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1. EXPENDITURE in excess of the Estimate has been incurred under Sub-Heads A. 1, Excess. A. 2, B. 2, B. 3, B. 5, E. 2, E. 3, E. 4, F. 2 and G.

2. Sub-Head F. 2. The expenditure under this Sub-Head includes the sum of Loss by 9571. 5s. 7d., which was referred to in Paragraph 6 of my Report on the Customs Vote of Default, &c. last year, as representing the net deficiency of Revenue consequent upon the frauds committed at Sligo by a Superintendent of Customs, during the years 1901, 1902 and 1903.

3. The Amount to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 5,455l. 98. 6d.

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4. The Receipt side of the Revenue Account has been subjected to a test examination Test of in London, Falmouth, Plymouth and Exeter. All the items of Revenue selected for test Revenue. purposes were found to have been duly brought to account, and the Customs Department and the Treasury have been informed that the results have proved satisfactory. test examination has also been applied to the payment side of the account.


5. A Return, which has been furnished to me by the Customs Department, for the Remission year 1905-6, shows that there were no cases of remission of duty or abandonment of of Duty. claims on account of Revenue involving a loss of 501. or upwards.

John A. Kempe,
Comptroller and Auditor General.






ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to defray the 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or

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A.-Salaries, Wages, and Allowances in 1,363,000 -1,354,766 1 58,233 18 6 addition to Salaries, &c.

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A.-(1.) The sum of 2157. 188. has been received from the Board of Agriculture in repayment of allowances paid to Inland Revenue Officials during the year 1905-6 in connection with the collection of Agricultural Statistics.

(2.) Surveyors of Taxes in Scotland receive extra remuneration from local sources at the discretion of the Commissioners of Supply, for preparing Registers of Voters for Burghs and Counties under the Act 31 & 32 Vict. c. 48, and prior Acts. The net sum of 5,2097. 2s. 2d. has been received on this account during the year 1905-6.

(3.) Collectors of Inland Revenue in Ireland receive an allowance from the Office of Woods, &c., of 2 per cent. on the amount of Quit Rents collected by them, one-third of such allowance being paid to their clerks. The sum of 6451. 4s. 3d. was so received in the year 1905-6.

(4.) One Superintendent Warehouseman and two Warehousemen are in receipt of extra allowances of 257., 207., and 101. respectively, paid out of funds provided by the India Office and the Department of the Crown Agents for the Colonies, for the supervision of the manufacture of water-marked paper for the use of those Departments. (5.) Officers of the Out-door Department-Excise-receive Rewards (Sub-Head Q.) for the detection of evasions of the Revenue Laws, and a sum of 17. 5s. was paid in the year 1905-6 to an Excise Officer as a gratuity for acting temporarily as a Sub-Distributor of Stamps.

(6.) A Principal Clerk in the Secretary's Office received a sum of 40/. from the Treasury Vote for Temporary Commissions, in the year 1905-6, as remuneration for his services as Secretary to the Industrial Alcohol Committee.


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Salaries and Expenses of the INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT, in the Year ended Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote.

Explanation of Variation between Expenditure and Grant.

A. The saving is principally attributable to the following causes, viz.:-(1) The Excise Surveying Staff not having been maintained at its full authorised strength throughout the year, (2) the establishment changes consequent upon the retirement of a number of official, through ill-health, and (3) the provision for wages to Clerks to Surveyors of Taxes not having been fully required. On the other hand, the provision for copying was considerably exceeded.

B. The charges for Travelling and Subsistence (General) and for Removal Expenses fell considerably below the amounts provided, and further saving has resulted from the revision of certain of the annual allowances to Supervisors and Officers of Excise for Travelling and Subsistence.

C.-Nearly half of this saving arises in consequence of the new arrangements effected on the death of the Distributor of Stamps at Wakefield and the balance mainly through a great decrease in the poundage paid on receipt of Legacy, &c., Duties in Ireland.

D. The Excess is almost wholly due to the increases in the commuted allowances for certain districts, sanctioned by the Treasury during the year.

E. The excess arises through the provision for statutory poundage to Agents for Foreign Dividends, &c., having proved insufficient to meet the claims preferred.

F.-The charges under this head show a decreasing tendency, and the amount provided was not fully required.

G.-The cost of police services at the head office exceeded the provision, and an increased charge was made by the Commissioner of the City Police for the services rendered at the City Office.

H.-The demand for Gauging Instruments, &c., proved to be less than was anticipated.

I. The provision made for new machinery in connection with the perforation of medicine labels was found to be insufficient.

(7.) The sum of 291. 14s. 4d. was received in the year 1905-6, from the Commissioners of Intermediate Education in Ireland, for distribution among certain Stampers, Warehousemen and others in the office of the Comptroller of Stamps, &c., Dublin, employed in connection with the distribution of the stamped forms of the Intermediate Education Commissioners.

(8.) The sum of 1107. has been received from the Department of Agriculture, &c., for Ireland in the year 1905-6 for distribution among certain officers of the Excise Surveying Staff, as remuneration for the collection of Statistics of Agricultural Prices in Ireland, for the purposes of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887.

(9.) Payments in excess of 251. by way of extra remuneration to Inland Revenue Officers (shown in cɔmpliance with Treasury Circular of 28th August, 1897) will be found in the Schedule following the Appendix.

C.-The sum of 41. 48. 2d. was received in the year 1905-6 from the Commissioners of Intermediate Education in Ireland by certain Distributors of Stamps in Ireland, as Poundage on the sale of the stamped forms of the Intermediate Education Commissioners.

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