Sivut kuvina

Bp. Tay

lor's Life

ordered him to arise and secure the Holy Child Jesus and his Mother, by a Flight into Egypt; which he immediately put into Execution, and departed in the Night, that they might lose no Time, and might the better preserve themselves from Discovery.

Q. What Account have we of our Saviour's Journey and abode in Egypt?

A. The Scriptures are silent in this Matter, though Historians affirm his first abode was at Hermopolis, in the Country of Thebais; where, when they ar rived, the Holy Child Jesus being by Design of Providence carried into the Temple, the Statues and Idols fell down like Dagon at the Presence of the Isa. xix. 1. Ark, according to the Prophecy of Isaiah: Behold the Lord shall come into Egypt, and the Idols of Egypt shall be moved at his Presence.

of Christ, p. 67.

Ver. 23.

Q. What Account have we of our Saviour's Return from Egypt?

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Mat. ii. 19. A. Herod's Death being made known to Joseph by an Angel in Egypt, they returned into the Land of Israel, in Obedience to the heavenly Admonition but being apprehensive that Archelaus might inherit the Ambition and Cruelty of his Father Herod, they went into the Parts of Galilee, where Antipas, another of Herod's Sons, had seated himself, conteuding with his Brother Archelaus for the whole Kingdom. They dwelt in a City called Na zareth, which fulfilled the Prophecy, that our Saviour should be called a Nazarene; which some Interpreters refer to Christ's being called that Netser, in the Prophets, signifying the Branch relating to the House of Jesse; of which Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah, had so often spoken. Though it does not appear how this was fulfilled by Christ's being at Nazareth; because he was as much the Netser, the Branch before, when he was born at Bethlehem. And therefore others, with greater Probability, John. i. 47. think our Saviour was sent by the Angel to this contemptible City of Nazareth, out of which no good Thing was expected, that he might thence have a Name of Infamy: In which Sense it was

Is. xi. 1.
Jer. xxiii.
Zech. vi.



applied to him by the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles. And thus the Prophets speak of him as of a Psal. Ixix. Person that was to be reputed vile and abject, despised and rejected of Men.

Q. How was Herod punished for his great Wickedness ?

9, 10.

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lib. 17. c. 8

A. He was smitten by God with many Plagues and Tortures. According to Josephus, he was in Josephus, flamed with a slow Fire, which outwardly seemed not so vehement, but inwardly affected all his Entrails: He had a ravenous and unnatural Appetite, which could no Ways be satisfied: Besides, he had an Ulcer in his Bowels, with a strange and furious Cholic; his Feet were swelled, and of a venomous Colour; his Members rotted, and were full of crawling Worms ; to this add, he had strong Convulsions, and Shortness of Breath; and after having tried the Physicians for Relief without Success, he died: but not without farther Testimonies of his Cruelty..

Q. Is there any Account of the Number of Children that were put to Death?

A. The Greek Church in their Calendar, and the Abyssines of Ethiopia in their Offices, commemorate fourteen thousand Infants; for Herod being crafty, and taking the best Measure he could that the Holy Child Jesus might not escape, had caused all the Children to be gathered together; which the credulous Mothers (supposing it had been to take an Account of their Age and Number, in order to some taxing) hindered not, and thereby they were betrayed to that cruel Butchery...

Q. How doth the Evangelist represent the Lamentations of the Bethlehemite Parents for their Children?

A. By a prophetic and figurative Speech, cited from Jeremiah, concerning the Captivity of Baby-Jer. xxxi. lon, and the Slaughter of Jerusalem, long after Ra-15. chael's Death, who therefore did not really weep; but is said to express the lamentable Slaughter. And so also it had here a second Completion in this killing of the Infants in Bethlehem,

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Q. For what Reason may we suppose that God permitted the Destruction of so many Children in Bethlehem?

A. It doth not become us too nicely to enquire into the Proceedings of infinite Wisdom, all whose Actions are governed by the highest Reason; but among several Thoughts that offer themselves, we may consider whether the Infidelity of the Bethlehemites, after such sufficient Means afforded for their Conviction, might not draw upon them so severe a Punishment. They not only gave no Reception to the Virgin Mary, big with Child, and of the House of David; but they neither owned nor worshipped our Saviour at his Birth. The Message of the Shepherds and their great Joy, the Arrival of the Wise Men from the East, and their Offerings, had no effectual Influence, upon them. And it is not

unusual with God to visit the Sins of the Fathers upon their Children; especially since the Children were made Instruments of God's Glory, and not only delivered from the Miseries of Life and the Corruption of their Ancestors, but were crowned with the Reward of Martyrdom.

Q. What may we learn from the Observation of this Festival?

A. That Religion is but too often used as an Instrument to serve ambitious and worldly. Designs; which should make good Men cautious how they combine with Men of that Temper, in the Measures they take to promote it. That Afflictions are not always Arguments of Guilt, since Innocent Children were made a Sacrifice to the Ambition of a cruel Tyrant. That they are sometimes Tokens of God's Favour, and that many a Man has owed his Happiness to his Sufferings. That we ought to be ready to part with what is so dear to us, our own Children, whenever they may become Instruments of God's Glory. That we ought not to fear the Cruelty nor Policy of the greatest Tyrant, who can never hurt us without God's Permission. That what Op

pression soever Innocence meets with from the Hands of wicked Men, is for the Good of those that suffer it. That the Conduct of those Parents, who neglect the Education and Instruction of their Children in Christian and virtuous Principles, exceeds the Cruelty of Herod; he only deprived them of Life, but such expose them to eternal Death. That to be true Disciples of Christ, we must be come as little Children in the Frame and Temper of our Minds, without which we cannot enter intò Mat. xviii. the Kingdom of Heaven.

Q. Wherein consists that Temper of Mind which our Saviour represents to us by the Emblem of little Children?

A. It consists in Humility and Lowliness of Mind; in a total Submission to the Will of God; and in an entire Dependence upon him in all Dangers that relate either to our Bodies or Souls: And particularly in a Contempt of the World, and a Freedom from covetous and ambitious Desires; which never enter into the Minds of Children, and which very much obstruct and hinder our being true Members of Christ's spiritual Kingdom.

Q. Wherein consists this Humility and Lowliness of Mind?

4. In the true Knowledge of ourselves, and the understanding our weak and sinful Condition, taking to ourselves the Shame and Confusion due to our Follies; and giving God the Glory of all the good we receive, or are enabled to do. In bearing with Patience the Contumelies of others. In not being too much transported with those Praises we meet with, because, however our Actions may appear to Men, it is only the Approbation of God which can give us solid Comfort. In avoiding all Occasions of drawing upon ourselves Commendations, never speaking nor acting only with a Design to procure Applause.

Q. Wherein consists the Submission of a Christian?
A. In a firm Persuasion of Mind, that Nothing


happens to us but by the Will and Permission of God. That he loves us better than we do our selves, and knows the best Methods of making us happy. And that therefore we should acquiesce in all Events, how contrary soever to our own Inclinations; and how much soever they may thwart those Schemes of Happiness and Enjoyment which we have framed to ourselves.

Q. Wherein consists our entire Dependence upon God?


A. In expecting in all our Dangers, temporal and spiritual, by a serious and diligent Discharge of our own Duty, Relief from his Almighty Power, which is able to help us; and from his infinite Goodness, which has promised to assist us. therefore not to disquiet ourselves with the Apprehensions of Dangers and Calamities that may never happen; or, if they do, may be over-ruled to our Advantage.

Q. Wherein consists the Contempt of the World? A. In looking on all worldly Enjoyments as little and inconsiderable, mere empty Nothings, in Com parison of that Happiness which God hath prepared for those that love him. In being content with that Portion of the good Things of this Life, which the wise Providence of God hath allotted to our Share; without purchasing the Enjoyment of them by the Commission of any Sin; without being anxiously concerned for the Increase of them, or extremely depressed when they make themselves Wings and fly away. In a moderate Use of all those lawful Pleasures and Enjoyments which relate to the Gratifica tions of our Senses and fleshly Appetites; as becomes Persons who expect their Portion not in the Pleasures of this World, but in the Happiness of the next. In a low Esteem of those Idols of the World, Riches and Honour; being ready to forsake them whenever they come in Competition with the Performance of our Duty. In bearing the Afflictions and Calamities of this Life with Patience and Constancy: look

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