THE VEN. ARCHDN. J. H., D.D.-1st Archdeacon of P. E. Is., 1860; ecclesiastl. comsry., 1858; formerly of St. John's Coll., Camb., and B.Ď., 1852; D.D., 1857, of King's Coll., Fredericton, N.B.; rector of Milton, 1865.

READ, WILLIAM HENRY MACLEOD, C.M.G. (1886).-M.L.C., S. Sttlmts., 1867-85.

REAL, HON. PATRICK.-B. 1847; called to the bar, Queensland, 1874; frequently acted as dist. ct. judge, and for some years was crown proscr. in cent. dist. ; mem.of royal comsn. on establishment of a Queensland Univ., 1891; judge of sup. ct., Queensland, 1890.

REDDIE, COLIN SPITTAL.--Imperial Brit. East Africa Co.; collr., E. Africa Prot., 1st July, 1895.

REECE, EARDLY BRANWELL. B. 1876; ent. pub. service, St. Lucia, Apr., 1892, as supernmry. elk. govt. off.; 3rd clk., Apr., 1893; 2nd clk. and accnt., treasy., Apr., 1894; ag. ch. clk. on six occasions, 1895-9; honours graduate, 1900 (diploma), Ont. business coll., Canada (affil. inst. ch., accts.), Canada; apptd. chief clk. and book keeper, treasury, Gold Coast, 26th April, 1901; introduced double entry system of accounts in the treasury in conformity with fin. inst., June, 1901; acctnt., Jan., 1902; sen. asst. treas., July, 1905; ag. chief acctnt., G. Coast govt. rlwy., Feb., 1907; chief acctnt., 1st June, 1907.

REECE, FREDERICK ST. AUBYN.-Clk., P.O., | Wages Attachment, the most important being the Barbados, 1873; 2nd clk., 1875; resig. 1878; landing waiter, St. Lucia, 1883; col. postmr., St. Lucia, 1885.

REECE, REV. JAS. EBENEZER.-B. 1847; ed. at St. John's Coll., Camb.; B.A. in 1868; M.A. in 1874; ag. curate of St. Michael's Cathedral, Barbados, and priv. sec. to Bishop Parry, 1872; asst. master of Harrison Coll., and curate of St. Michael's Cathedral, 1877; curate of St. Bartholomew's, 1878; curate of St. Luke's, 1882; bishop's chaplain, 1884; inspr. of schls., 1885; canon of St. Michael's Cathedral, 1905.

REECE, I. RICHARD.-Ed. at St. John's Coll., Camb.; B.A. in 1×70; called to bar, Inn. Tem., 171; J.P., Barbados, 1873; coroner for parishes of Christchurch and St. George, 1873; ag. provostmarshal and serjt.-at-arms, 1874; ag. pol. mag. of St. Michael's parish, 1875; ag. judge of asst. ct. of appeal, 1875-7-9; comsnr. of probates, 1877 ag. solr.-gen., 1880; regisr, of friendly and building societies, 180; ag. judge of the asst. ct. of appeal, 1-80-82; ag. atty.-gen. and ex-officio mem. exec. and legis. couns.; ch. just. (on two occasions for special purposes) and Chancellor of the Diocese; sole comsnr. to report on a complaint of the Vestry of St. Michael (Barbados) against Bridgetown Water Works Co.; comsnr. to report on working of courts of inferior juris. (Barbados); | comsnr. to investigate charges against rioters (Barbados); Grenada, 1883, judge of asst. ct. of appeal, 1863; ag. ch. just., St. Vincent, 1-84-5; local comsnr. of incumbered estates ct. (St. Vincent), Oct., 14; comsnr. to examine and report on the govt. schl., St. Vincent; comsnr. to perform special duty in Grenada at the request of S. of S.; res. mag., Jamaica, 1888.

REES, LEWIS CHAS. MORRIS PARKER.-B. 1876; ed. Merchant Venturers Tech. Coll., Bristol; art. pupil to Messrs. Foster and La Trobe, Bristol, 1892; asst. to borough engnr., Islington, 1897; ch. asst. borough engnr., Margate, 1900; prin. land survr., P.W.D., Hong Kong, 1902: also sec., squatters' bd., 1905.

REEVE, HENRY, C.M.G. (1900), A.M.I.C.E.B. 1854; passed C.S. exam., Victoria, 1868; instd., Melbourne Univ., 1870; cadet, Victorian survey dept., 1873; cadet, N.S. W. survey dept., 1874; survr., 1878; survr., Fiji survey dept., May, 18-0; staff survr., Jan., 1881; ag. comsnr. for wks., July, 1884, to Feb., 185; col. engnr., St. Lucia, 1887; dir. of survey, Windward Is., 1891; mem. legis. coun., St. Lucia, 191; special mem. exec. coun., St Lucia and St. Vincent, 1-91; col. engnr., Gambia, 1894; mem. exec. coun., 1895; ch. English comsnr., Anglo-French bndry. comsn., 1895-6, 1898-9; director of pub. wks., Lagos, Aug., 1901; ag. col. sec., Jan. to May; ag. govr., May to July, 1902; ag. col. sec., 1902 and 1903;, 1902; deputy gov., 1903; ret., 194.

REEVES, HON. WILLIAM PEMBER.-Born Canterbury, N.Z., 1857; ed. in Colony; prov. scholarship holder, 1868, and 1872; N.Z. scholarships in classics and English, 1874; Somes Scholar, Christ's Coll., Canterbury; first elected mem. of H. of reprntves., 1887; joined Ballance Min., Jan., 1891, holding the portfolios of educn., just. and labour; contd. in off. in Seddon Min. to Jan., 1896; author of following N.Z. Acts relating to labour:-Employers' Liability, Contractors and Workmen's Lien, Workmen's Wages, Conspiracy Law Amendment, Factories, Shipping and Seamen's Amendment, Shops and Shop Assistants, Industrial Conciliation, Servants' Registry and

Indust. Concil. Act, providing for compulz arbitration in labour differences when negotistics between employers and employed fail; agt for N.Z. in London, 1896; holds also the offices i stock and loan agent for N.Z.; comsar, und N.Z. Public Revenues Act; custodian of N.L Public Trust Fund Securities, &c., de; me sented N.Z. at Internat. Commer. Congress a Philadelphia, 1899; mem. of Pacific Cable Coute. 1899; high comsnr. for N.Z. in London, Ju 1905; resigned, 1908, on apptmt. as direc of London schl. of economies; mem. of sta London univ.; author of the "Long Whe Cloud," "State Experiments in Australia a New Zealand," and other publications relating to N.Z.

REIBEY, THE HON. T.-Speaker of house assem., Tasmania, mem. for Westbury; me the exec. coun., July, 1876; was leader of a Opposition, Mar., 1875, to July, 1876; and Au 1877, to Dec., 1878; premier and col. sec., Ja 1876, to Aug., 1877; col. sec. in Mr. Crowther ministry, Dec., 1878, to Oct., 1879; elected spra July, 1887-1891; held off. without porta 18:4-99.

REID, ALEXANDER, I.S.O. (194).—Ex govt. ser., Tasmania, 1858; under treat 1895.

REID, ARTHUR WILLIAM.-Ed. at Leiste and Stafford; asst. store dept., Mersey f', Liverpool, Jan., 1886; chief in 1889; asst. le supt. (stores), Uganda rly., 1897; sen. asst., chief storekeeper, 1903.

REID, THE RT. HON. G. H., P.C.-Min. of p instretn., N.S. W., Jan., 1883, to Mar., I M.L.A. for E. Sydney: leader of Opposition, 18: premier, 1894-9; leader of Opposition in the Commonwealth Parlmt. from the inaugurati of the Commonwealth, 1901-4; premier min. for external affairs, Aug., 1904, to Ju 1905; represented N.S. W. in London at H.M Diamond Jubilee.

REID, IRVINE KEMPT.-M.B.C. M. (1884), M.D (1887), D.P.H. (1st class honours in practica hygiene) (1891), Abdn. Univ.; J.P. (19 4; 2 of Roy. Med. Soc., Edin.; mem. of Soe, of Me Offrs. of Health; house surg. and sec., Norfolk and Lynn Hosp., King's Lynn S surg., res. med. staff, Col. Hospital, Ge town, Br. Guiana, 1887-89; govt. med. of. Is. of Wakenaam, Rio Essequibo, 1889; 5 offr., penal sttlmt., Massaruni; and res. pub. hosp., Bartica, 1892; med. offr., Mara d 1893; ditto, Peter's Hall dist., and mem. med. bo 1894; med. offr., Cotton Tree dist., 1895. REILLY, ROBERT O'MALLEY. — Sub-ins? | Bechuanaland Prot. police, 1904.

RENDLE, ANSTRUTHER CARDEW. — Ed & Marlborough Coll., Christ's Coll., and St. Mar Hosp.; B.A. (Camb.) 1888; M.R.C.S. (Eg L.R.C.P. (Lon.); M.B., B.C., M.D., (Ca D.P.H.; conjoint bd., 1895; med. offr., E. Afin and Uganda Prots., 12th Jan., 1906.

RENNER, WILLIAM, M.D. (Brux.), M.R.CS (Eng.), L.K. and Q.C.P., L.M. (Ireland)-E at the Liverpool Coll., and Univ. Coll., Lo and Liverpool, Rotunda, Dublin, and St. Hosp., Brussels; mem. of the Pathological of London; late ophthalmic asst. to P Streatfield, Univ. Coll. Hosp., Lond.; ag. surg Leone, 1882-83; asst. col. surg., Freetown, 18% / in charge of lun. asyl., and incurable and smaliy hosp., Kissy; J. P., 1891; deputy coroner for? dist. of Freetown, 1891; surg.-capt., late S. Lea

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