Sivut kuvina

they said, as the trade was legal, there were regulations prescribing the number of slaves to be carried on board of a vessel of particular dimensions; but now, when the trade and the regulations for conducting it were equally abolished, three or four hundred slaves were crowded into a space in which formerly not one-fourth part of the number would have been immured. The committee appointed to report upon this petition, found themselves compelled to admit the facts: they declared that they found it impossible to doubt of the existence of the trade, in spite of the laws, and of the measures taken by government to insure their execution. They agreed with the petitioners, "that it was necessary to seek the means of rendering the existing laws more efficacious, and removing the obstacles which stood in the way of a complete suppression of a traffic, the impurity of which was a blot on the French name;" and they therefore proposed, that the petition should be referred to the president of the council of ministers. General Sebastiani and Benjamin Constant argued, that the whole blame lay with the ministers; for either they did not faithfully execute a sufficiently efficacious law, or they betrayed their duty in not proposing measures which would be so; and they declaimed loudly on the inhuman practice of slave-ships, when chased, throwing the negroes over-board, to conceal the nature of the cargo which they had carried. To this, M. de Villèle answered very sensibly, that no new law was required to punish such atrocities. "Throwing negroes into the sea, is murder, and punishable accord ingly. Insisting on such things is merely empty declamation." On

the other parts of the question, he said that government, had gone to the full length of their powers. Even slave-ships and their com➡ manders that had withdrawn into foreign countries, had been pro ceeded against; and, at that moment, the question of the legality of such prosecutions, which had been ordered by government, was pending before the court of appeal. To increase the severity of the law might be injurious to the very persons whom it was wished to protect; for if, as the petitioners alleged, the traffic was now carried on with precautions against deteetion which exposed its miserable victims to greater sufferings than before, would not the effect of making the punishment capital be, that those who followed the trade, would, to escape from the gibbet, adopt precautions still more inhuman than those they now prac tised to escape from confiscation? "The real cause of the evil" said he, "lies in the difficulty of apply ing the law. Therefore it is, that the ministry redoubles its efforts and its precautions, and it is thus that it will arrive at the end which it proposes, much better than by a more severe penalty. We must arrive insensibly at the point; and we have already made a great advance, since there is no hesitation to apply the law. Do not doubt but that we shall immediately have fewer complaints. While this is our conviction, it would be on our part an act of weakness to give way to declamation, and to adopt measures, which, instead of reaching the object, would carry us away from it." A M. Dudon actually spoke feelingly of the misery of the captains of slave ships: "torn from their country, and their families, and reduced to

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to the Morea in a French ship

serve as broken the law which prohibits the of war; and carried their wishes at common sailors, for having trade;" and he seriously thought, so far as even to call on the that no member who had seen a Chambers to compromise the goslave-captain thus reduced, would vernment, by voting money for the ever propose to aggravate the use of the Greeks. In the debate enormity or the punishment of his on the king's speech, Benjamin offence. Probably M. Dudon meant, Constant, who, with general Sethat a detected slave-captain was bastiani was the great leader of the afraid to come home to enjoy the Philhellenes in the Chamber of fruits of his infamous traffic. The Deputies, moved the following same member asserted that the paragraph as an addition to the slave-trade was carried on by Eng- address: Finally, Sire, your land to a greater extent than by faithful subjects, deputies of the France; that British vessels took in departments, dare to supplicate their cargoes on the coast of Africa as your majesty to consult, in your usual, carried them to Madagascar, wisdom, what methods are to be Chrisand evaded their law, by intro- taken to save these unhappy ducing them into the British colo- tians, who fall in thousands beneath nies as old slaves imported from the sword of the infidels; and, that settlement! Such were the above all, to prevent Frenchmen, statements gravely made in the whom their country and Europe French legislature. disavow, from seconding the ferocious enemies of the Christian name; for, if we see with indifference our eastern brethren massacred, all protestations of respect and love for that holy religion which they profess as well as we, will seem, in our mouths, a cruel and bitter derision." It was not true, in point of fact, that thousands of Christians were perishing beneath the sword of the infidels; military success had as yet been pretty fairly, and savage massacre in cold blood had as yet been equally, divided between Turks and Greeks; and what sort of policy would it be to lay it down as a rule, that whenever fortune favours Turkey in a war against Russia or Austria, every other nation must hasten to protect them, for the sake of Christianity, against the power of their enemy? Both good policy, and the real justice of the cause, may often every good comp to the to wish success treasures statesman

The proposal of the committee on the petition was not adopted, and the Chamber got rid of the subject by passing to the order of the day; but the petition itself, as well as the admissions and opinion of the committee, were unequivocal proofs of the progress which the public mind in France was making upon this interesting question.

The French politicians, at least the opposition politicians, always contrived to mix up with the slavetrade the assistance said to be given by their government to Turkey against Greece, and which they denominated the white slave-trade. They did not confine themselves to the propriety of government maintaining a strict neutrality, but complained of its not preventing individuals from lending their private aid to the Turks; abused it for allowing ships to be built in French ports for the Turkish commanders, and transporting the of Ibrahim Pacha from Egypt

sword of the infidel." No wise go

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In the Chamber of Peers, the duke de Choiseul declared, with the usual mixture of bad taste and egregious vanity so ordinary in French rhetoricians, "that anathemas were pronounced against the enemies and oppressors of Greece, against all who furnished arms, or afforded military instruction, to unbelievers in the cross; that Europe, led by the example of France, was pouring forth gifts and offerings for their brethren in the East, and opening a new Crusade of benefits and generosity that, next to the honour of being a French peer, was the honour of being a member of the Greek committee; that however the barbarous policy of cabinets might crush the glorious cause, his name, and those of other Greek committee-men would be consecrated by posterity for their attachment to liberty, religion, and humanity; and that the greatest fault of the budget that it did not contain a vote in favour of Greece." The more sober, rational, and practical views of the ministers, as opposed to these crude ebullitions of superficiality and sentimentalism, were to be learned from the report of a committee, to whom a petition connected with the Greek cause had been referred. The report of the Committee was the following:

"The interest with which the Chamber has heard in a recent de

bate the eloquent expression of the sentiments which the misfortunes of Greece inspire, proves that it is unanimous upon this point. They are, in fact, unfortunate men, Christians, who combat with courage, not to defend a political opinion, but to save their property, their lives, their religion. On seeing them fall by thousands under the sword of the Turks, who could refuse his pity to so much suffering-his admiration to so much courage? But the cause of Greece has served as a pretence for some men to attack the government, and the Chamber has thought, with reason, that it would not become the government to meddle with these attacks. It has thought that the silence of all other nations would be sufficient to justify the conduct of government. How, in fact, could France take upon herself to light the torch of discord, and throw, perhaps, all Europe into a general war?

"These considerations have determined us to propose to you, not to receive a proposition, which is not the mere expression of a sentiment of pity, but which would be, if taken into consideration, the approval of a political system which presents the greatest danger."

Specific charges of direct interference on the part of the French government to give assistance to Turkey, and thus violate the neutrality which she professed, were capable of more direct and specific answers. It was alleged that the ministers had supplied officers to Ibrahim; that, under their eyes, his vessels had been built at

Marseilles, and the cannon made that were used in the siege of Missolonghi; that they allowed agents to recruit for him openly

in France, and permitted the officers whom he enlisted to retain their military rank; and that, after the expedition of Ibrahim into the Morea, his treasures had been transported from Alexandria to Navarino, in a French ship of war. In so far, however, as any of these accusations were founded in fact, it did not appear that they could fairly be imputed as matters of blame to the French ministry, although it might well be, that the ministers took no warm interest, and could have no direct interest, in the success of the Greeks. It was true that the treasures of the Egyptian army had been transported to Greece in French vessels; but every officer concerned in that act had been recalled, as well as the commander on the station, and had been punished. Vessels had been built at Marseilles for other potentates equally unchristian as the pacha of Egypt, without objection; they had been built for the dey of Algiers, although his object and interest were, to employ them against every Christian power in Europe. The pacha had been allowed to build a frigate and a corvette; but he had been allowed only to build them, not to arm them. If there were agents in France recruiting for him, it was difficult to see how government could restrain them, when their proceedings were justified by the conduct of their very opponents; for surely it would be no observance of the national neutrality, if the government prohibited the agents of Turkey from begging or bribing for their master, while the Greek-committee men, and their agents, were not only collecting men, arms, and money, in every part of the kingdom for the service of Greece, but boasted publicly in

the legislature of the success which attended their exertions. Sevè, a renegade, over whom France had no longer any power, was the only officer in the Turkish army who had borne a French commission; but several of them were to be found in the ranks of the Greek forces. Government, if it wished to preserve an impartial neutrality, could only grant to both parties, the liberty of doing such things or grant it to neither. The ad. herents of the Greek cause accused the French squadron in the Levant of various acts of hostility towards the Greek maritime forces; but the reports of admiral de Rigny, who commanded on that station, refuted the charge. According to these reports, of the transports forming part of Ibrahim's fleet, which reached the Morea in November, 1825, some were Austrian, some English, some were Spanish, Tuscan, Sardinian, or American, but not one was French: on the request of the admiral, Ibrahim had delivered up to him all the female slaves within his reach, purchased from his own soldiers, and they were sent to Napoli di Romania. An account of the French having fired upon a vessel of the Greek admiral Canaris was contradicted by a declaration under the hand of Canaris himself: from the commencement of the troubles, the French fleet had served as an asylum to upwards of seven thousand Greeks, men, women, and children; it had never carried either troops or money to the Turks in the Morea, and had never fired on a Greek vessel, except on pirates for the defence of French merchantmen. The cannon used in the siege of Missolonghi were not French cannon; the officers who directed the siege were not

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French, but Piedmontese and Nea politans. The renegade Seyè was the only Frenchman in Ibrahim's army, and he, whatever might be his reason for keeping aloof from active operations, had always remained, during the last campaign, in the rear, in the vicinity of Modon.

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mises in the name of the king of France, a name which still retains all its grandeur in the recollec tion of the mass of the population, and the island is yours. That," exclaimed the orator, "that, gentlemen, is the way in which I would have conceived the conquest of San Domingo." The illegality, It was not without much resist again, of the recognition was inance by the ultra-royalist party, ferred from the parliament of Paris that the indemnity stipulated for having refused to ratify the cession the French colonists of San Domin of Guienne to England after the go, when the independence of the Battle of Poictiers. M. de la BourHaytian republic was recognized, donnaye asked the Chamber, if they was carried. The opposition was, would not have spilled the last drop not to the principle or the amount of blood, rather than ratify the trea of the indemnity, but to the re- ties of Pavia or Bretigny: and there cognition itself, which was de- might have been something in the nounced as a concession made to question, if the spilling of French republican principles, a new sacri- blood would necessarily have led to fice to the interests and policy of the recovery of San Domingo, and Britain, and an unconstitutional if the recovery itself would have alienation of part of the inalienable counterbalanced to France the territory of France. Count Ber- money and the troops which she thier held the re-conquest of the must have squandered in effecting island to be the easiest exploit ima- it. To these topics of declamation ginable, an enterprise that would were opposed the simple facts, incontestably be successful. San that the island had been independDomingo, he said, had only about ent, beyond all question, for thirty 10,000 men for its defence, and its years; that its separation from population did not exceed 400,000; France had become complete; that but, on the same ratio, France, ideas of re-conquest were chimerical, with a population of thirty millions, for the climate would make it, the could supply an army of 750,000 grave of every French army that men for its attack. Besides, the entered it; and that, devastated as black population would form them- it had been, and all the sources of selves into regiments on the side its commerce blighted, by a civil of the invaders, and fight as the war of long duration and atrocious vanguard of the French army, like character, its possession would not the sepoys in British India. Nay, be a gain, but a burthen. The a few active and loyal subjects, liberals blamed the way of making supported by a few regiments and the recognition, rather than the a few ships of war, would have recognition itself. It was an act, been sufficient to bring back the they said, beyond the royal precolony under French domination. rogative, and an arbitrary asOnly promise the black popula-sumption of power pregnant with tion its liberty, and to each fa danger to the country. Only the mily a piece of ground in absolute legislature could dispose of any part property; only make these pro- of the property of the state. If such

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