Parliamentary Papers, Nide 52H.M. Stationery Office, 1907 |
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Sivu 9
... cost of electric lighting was in excess of the original estimate . - Remanet . Total Estimate - Expenditure to 31st March 1906 - Balance · £ . s . d . 100 82 16 1 £ . 17 3 11 Expenditure to 31st March 1906 · £ . 8. d . 2,808 6 The ...
... cost of electric lighting was in excess of the original estimate . - Remanet . Total Estimate - Expenditure to 31st March 1906 - Balance · £ . s . d . 100 82 16 1 £ . 17 3 11 Expenditure to 31st March 1906 · £ . 8. d . 2,808 6 The ...
Sivu 23
... Expenditure to } 31st March 1906 £ 1,432 4 8 This excess was caused by the erection of plant pits for which no provision had been made , but the urgent necessity for which was strongly pressed by the Regius Keeper in view of the ...
... Expenditure to } 31st March 1906 £ 1,432 4 8 This excess was caused by the erection of plant pits for which no provision had been made , but the urgent necessity for which was strongly pressed by the Regius Keeper in view of the ...
Sivu 25
... Expenditure to 31st March 1906 Balance - Total Estimate Expenditure to 31st March 1906 · £ . 12,000 - - } 8,277 9 - £ . 3,722 19 3 - £ 18,800 - 18,358 10 4 - Remanet . Balance - £ . 441 9 8 27 65 Expenditure under this head is uncertain ...
... Expenditure to 31st March 1906 Balance - Total Estimate Expenditure to 31st March 1906 · £ . 12,000 - - } 8,277 9 - £ . 3,722 19 3 - £ 18,800 - 18,358 10 4 - Remanet . Balance - £ . 441 9 8 27 65 Expenditure under this head is uncertain ...
Sivu 27
... 31st March 1906 , showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub - Head of the Vote . SERVICE . GRANT . EXPENDITURE . Expenditure , compared with Grant . Less More than Granted . than Granted . £ . S. d . £ . S. d . £ . S. d . £ , s ...
... 31st March 1906 , showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub - Head of the Vote . SERVICE . GRANT . EXPENDITURE . Expenditure , compared with Grant . Less More than Granted . than Granted . £ . S. d . £ . S. d . £ . S. d . £ , s ...
Sivu 29
... Expenditure to £ . S. d . 31st March , 1906 } 4,519 19 11 Subsequent to the preparation of this Estimate an advisory Committee was appointed to consider the question of the ventilation , and considerable expenditure for which no ...
... Expenditure to £ . S. d . 31st March , 1906 } 4,519 19 11 Subsequent to the preparation of this Estimate an advisory Committee was appointed to consider the question of the ventilation , and considerable expenditure for which no ...
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31 March Accounting Officer Aid Realised anticipated Appropriations in Aid Buildings Casual variation Causes of Variation certify charged CLASS I.-continued Commission Commissioners compared with Grant Comptroller and Auditor Court Deduct Dublin ended 31st March Estimate has taken Estimate over Expenditure Estimated cost examined Expenditure and Grant Expenditure Gross EXPENDITURE in excess Expenditure to 31st Extra Receipts EXTRA REMUNERATION Fees Fund Grant Gross Grant in Aid Gross Estimate GROSS TOTAL Incidental Expenses Inland Revenue Ireland IRELAND-continued John Kempe Loans March 1906 Balance Miscellaneous PACKET AND TELEGRAPH paid payment place under Sub-Heads POST OFFICE PACKET Prisons provision Queen's College realised in excess received Remanet Repayment REPORT REVENUE DEPARTMENTS Royal Royal Irish Constabulary saving Scotland showing the Surplus shown STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE Sum Expended Sum Granted Surplus of Appropriations Surplus of Gross Surplus or Deficit Surrendered Total Estimate Expenditure Total Surplus Treasury Letter Variation between Expenditure Vict W. M. Martin Wei-Hai-Wei