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an account of all sufferings for our Christian testimony; a copy of which account is to be sent up to the meeting for sufferings, and after being examined and approved, to be there also recorded; and that all our books of record have proper alphabets, that recourse may be had more readily to any particular, when occasion requires.


It is advised, that when friends are about to remove from one monthly meeting to another, they first acquaint the monthly meeting to which they belong thereof, in order for their brotherly advice and counsel in that respect.

And where any so remove, they are to apply for, and if no objection appears against it, to have, a certificate of their life, conversation and circumstances, according to truth and justice, as they may deserve from the said meeting; to be produced to the monthly meeting within the limits of which they are going to reside. And such friend or friends shall from thence forward be deemed members of the meeting they so remove unto, except they were insolvent, or had been relieved by the meeting recommending, or some other meeting on their behalf, within the term of three years preceding the delivery of such certificate. But if any friend or friends, who have delivered a certificate, shall fall into necessitous circumstances, and shall ask and receive any relief within the above limited time of three years, not having contributed to the meeting they were recommended to, such friend or friends. shall then continue to belong to the meeting from

whence they were recommended; yet the meeting within the compass of which they reside shall assist and relieve them, and give notice thereof to the meeting which recommended them; and, upon that meeting's receiving such notice, it shall immediately take the necessary care of them, and repay the charges the meeting to which they were recommended has been at on their account.

And upon any friend's removing and neglecting to apply for a certificate, the monthly meeting from which he removed, is desired to recommend him without such application; and if that should also be omitted for the space of three months, the monthly meeting into which such friend is removed, is at liberty to apply for a recommendation; and every monthly meeting so applied to, is desired to comply with such application, where there is no sufficient cause of delay.

It is advised that no friend gain a settlement by marriage certificate, or other recommendation, unless a removal be expressed therein.

It is recommended, that all certificates of removal, issued by our monthly meetings, be signed by the clerks of both the men's and women's meetings. 1833.



FRIENDS are advised against a declension crept in ⚫ among us by unbecoming gestures, in cringing and bowing the body by way of salutation, which ought not to be taught or countenanced.

[See Plainness.]



ADVISED, that schoolmasters and schoolmistresses, who are faithful friends, and well qualified, be encouraged in all places where there may be need; and that care be taken, that poor friends' children may freely partake of such education, as may tend to their benefit and advantage, in order to apprenticeship. 1695.

Quarterly and monthly meetings are desired to take care, that in all places where schools are set up for teaching friends' children, the masters be diligent to improve and forward their scholars in learning, and to keep them out of everything that would corrupt good manners. 1697.

It is the renewed concern of this meeting, to recommend a care for the offspring of parents, whose earnings or income are so small, as to render them incapable of giving their children a suitable and guarded education, and that especially from home; by which they may be prevented from mixing with others not of our religious persuasion, which so often leads into hurtful habits, from which they are not afterwards easily reclaimed. And, as some of our members may incautiously permit their offspring to suffer this great loss, rather than apply

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